#neo pronouns


Xenogenders, Neopronouns, & MOGAI

Unfortunately, a lot of people hate on those who indentify with xenogenders, neopronouns, or other MOGAI related terms. Similarly, a defence often used for these people is that, “most of them are just children,” or something akin this.

And as much as I agree that we should definitely let kids explore their identities in harmless ways, without others stepping in and mocking them, those kind of reubttles also feel… discrediting.

Again, for the younger groups who do identity with such terms, great! But that kind of phrasing makes it sound as if everybody who relates to those labels are just a bunch of misguided kids who will soon grow out of some phase.

Thing is, though. Teens and adults use neopronouns. Teens and adults indetify with xenogenders. So on and so forth. That doesn’t make them any less valid or real. The support is appreciated, but maybe try a less biased argument..?

#xenogender    #xenogenic    #mogai community    #neo pronouns    #neopronouns    #pro mogai    #xenogenders    

recently got targeted on ig for using neos and most of the people here were bullying me for it

so here’s a handy blocklist for any neousers/inclus who wanna stay safe and avoid bullying on ig for their opinions /srs

just got told i’m transphobic and make a mockery of the trans community since i use neos

all from a cis girl

not sure how to feel

I want to be ‘she’ in the way a shy, 5'2 punk with short messy hair and a flat chest is 'she’; but I also want to be 'her’ how a badass, immaculately dressed businesswoman, who knows what she wants and always gets it, is 'her’.

And I want to 'he’ in the way a man with a full, neat beard who can rock a deep-necked evening gown is 'he’; but also 'him’ how a young, kind-faced, clean-shaven regency gentleman is 'him’.

And I want to be 'they’ how a hot steampunk force of nature is 'they’; but also 'them’ how a fae in the forest, beautiful and ineffable and singing, and dancing, and dancing, is 'them’.

And I want to use neopronouns how a downbeat punk musician uses neopronouns; I want to use them how a gentle, fresh-faced kid who’s innocent of all that’s fucked up in this world uses neopronouns.

I want to be a trans woman, I want to be a cis man; I want to be an enby punk, a genderfluid steampunk, a trans goth guy; I want to be.

My gender is confusing, but it’s my gender, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense.

Neopronouns Omni (top) and Nounpronouns Pan (bottom).I adjusted the bottom stripe one the omni flag Neopronouns Omni (top) and Nounpronouns Pan (bottom).I adjusted the bottom stripe one the omni flag Neopronouns Omni (top) and Nounpronouns Pan (bottom).I adjusted the bottom stripe one the omni flag Neopronouns Omni (top) and Nounpronouns Pan (bottom).I adjusted the bottom stripe one the omni flag

Neopronouns Omni (top) and Nounpronouns Pan (bottom).

I adjusted the bottom stripe one the omni flag on the right, because there was only one blue on the flag I used (I colorpicked from the flags) and I wanted two blues.

Neopronouns and Nounpronouns flags from Geekycorn (Deviantart). Emojipronouns Bi coming soon

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#neopronouns    #noun pronouns    #nounpronouns    #neo pronouns    #pancore    #omnicore    #pan pride    #omni pride    #flag edit    #flagcore    #mspeccore    #mspec core    #mspecore    #omnisexual    #omnisexual pride    #pansexual    #pansexual pride    #pronouns    #neopronoun pride    #noun pronoun pride    #nounpronoun pride    #lgbtcore    #pridecore    

I’ve started using xe/xem pronouns along with she/her so here’s a board with the theme of how xe/xem makes me feel





#stimboard    #stimming    #xe xem    #pronoun stim    #pronouns    #dark aesthetic    #water aesthetic    #black stim    #green stim    #gold stim    #neo pronouns    #stimboard by belle    

When it comes to the use of neopronouns, I sometimes see people say, “Oh, that’s hard to remember! I might use they/them if I slip up occasionally because it’s non specific.” And you know what, it’s normal to get adjusted to new things! However, this comes with an understanding that you’re going to at least TRY to use their pronouns.

Say someone introduced themselves to you and said, “Hi! My name is Jim.” If, in response to that, you say, “Oh, Jim is hard for me to remember! I might call you “dude” instead if I forget because dude is a non-specific word,” and then NEVER even try to call the person Jim, that’s not cool. You might forget someone’s name after meeting them, especially if its more uncommon, and that’s okay! But what’s also okay is saying something like, “Hey, sorry about this, but what’s your name again? I forgot it.”

Just apply that same logic to neopronouns, and boom. You’re golden.

#neo pronouns    #pronouns    #neopronouns    #mogai friendly    #mogai safe    