#gender experience


I want to be ‘she’ in the way a shy, 5'2 punk with short messy hair and a flat chest is 'she’; but I also want to be 'her’ how a badass, immaculately dressed businesswoman, who knows what she wants and always gets it, is 'her’.

And I want to 'he’ in the way a man with a full, neat beard who can rock a deep-necked evening gown is 'he’; but also 'him’ how a young, kind-faced, clean-shaven regency gentleman is 'him’.

And I want to be 'they’ how a hot steampunk force of nature is 'they’; but also 'them’ how a fae in the forest, beautiful and ineffable and singing, and dancing, and dancing, is 'them’.

And I want to use neopronouns how a downbeat punk musician uses neopronouns; I want to use them how a gentle, fresh-faced kid who’s innocent of all that’s fucked up in this world uses neopronouns.

I want to be a trans woman, I want to be a cis man; I want to be an enby punk, a genderfluid steampunk, a trans goth guy; I want to be.

My gender is confusing, but it’s my gender, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense.
