

Shall the world burn?


Fyodor and Reader celebrate a victory well deserved after hours of planning and calculation. As the world burns, heat and tension spark between the couple, the two new deities of a new world.

Characters present:



15+(I’m gonna start adding age “recommendations’’ because I can’t stop you from reading, but try and respect my boundaries DNI- if your age in your bio is 14< I will block you T_T I have nobody blocked and I really hate blocking, so please respect my boundaries.)

Mild Suggestive content-

Manipulation- NOT a healthy relationship

violence/gore - Minor but there

Canon divergence.

Religious themes


824 (last paragraph holds suggestive content would make it 690 words if you skipped it)

Flames, an eternal symbol of different takes. Like with all things that lay rest within the world, fire can be interrupted in such ways that go over anybody’s heads. A symbol for rebirth, but also destruction, lies within bright lights that shimmer within the dark that surrounds them. Why can one not combine the two meanings into a perfect mix of the morals of white and black? For rebirth to appear, does destruction not come into play? As with crime and punishment, can you have justice without crime and crime without justice?

As with the former pair of fire, there is an adept place where you can have one but not the other, while where one exists, you must have the other. To have justice, there must be crime, and where there is rebirth, must be something to bring forth from the ashes. While on the side of the devil there is not the light of the saving grace, only the latter of destruction; without rebirth and crime, without its hand of punishment. Perhaps such ideas are what fuel the man’s mind. As he plays God upon his throne, his eyes focus on the burning world. From the ashes there shall be perfection, so he says. Without the tainted crime of abilities, a world beyond that of the mortal plane. He is to be the god of this new world, an all-knowing monster… while he is also the devil that lurks within the shadows, playing the darkness to counter perfection. He wishes for new, but the old must burn before such things can come to be.

His words were always sweet, like honey, to those he needed as chess pieces. He knew how to play his hands, which side of the coin he must play. To those who need to see him as divine, he is such, nothing less. For those who must see him walk within the shadows, a motivation to follow for a goal to kill is the devil that lurks behind mortal souls. To the one beside him, clinging upon his arm, like a lost child, he was their life source, an equal of the boundaries. A balance of two forces, neither savior nor hunter. He brought them into an enlightened craving. His eyes were nothing like a human’s gaze, but rather a ravished beast tearing at every defense as he penetrated them one… by one… until there was nothing but the exposed human heart within their shallow chest. His words like silk wrapped softly about their mind until he was their life’s center, their reason for living. The final chess piece in a game he’d been playing since the soil of Yokohama had graced the bottom of his boots… no…. longer, had he begun this journey the day the curse bestowed on his body had shown itself? This ability that helped him form his ideals and visions? Though he supposed it did not matter quite that much when it had begun now that the flames of everlasting change swallowed the land around.

His only true care within this greedy world was of the one seated over his lap, leaned against him as he watched change. “Look what we have made my angel, the heavens shake and the depths of hell tremble at our beck and call.” He smiled to himself as his glass of vodka touched his lips before he offered the same glass to his Guardian Angel. An ability that kept people away, a manipulation of the very elements of space and time, contorting things beneath veils of lies and tweaks of manipulation. To have the final card be this power concluded his success from the start.

To ease you into his grip had been a fun game while it lasted, to devote you to his views and create reliability upon him as your only line to surviving. His hand let that glass fall back to the table as his fingers twirl with your hair, his body language open and bored. “Let’s celebrate victory, little angel.” His voice swept within the walls, barely above a whisper as he trailed a delicate touch down your chin.

The small nod of those glassy eyes led him to lean forward, with lips curled into his snake-like smirk trialing against their neck. Leaving soft markings along the flesh as his hands moved from resting around their waist to leading down their sides, kneading the flesh between his hands. “Isn’t this world perfect now? Without the sinners?” The nod, as if they lacked a voice in their haze of admiration, always made his throat release a small chuckle. They would reign until death claimed their mortal souls. The two as one, running hands around each other. Their lips pressed together in rushed movements… The sound of breaths racing and lips smacking against each other as the world burned and rebuilt itself around them, the new centers in this world, echoed within the empty hall.



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I forgot to reblog this, I’m sorry!

Chapter 8 in Turkish!


Rivals Masterpost


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Kiss Kiss Fall in <Love3 - Soukoku Doujinshi

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Prompts open!

I am having a terrible art block!

The comic is finished and the merch survey is looking good so I wanted to do some sketches for possible designs.

But I can’t. I can’t focus on anything. It’s all just meaningless lines.

Apparently one of the ways to get rid of an art block is to take prompts, se here I am!

