#genshin headcanons


Kazuha from Genshin Impact is dangerously close to be one of my top comfort characters.


warnings: none

sypnosis: childe and zhongli blush like a girl because of you

writer’s note: i have so many unfinished drafts

content under the cut!



⤜ childe’s a sucker for small, genuine things!

⤜ when you see him for the first time during the day, don’t be shy to compliment him.

⤜ anything from “you look great today!” to smaller things like “i’m glad someone’s been getting more sleep!” tells him that you pay attention to him. it just makes him so happy!

⤜ he doesn’t show it too much but he eats it up when you call him cute. he giddily fanboys about it in his head

⤜ “they called me cute, i’m cute now, i’m the cutest, i’m so cute,”

⤜ whenever you run into him, he’s quick to propose that the two of you spend time together while he’s still free

⤜ the weather seems perfect for a walk! is it raining? well, looks like he’s gonna drag you inside and introduce you to his personal recipe for calla lily seafood soup!

⤜ the first time you tried it was unforgettable to him. it still leaves him sighing dreamily, moonstruck every time he recalls the sight of your warm smile, eyes shining with delight.

⤜ after your first bite, he had asked you how it tasted, bragging about how he was the best cook back at home. he’s just excitedly anticipating your answer but he’d never let it show.

⤜ you beamed happily at him, saying that it was delicious

⤜ his heart practically stopped at the look on your face

⤜ you ramble on about how you prefer his cooking over any restaurant cuisine while eating more

⤜ you got worried when you see him looking away with a hand cupping his mouth, failing to notice his bright red ears

⤜ one time when you two were eating out; he had gotten up to pay the bill

⤜ being the energetic and reckless person he is, he had gotten up from his chair too fast. his mask had tumbled off his head and onto the ground

“oh! i’ll get that for you.”

hurried apologies spewed out of childe’s mouth as he scratched the back of his neck bashfully.

you smiled gently at him as you stood back up, patting the dust off his mask. he abruptly shut himself up, eyes darting from your own eyes to your raising arm.

he noticed you leaning in, your chest so close to his and your face just mere inches away.

were you always this short? how badly he just wanted to wrap his arms around your small figure protectively, nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck– oh, if only the circumstances were different.

if only he had permission to hold you whenever he desired, to kiss your body anywhere and everywhere he wanted.

the thoughts had dispersed when he finally realized how close the proximity grew. he felt his cheeks explode with warmth, wanting nothing in that moment but to dip his head and–

you placed the mask back on the side of his head gingerly, fixing it on before leaning back.

you clasped your hands before speaking, “alright! well, i should get going now.” you look away, grabbing your bag before looking back up at him. “i don’t want to hold you up too long–”

he seized your small dainty hands in his large gloved ones.

his gaze, shining with newfound determination hardened to hide any amount of adoration and love for you he had behind them was directed into your own as he spoke,

“what’s your ring size?”


⤜ zhongli doesn’t really read into anything you do or say. whatever happens, happens!

⤜ he appreciates genuine compliments! not about his looks but preferably about his interests or what he does. but if you do want to call him pretty, go ahead! he’d be happy to hear any type of compliment coming from you :)

⤜ there was an instance where you had gotten him a gift once for his birthday. a simple ink pen, however you had it custom made with cor lapis.

⤜ when he had received it, you had told him that cor lapis reminded you a lot of his eyes. that whenever you thought about them, you’d find yourself more relaxed.

⤜ that’s when it hit him that you think about him. even more, you like thinking about him

⤜ he treasures the pen greatly. ever since his birthday, it’s been the only thing he writes with!

⤜ whenever he compliments you, he feels his heart warm up at the sight of your gentle smile as you thank him. it encourages him to continue as he grew addicted to the feeling. addicted to your smile.

⤜ he’d hear his own heartbeat grow louder whenever you’d make any type of physical contact with him.

⤜ but he doesn’t really think anything about his behavior. he’d rather just enjoy your smile while it lasted. cheesy corny old man

⤜ it’s only then when he’s at home, perhaps drinking some tea by his lonesome or reading a book does he let his thoughts drift off.

