#gender help


@james-isnt-here , thank you so much! mobiles a bitch so I can’t pass it on quite the same, but thank you for thinking about us when you sent this ♡

@ anon: i know its been a while since u sent this, so i hope u got some answers in the meantime! Otherwise, I can’t exactly offer too much an answer other than you gotta find what feels right!

i hope its ok to show ur url, if not I’ll totally take this down, but this is useful information!

1. No, since this is a side blog, I looked through and could not find an option for messaging. It may be turned off as I’m not the sole owner of this side blog!

2. following the same op first, yes its totally fine to have those flags if you want those! There is a demigender flag, but you'dhave to find a like, etsy seller who has it!!

3. currently moodboard requests are closed as I don’t have the time, phone space or energy to make too many of them, I’m so sorry!

hey yall!! same stuff; hope you got some answers in downtime! for the first anon, that sounds like a fluid gender identity, and I hope you found what feels right! 2nd anon, i fluctuated with that for a while! Two very different yet so close expressions and feelings, those are. If you feel you fit the binary, then that’ll answer your question!



Just in case someone sees this… does anyone know of a gender where the number of genders is fluid? Like you can go from bigender to Poly gender to monogender to something else, but the number of genders is fluid like a Genderfluid person gender is? Idk if that makes sense but I thought I’d ask

Not sure if this word has been created before but you could go with polyflux or polynumerusflux (numerus = number in Latin so it would sortve mean “number of multiple genders fluctuates”) I’d be happy to make a flag for u if u choose that

Maybe Polycopiaflux? Copia is an alternate Latin word for number and numerus is a bit long so I thought maybe that could be an option? Thank you so much for the suggestions and the offer though, I would love if you made a flag