Feel free to spam me with your prompts. Anything [as long as it’s SFW] goes! You have the next 12 hours from now! [closes 9am UTC]

I will be drawing tomorrow and I will post them on Saturday. I may not draw all of them, but some of them may end up inspiring the possible merch, who knows?

Anyway, spam me! Soukoku is more than welcome, Shin Soukoku is very much welcome as well, so is Fyoya and Kousano! Loki/Alex? Heck yeah! [Just not Mori, please, he’s giving me uncomfortable vibes.]

[Somehow, I deleted the first reblog. I really am out of it today.]

Spam ahead! All art will be posted on @hayateart.

Chapter 9, page 35

This is the last of the three Fyoya consent pages! Normal content comes back on Monday. If you want to read the last 3 pages early and gain access to full epilogue next week, consider supporting me on Kofi and read the last pages here!

Also, please read the post here and fill out the survey if you’re interested in some Soukoku merch!

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Consent is important. Even better when it’s enthusiatic consent.

Also, yes, I know, it should be ‘with whom’ in that last panel. I actually spent 5 minutes debating whether Chuuya should use 'who’ or 'whom’. Considering it’s a common mistake and the way Chuuya grew up, and his current state of distress, I decided he wouldn’t care much for the correct grammar.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

It would be so nice if neither of them ever got hurt again. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

He is ಥ_ಥ

Self worth takes a huge dip when the person who convinced you they were your lover just stabs you. Dazai knows better though, and he will make Chuuya does too.

Please, wait! There is still an epilogue!

They are both trying. Fyodor… well, Dazai needed a few years of actively trying to be a good person to get to this point. Fyodor would probably need some more.

Chapter 9, page 34


So this is the second page of the conversation about Fyoya. Dazai and Chuuya are talking through the subject like propers adults in a healthy relationship should.

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Dazai is naturally worried about Chuuya while Chuuya is naturally worried about Dazai. They both want to make the other comfortable and if that is not love I don’t know what is.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

YES! I completely agree! They need to know they are on the same page here. They need to uphold their trust in each other. They need to be open.

If Soukoku is the best partnership on the battlefield, then let us carry that over to the bedroom and make them the perfect partners in life as well.

So, are we drafting for the army now? Nice.

Yup. And I’m sure Chuuya slept with some other people as well. but somehow, Fyodor and the circumstances around his relationship with Chuuya carry different weight.

Chuuya is a very considerate partner.

Chapter 9, page 33

Hi, the page is under the cut since this is the first page out of the three that goes into that really uncomfortable, not fully consensual part of Fyoya in this story. Feel free to skip it if you need to. Happy thoughts are back next Monday.

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I figured since Dazai has so many scars, Chuuya will have some as well.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

You’re actually coming back just in time for the happy ending! Hopefully, when you catch up, you’ll find a satisfying conclusion to the story. And no need to apologize for anything. Life is busy, you cannot spend it all online.

They are so cute together, honestly. I don’t even know how the creators managed that. Plenty official couples aren’t even half as perfect together as these two.

They stopped. I’m sorry to disappoint but it is precisely because their actions were heading that way they needed this converation.

[Sorry, I need to have less than 10 pics in an update and you were very enthusiastic about that page and there is a lot of comments.]

Soukoku is pure perfection. We all want to see them happy. Like honestly, I just want to see the official manga end with them both alive and happy. That’s all I care about right now.

[I fear they will both die in canon. Somehow, I have a very bad feeling it will happen and there’s nothing we can do about it.]

Well, it was definitely leading to that. But before that happens, there needs to be a consent talk.

[I think every healthy relationship should have a proper consent talk before people jump to bed together. Though, I’ll allow being enthusiactic about activities to come is enough consent in most cases.]

After the talk however they a free to do what they want. Unfortunately, any explicit pages would be removed from tumblr so I will leave that to your imagination.

They are getting there. Patience. Nothing explicit here but they certainly love one another.

Chapter 9, page 31

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Chuuya is happy just as he is, with Dazai, okay? They deserve to be happy.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

Dazai doesn’t know exactly how to express his deepest thoughts in a kind manner, especially not to Chuuya who he definitely ‘hated’ so yeah, it was not very pretty. But he finally managed what he wanted to say and Chuuya won’t hold his sharp words against him.

Thank you!

I think if Dazai stayed in the mafia, in the long run he would have been worse than Fyodor. As unfortunate as Oda’s death was, it actually saved him, helped him become a better person.

Dazai fears that since Chuuya loved the old Dazai, he possibly loves Fyodor and cares for present Dazai only because he still sees the old one there. He fears, there is actually a lot of the old Dazai in there as well. He worries that Chuuya will get hurt because of that, as he says in today’s update.

Chuuya, however, knows Dazai has changed. He can see that plainly, since there is nobody who knows Dazai better than Chuuya. And so he tells Dazai that the present him is the best Chuuya can hope for.