⤜ his heartbeat picks up just by the slightest as he smiles to himself, looking forward to the next time he gets to see you so he can create more of those moments

⤜ the first time he met your mother in the marketplace of liyue harbor was the first time he finally considered making a move

⤜ you were helping her with grocery shopping, that and making up for lost time

you stuck your arm out to wave at a familiar brunette only to be nudged and shoved by the bustling crowd.

you let out a surprised yelp before tripping over your own feet, stumbling forward and falling towards the ground.

suddenly, strong sturdy arms encased your figure. the same, firm hold pulled you up so you can stand upright. you look up only to be met with familiar amber golden eyes, worry evident in them.

“are you alright?” zhongli asked, eyes scanning your figure for any injuries. to his relief, there were none.

you felt your heart fluttering when you realized how close he was holding you. how warm he was as well. you tried to reply only to be interrupted be your mother.

“there you are– is this your boyfriend?” your mother teased, crossing her arms.

both you and zhongli stared at her, one with curiosity and the other with pure bashfulness. you pulled away from his hold, rubbing the back of your neck.

“mom, t-this is my friend, zhongli!” you introduced the two to each other.

before he could even say anything, your mother had spoken first. unfortunately

“about time you thought about settling down! not only that but you should really consider children too! i’m not getting any younger here, you better take good care of her young man!” your mother began her incessant rambling.

you failed to notice how his posture grew stiff.

you failed to notice how he had blinked with inquisitive eyes at the mention of “settling down.”

you failed to notice how his face blossomed in the lightest shade of pink.

the now new thought of living with you lingered in his mind.

oh, how he didn’t even know he craved to live a quiet, domestic life with you. to come home to home cooked meals as you took off his coat and greeted him with a kiss.

he decided right there and then it was finally time to make those thoughts a reality.


warnings: none!

sypnosis: childe, zhongli, and diluc calling you cute names

content under the cut!



⤜ childe would call you by your first name most of the time

⤜ not because of anything special, nope! he just feels it’s more suitable than other names

⤜ he’s called you buddy a couple times, but to him your first name just sounds more right

⤜ yes, calling you comrade also crossed his mind

⤜ you’ve asked him about it but him being the tease he’d play it off. he has no bad intentions though, trust him!

“hm? well if you have to know, i guess the sound of your name makes me happier more than anything i’ve ever heard!”

the sound of his light, cheerful, airy laughter followed.

“hey, don’t go and hide your face from me!”


⤜ zhongli is old fashioned, he appreciates modernity but his personal preference would most likely be calling you dearandlove

darlingi can see as well, but not used as much as the other two

⤜ he would reach over and put his hand above yours, looking at you with a warm gaze as you both share tea he had brewed. chatting and just having a good time as the sun beamed down on the two of you

⤜ this man is a solid romantic at heart (pun intended.)

⤜ he’ll wake you up in the morning calling you his darling before engulfing you in a warm hug and some small talk

“ah, let me get that for you dear.”

he reaches over and grabs the book that your hand had failed to reach, handing it to you gently.

you thank him and he shakes his head, a small smile adorning his face as he leaned down to plant a soft chaste kiss on your forehead.

when he excused himself, you swore you saw his golden eyes shine brighter than usual.


⤜ diluc is a hopeless romantic, he’d call you love! that’s all i can really see though

⤜ he doesn’t say “i love you” a lot since he thinks that those words have a lot of heavy weight behind them. he thinks saying that should be saved for important and memorable moments.

⤜ that, and he sucks at putting his feelings into words

⤜ but his heart can’t handle it when you stare at him, pupils blown with such a loving and adoring expression as he pulls away from kissing you.

⤜ the use of the pet name becomes more prominent when he gets back from a long day of work

“you’ve made dinner? for me?”

he’d stare at you incredulously before blinking, looking down at the home cooked meal.

a small, soft smile broke out across his face, the tips of his ears heating up in the slightest as he sat down next to you. oh, how grateful he was to have a partner as caring as you.

