#gay bar




To thank you all for following my blog I’ve decided to host a giveaway.

What can you win?

The winner can choose oneof the three Dutch magnets above. I will buy it once the giveaway ends, so if the magnet of your choice is not available anymore you can pick a substitute from the website.

How can you win?

Send me an ask (make sure you’re not anon) stating what you like about Dutch/The Netherlands and why you would like to win the giveaway. I won’t publish the ask, so you will still remain anonymous.

The winner will be picked at random, but with the rule above I want to make sure that people don’t only enter for the sake of winning something, but truly have some type of connection to the language/country.


  • Anyone younger than 18 needs parental permission to enter, since I have to send the magnet to your address.
  • Your entry is only valid when you have sent it in ask form. Any replies to this post will not count as an entry.
  • Respond before the closing date.

Closing date is 1st of January 2021.

Good luck!

Don’t forget to enter the competition if you want to participate!


To thank you all for following my blog I’ve decided to host a giveaway.

What can you win?

The winner can choose oneof the three Dutch magnets above. I will buy it once the giveaway ends, so if the magnet of your choice is not available anymore you can pick a substitute from the website.

How can you win?

Send me an ask (make sure you’re not anon) stating what you like about Dutch/The Netherlands and why you would like to win the giveaway. I won’t publish the ask, so you will still remain anonymous.

The winner will be picked at random, but with the rule above I want to make sure that people don’t only enter for the sake of winning something, but truly have some type of connection to the language/country.


  • Anyone younger than 18 needs parental permission to enter, since I have to send the magnet to your address.
  • Your entry is only valid when you have sent it in ask form. Any replies to this post will not count as an entry.
  • Respond before the closing date.

Closing date is 1st of January 2021.

Good luck!

Ookami Shounen to Hamu no Hito - MentaikoStatus: CompletedCategories: Bara, Coming Out of the Closet

Ookami Shounen to Hamu no Hito - Mentaiko
Status: Completed
Categories:Bara, Coming Out of the Closet, Drunk Intercourse, Gay Bar, Graduation, Moving Away, Reunion/s, Time Skip, Unexpressed Feelings, Unrequited Love
Genre: Adult, Drama, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Yaoi


Yuudai is a “in the closet” gay. He puts up straight perverted fronts for everyone. He is so used to lying he can’t confess and come out to his crush, Kimikazu. One night however, after a drinking party, Kimikazu shows his interest… Will Yuudai be able to be his true self?

It’s been a long time since I’ve read something that made me ‘react’. And when I say react, I mean like “OH, SHIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S NOT WHAT – WHAT THE HELL – NO! NO! NO! OMG! WHAT! OH YES! YES THAT’S IT ASSBUTTS YOU BETTER DO THAT UH-HUH!” (I don’t know if you got what I meant HAHA!) and it’s not all the time that I react to a manga/fanfic. Bottomline is: this manga is cute, it has angst, it has smut and it’s probably a story that has a predictable ending but then that predictable ending would still leave you lying on the floor, blushing like you’re the character in the manga, and you would have that stupid grin on your face after reading it *clears throat* that’s what happened to me btw.

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