It’s fine, it’s all fine. We’re happy now. They were just worried.

It’s all fine. I would reserve bad feeling for the next week though. That’s when the conversation gets really difficult.

Chapter 9, page 30

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Dazai feels guilty about some stuff that happened and he worries.

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Dazai is a smart cookie, he knows. He has to think about all options though, but at the moment Chuuya’s wellbeing is his main concern. Even if he sounds very crass about it.

Oh boy indeed. But they’re reaching a conclusion here.

Shh, it’ll be fine.

It’s an obvious issue they both needed to address and honestly, Dazai tries his best here but he’s not really experienced with sensitive subject. Granted, neither is Chuuya.

Well, Fyodor definitely cannot be trusted.

You’re welcome! Also, it’ll be fine, I promise.

It would be boring if it all ended for them too easily. Isn’t it more exciting this way? Also, happy to see you back!

Chapter 9, page 29

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Feelings are complicated. From our point of view, Fyodor kidnapped, brainwashed and used Chuuya. From Chuuya’s point of view, Fyodor was the one who took him in when he was vulnerable, who introduced himself and acted as Chuuya’s partner and lover for weeks. Who cared about him and in turn who Chuuya cared about as well.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth.

Only much later Chuuya found out the truth and sure, he was angry, broken and betrayed but feelings are not that easy to get rid of.

And maybe, Chuuya doesn’t want to believe it was only an act.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday [pages 30-32 are up for the supporters!]

It’s possible. Who knows what lurks in his mind.

[As the author, I cannot confirm or deny yet. I will try to answer this sort of questions after the comic ends.]

On one hand I agree, it’s Fyodor. On another - it’s a crime not to care about Chuuya.

I’m pretty sure he cares about himself at least. Fyodor is ‘someone’.

Thank you so much ಥ_ಥ I’m trying so hard. A comic is primarily a visual medium. Expressions and body language are important and I struggle so much sometimes. I’m happy to hear that i improved. thank you!

Chapter 9, page 28

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[Only 10 pages left in this chapter and I’m nearly done editing them. I will start working on epilogue next week and then we’re really reallydone.]

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

I’d suggest somebody to hug as well [Chuuya and Dazai a both reserved for each other already.]


Well, we cannot be too happy. [I will try to do better in epilogue, but no promises.]

I’m bringing so pillows to sit on, so we can be at least comfortable.

Just the way I like it.

Ugh, barely had any time to do the CC properly -_- But hopefully it’s still a bit coherent (as usual, it’s there in English and Japanese) although the timing may be slightly off. Please turn them on, the lyrics are really important to understand the thing.

This was made in a few hours, and that was mostly me messing around with the water effect, which I’ve never used before. I also explicitly made this with the context of everything that’s currently happening in the story, and didn’t even try to make everything subtle - Chuuya doesn’t have his hat and his coat here, and it’s set in a flooded old building. The chains (which I lended from the stage I initially wanted to use) are also put in for a reason. Everything’s credited in the description as well.

Chapter 9, page 27

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Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

I have had a terrible craving for popcorn over the last few days. I’m sore there are people who’ll join you!

I’m sure there are people who join you, too.

Tis is BSD, we’re never done with the angst. They crying group is in the corner above.

If we put the groups close enough, you can join both.

Chuuya cut Fyodor’s tendons. without a proper operation, he’ll end up crippled.

They are both going to get hurt. This type of conversation has no winners.

Chapter 9, page 26

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Dazai asking big questions.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday [pages 27-29 are up for the supporters!]

It’s Fyodor, so who knows? For not killing him, for working with him. To mess with Dazai and make him think Chuuya is still actually on hos side. to mess with Chuuya to make him feel he failed and actually followed Fyodor’s real realplan all along. Just because he could?

Well, it’s not going to be all nice for the next few pages.

Chapter 9, page 25

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If you can’t tell, the big Fyoya talk is coming. The next few pages are feelings talk, and they won’t be hidden but the second part, consent part, is coming soon after, so be ready.

if you’re confused what I’m talking about, please, READ THIS POST.

Want to join the Discord or follow me on Kofi? All the useful links are in the Masterpost! Early access to pages for Kofi supporters every Friday and extra content every Monday.

I like it as well.

Your instincts were right. Chuuya could use a hug right about now. And for the next few pages.

I’m sure Dazai’s innermost darkness would be scarier than that. [Maybe like a portrait of Fyodor crying bloody tears or something.]