“thank you love, it looks great. i’ve always enjoyed your cooking.” he’d spend the rest of dinner trying to contain himself from grinning like an idiot as you asked him about his day.

genshin characters + first kisses;

notes:ahaha finally writing for one of the girls. i rlly see animated men and forget im a lesbian huh


  • he’s not exactly shy but he’s not particularly experienced in the affection department and he’s a little scared about fucking it up
  • he doesn’t want to do anything before you’re ready for it, so it may be a little while into the relationship
  • he’d have just walked you home after a date, it’s already dark and you’re admiring the night sky
  • as you stop outside your door, you look up and comment on how pretty the stars are
  • but diluc has honestly spent the entire walk (and a large part of the date) thinking about how he wants to kiss you. he knows its not exactly gentlemanly to feel so desperate, but what can he say, he’s whipped and he wants to kiss
  • so his immediate response to your comment is “can i kiss you?”
  • he’s a little embarrassed by how breathy and quick it came out, but he doesn’t dwell on it long when you smile and nod
  • is one to cup your face when he does, and although the kiss isn’t long, he lingers for a moment before pulling away, committing the feeling to memory
  • will Always ask if he can kiss you unless. always always unless its like a natural moment for a quick peck or smth. he’s a gentleman and im love him


  • you might think that his bad luck would mess it up, but i acc think it’d be more like you kiss despite the bad luck
  • i imagine it’d be on your first date, and it was surprisingly going well! bennett was glad the universe decided to take a break from having it out for him
  • that is, until you had reached the halfway point from the nature walk you’d gone on, the furthest point from the city or any kind of shelter, and it starts absolutely Pouring with rain
  • when it turns out that not even the trees help much in keeping you dry, he immediately starts apologising, talking about how he knew it had been going too well to be true-
  • you have to just cut him off with a kiss because he won’t listen if you try to interrupt him any other way
  • he is actually so shocked !!1 like he thought it had just gone to shit but it had just got so much better
  • he actually whineswhen you pull away bc he’s just the cutest and he wants more
  • kiss him again, he’s ready this time he will kiss back and soon enough the sun comes out again and even though you’re both soaked, you’d say the date went pretty well


  • i don’t acc think either of you would think about it too much in the moment ???
  • you’re just sitting somewhere in liyue harbour, chatting or reading or just looking at the view of the sea
  • when someone comes up to you, wanting to speak to yanfei about some legal advice, and of course you’re used to your girlfriend being rather busy with her work so you let her go
  • as she gets up to go, she’ll give you a quick peck on the lips, lingering a tiny moment before walking away with her new client and getting to work
  • it takes you a full minute to realise what just happened. it just seemed really natural, nothing big about it being the first time you’d kissed.


  • relatively early into the relationship bc he’s just too cute you have to smooch
  • you will have to initiate it bc he’s a bit shy but he absolutely wants to
  • very very soft kisses, lingering without moving for a moment before pulling away
  • even if you ask if you can kiss him directly before he will still be surprised so he probably won’t close his eyes until like. just before you pull away
  • his eyes are still closed and he follows you on instinct, only letting you pull away for a split second before he gives you a kiss of his own
  • he will genuinely think about the moment for weeks on end he just can’t get over it. absolute cutie </3 i love him

Domestic Headcanons Masterpost


Whenever Albedo has his sketchbook with him and if you’ll let him

  • He’ll draw you at home when there’s time
  • No matter what your doing he will sketch you

Albedo only lets you help with the less dangerous of his experiments

  • Which means other than those ones you can help him and Sucrose with most things
  • He’ll also like it if you bring him and Sucrose coffees and food throughout the day
  • Because yes they both forget to take care of themselves
  • So if you can force them to take showers and eat they will complain but at the same time be thankful and you are doing so to them

He really likes it when you take care of and hang out with Klee

  • So does Klee
  • Klee says yes to this relationship all the way

Albedo also likes when he’s off to wonder around Mondstadt with you and just hang around town

  • He’ll sketch different parts of the town and will sketch you sometimes
  • Heck he has even sketched Timmy’s pigeons
  • Yes afterward the traveler did kill them on Timmy

