#fuck covid


Covid năm thứ 3 thì mình là 1/500k người nhiễm trong 24h. Ho đau họng mất giọng và ăn nhạt nhẽo cũng không đánh bại được mình. Cố lên! Tết đến nơi rồi


FR 30012022

pueden que no sean familia de sangre, pero aun así Anya al igual que su madre sirven mucho para memepueden que no sean familia de sangre, pero aun así Anya al igual que su madre sirven mucho para meme

pueden que no sean familia de sangre, pero aun así Anya al igual que su madre sirven mucho para memes.

Post link

The vaccine, without a doubt. In DND terms, think of it as a potion that gives you a +15 modifier to your saving throw to avoid getting sick, to avoid spreading it to others, and if you fail the getting sick saving throw, you retain that modifier to avoid severe illness/hospitalization. If you fail THAT roll, you still retain the huge bonus to your death save.Now, some people have very bad immune systems… vaccines are less reliable with those folks, but do still help. And, of course, rolling a 1 is certainly a thing.

I feel worse then I did yesterday, in which I felt okay yesterday.

But today? I feel like crap, and it sucks.

Guy’s, remember to make sure to stay 6ft away from others, wash your hands, and wear a mask

If your not feeling well, stay inside so you can protect yourself and as well others.

So my dad brought home covid and my mom and I are immunocompromised! He’s already better and going back to work, where he originally got it from most likely, and my mom and I are horribly sick, we’re all vaccinated thankfully but still super sick. My lungs, especially my right one, feels super heavy and hurts to laugh or cough, which I’m doing a ton of. And my dad’s pissy that we’re not getting better as fast cuz apparently we want to get waited on like I’m sorry we have it worse than you do you want that? Wtf? Anyway that’s how things are going rn