Maybe Dazai doesn’t really care much about Chuuya’s money, but he’s not above using them or simply wasting them.

random things that could happen with the bsd characters on a walk

this is literally 70% crack please don’t take this too seriously also a bit of suggestive content and cussing

Atsushi Nakajima: You’ll probably be approached by every single cat in the neighborhood and Atsushi will stop to pet them. It’s cute until they’re all scratching your legs and laying dead rats at your feet.

Dazai Osamu: At least two women will come up to you both, slap him out of nowhere and tell him that they’re gonna cut his dick off if they ever see him again. If you’re attentive, you’ll see Akutagawa at every street corner stalking you guys.

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke: If you’re lucky enough to walk with him, it’ll probably be at night. He’ll want to grab your hand but forgets he coughed blood on it earlier so you feel a slick, cold thing touch your palm and instinctively slap it away. You realize it was his hand and there’s an awkward silence for the rest of the walk. He cries about it later.

Chuuya Nakahara: Will try to impress you so hard, especially using his ability. 100% will beat up any guy that would try and approach you. Accidentally punches someone you know that was coming up to you to say hi. The rest of your “walk” is spent in the hospital where your friend is bedridden with 4 broken bones and a bloody nose.

Kunikida Doppo: There’s a strict schedule. You’ll have 11 minutes and 46 seconds to complete your walk, or on weekends 30 minutes and 56 seconds. While walking, you’ll try to talk to him about something but it always just ends with him complaining about Dazai’s dumbassery.

Ranpo Edogawa: Prepare a route for your walk before hand and make sure not to pass any sweet shops unless you want your wallet emptied. He’ll hold your hand like a kid and skip along the path- but will leave you without a second thought if he sees a stray cat cause he wants to give it to Fukuzawa.

Yosano Akiko: Literally the best person to go on a walk with. She’ll pick up a flower and put it in your hair cause she thinks it’ll look pretty on you. Don’t get hurt though. Not even a grazed knee cause the moment she sees it, she’ll bring her chainsaw out.

Fukuzawa Yukichi: Will fucking dip your ass if he sees a barking dog. Have fun trying to keep up with the DILF. Peepaw can run faster then you might think. (blame tik tok for that nickname btw)

Gin Akutagawa: She doesn’t talk much but will quietly whisper things to you if you’re close to her. Ignores Tachihara like a fucking plague and if you run into her brother you’re going to get stabbed-unless you happen to be Dazai Osamu. Which of course, you’ll never be.

Michizō Tachihara: He’s gonna try and get into your pants at a park bench at one in the morning. Some drunk girl stumbles by and asks if she can join you guys. You leave after Tachihara says yes.

Ichiyō Higuchi: Bisexual queen and anyone can tell. She simps for the Akutagawa Siblings while you guys walk but you can’t blame her cause you’re doing the same thing. Links your arms together.

Kouyou Ozaki: Spends the whole time talking about Kyouka and how cute she is, probably starts tearing up about it cause she wants her back home. You once said she was acting like Killua’s mother from Hunter X Hunter. She almost decapitated you.

Ogai Mori: Elise tags along always and people comment on how you guys look like a cute family. Mori doesn’t appreciate you replying with, “I rather die than marry an alternate universe Dino.” Elise thinks you’re fucking funny as hell.

Fyodor Dostoevsky: God complex motherfucker will death stare anyone who just as much as jaywalks and call them a “sinner”. Rats follow him around and he has a throne in the sewers with “Rat King” spelled out above it in red spray paint. Unfortunately for you- it actually looks aesthetic so he takes you there for your walk.

Nikolai Gogol: You’ll probably end up dead but it’ll be the best fucking walk you ever take. Starts talking about how everyone’s a bird in a cage and probably farts every few minutes cause he ate beans for lunch. Randomly moans cause he thinks its funny.

Sigma: Takes you to somewhere cute like a library and would try to kiss you at the end of the walk. But he gets nervous, trips, and falls on his face. Gogol’s

recording it all behind a bush to send to Fyodor later.

Edgar Allen Poe: Karl’s usually in his coat so whenever you go near him he smells like a whole ass zoo cause Karl’s a fucking player and as railed various she-racoons from all over Yokohama. Your walks look like a fucking pandemic with social distancing and shit.

Mark Twain: Just like Tachihara, if he likes you he’s gonna try and rail you somewhere. Gets cockblocked by Hawthorne who throws a whole ass cross as his head and knocks him out. He later proposes to you cause the only way Hawthorne will let you fuck is when you get married.

Jouno Saigiku: He’s not going to open his eyes. No matter what. You don’t know if he’s sleep walking or actually awake and listening to you. But it’s YOU who trips and falls- into his arms. It’s romantic till he drops you on purpose cause he needed to scratch an itch.

“Sorrow, my friend, lurks even in gilded places. You can’t escape from it anywhere.”

-Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Double