Albedo likes to eat out at the Good Hunter with Klee once in a while

  • You can join and eat with them
  • Then walk around Mondstadt with Klee
  • Whom Albedo carries on his shoulders
  • Or sometimes a piggy back ride

Albedo will sometimes use a record player to play music in his lab 

  • At least I think Teyvat has record players, since I’m pretty there’s one in SereniTeapot
  • When he’s only doing notes and reading textbooks
  • Will slow dance with you when you visit him and he has the record player going

Albedo has fun baking with Klee and Jean

  • Because Baking is like Chemistry and Alchemy
  • You mix ingredients to create chemical reactions
  • Which end up tasting delicious in the end
  • Especially with tea, when they decide to make biscuits or cookies

Domestic Headcanons Masterpost


Kaeya definitely teases you about everything

  • Thankfully he lays off a little bit in public
  • But he still is Kaeya so he will tease you just the slightest bit about anything while in public

Kaeya also has like a routine where the two of you have to work in perfect synchronization

  • Albedo also does this and is coming up next after Kaeya’s chapter

Kaeya gets home late from the Knights of Favonius and likes leftovers if you’ve eaten before he came home

  • He also likes eating with you though when and if he gets home on time

A glass of wine at least once a night with you is mandatory

  • But if you don’t drink than thats okay you can have Grape Juice instead and he’ll still drink his wine or just not bother
  • However if you do then on the weekend if your both off
  • The two of you will visit Angel’s Share, share a few drinks
  • Sometimes you’ll sing with that Bard for fun

That’s all For Kaeya

Domestic Headcanons Masterpost 


Diluc, Diluc, Diluc this boy definitely lets you handle paperwork since you are his partner, I would hope he can trust you

  • When he does this it’s when he had too much on his plate and is literally on the breaking point

He’ll also let you work at Angel’s share as the bartender

  • Sometimes just so you can keep an eye on Kaeya to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid 
  • Look even though Diluc will swear that he can’t stand Kaeya he will still look after him and protect him

Other than that Diluc wants you to stay safe and as far away from the Fatui you can be

  • Unless your a knight that is then you kinda have to interact with them
  • Then they seem to hang around the knights and take over their job recently

Diluc always makes sure to not involve you with him being The Dark Knight

  • Though if you patch him up and force him to tell you he won’t lie
  • As long as you don’t join him in the fighting
  • He’d rather you just patch him up afterwards

He’s the most likely to have a sturdy morning routine y’know Coffee and Breakfast every day

  • He likes this routine
  • Sometimes he does leave earlier to go wherever he might need
  • But he’ll wake you up with coffee most of the time or he’ll let you sleep in for the day

Genshin Impact Masterlist


So Your Not From This World and Your Family are Hunters of the Supernatural


Domestic Headcanons (Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Venti, Childe, Zhongli, Razor and More to come)

What to Help Them with (Coming Soon) (Characters to be revealed)

       魈    ⬝ ⬝ ⬝     just like a movie

SUMMARY —- in which xiao find himself in cliché situations with his long-time crush!

CATEGORY —- modern au, half smau, high school au, adoptive parent! zhongli, siblings! ganyu and xiao

WARNINGS —- profanity, death of characters for a backstory, to be added

TAGLIST —- to be added, fill this form. if you want to be removed / changed user, send an ask. if your user is bolded, it means i cannot tag you. [if the link does not work -> https://forms.gle/BkAhqEshhhq31XD89]

RINA’S NOTES —- remake of scrawny, because i do not know how to continue it. also, can you tell that i like wallows?!?!?!??

     or can it be that, can it be that?

    i don’t wanna wait, not anymore!




© novdvanite —- i do not own genshin impact, their official arts and characters. i do own the storyline and the banners used. do not repost on other sites without my permission.

▸ 000   ▰▰ ☆ : ★ TALK TO YOU!


to you, xiao is just a classmate. he’s the quietest one, in fact. you do admit, he is pleasing to look at and is impressive academically. but to be honest, he’s just a guy that sits behind you.

to him, you are the biggest inconvenience of his life. reasons being:

  1. you used to tease him for being short when you were children despite only being an inch taller than he is. (his payback is volunteering to swing you on the playground and push you a little too high for your enjoyment.)
  2. in kindergarten, you ‘borrowed’ (literally snatched it from him, and it broke) one of his crayons and never returned him. when he snitched to the teacher, they simply said “sharing is caring, sweetie.” (it was the color brown, he was not done coloring a cartoon version of morax’s dragon form.)
  3. his prize that he 'fairly earned’ in a christmas party that his family was hosting was snatched from him because you told his father that he cheated (he did, but still!) and you got the reward for being a honest kid because your parents just assumed you wrte the best of friends! (you were.)
  4. you smashed his birthday cake on his face when he was crying on your chest because the moment was getting 'too sappy’.
  5. your half-brother, ajax, is a nuiscance. literally the most annoying person in the world that he has to deal with. every. single. day.

more utc!

and there are many more reasons that are least significant than these events. you may argue, 'xiao, these are just petty kindergarten things!“, he knows. and this is why he’s embarassed.

he has to shoulder the responsibility of remembering these events because you did not recognize his stupid, bastard child self!

xiao is a shy kid. do you expect him to strut your way and say 'hey, remember when you used to bury me in the sand at the playground when i accidentally fall asleep in it?’ and still have the dignity to show his face to the entire school? no.

all he could do is watch you from afar.

actually, he sits behind you during classes, but that’s besides the point!

xiao, who had a little crush on you when you were children.

xiao, who never came back to the playground ever since you moved to snezhnaya.

xiao, who was overjoyed and nervous when he heard you came back.

he hopes you do remember him. knowing xiao, he was never one to approach anybody. he hopes he’s had significant impact on who you are today. because you did.

xiao was glad you approached him when he was socially awkward at kindergarten.

xiao was glad when you showed up in his 6th birthday party when no one showed up (and also gave him a morax stuffed toy.)

xiao was glad when you slapped one of your classmates when they picked on him.

xiao is still a shy kid, but he was simply glad he spent a portion of his childhood with someone like you.

no matter how ridiculous your ideas are, how stubborn, he relishes those moments.

he wishes he could talk to you, link arms with you, to give you gifts in person, to be your friend again, to be directly by your side.

for now, he’s content by just being the guy that sits behind you

and one day, he will have the courage to speak to you. (and hopefully not embarass himself, but he knows that’s second to impossible.)

masterlist| next

˖࣪ ◗ ❝RINA’S NOTES! —- no, i am not back from my hiatus. i just feel like i’ve been making scrawny readers even more desperate. i’m so sorry for discontinuing it. i promise, some of my original ideas will be projected here. the only difference is xiao knew you. i CANNOT do strangers to lovers from scratch.

⸳⭑ࣶࣸ ❝TAGLIST (open)!—-

arataki itto singing baka mitai at komore teahouse because kujou sara indirectly rejects him


Be warned, I write at my own pace, so requests may or may not be answered.

Please use common sense when requesting, I will not take asks that request graphic depictions of violence or asks of mental illnesses that I do not have, as I don’t think I will represent them well.



Be patient, for there is nothing yet.



About: A soulmate AU where a word is written on your wrist, describing your soulmate’s love for you! Concept taken from this postby@xiaowhore

Characters: Xiao, Kaeya, Xingqiu, Kazuha

CW: A bit of angst (mostly Kaeya’s)

  • Gently. Despite his work as a yaksha, he treats the one he loves as if he was afraid to harm them in even the littlest way. His nature is one that brings soft touches, tender words, and the slightest distance kept between you at the start.
  • Though this gentleness is enveloped by you, who loves him invincibly, willing to battle the stars and heavens if it would result in his happiness.
  • Xiao often traced over the word on his wrist contemplatively, wondering how brightly you must shine to be able to love someone like him like that. Though when he sees ‘gently’ on yours a part of him weakens, for it has been far too long since he’s been described with that word.
  • Tentatively. Kaeya treats love like something that might escape his grasp at any moment, not for a lack of faith in his soulmate but rather in judgment of himself. Would you want to love him even after knowing all he’s done?
  • That’s why when the word on his wrist reads ‘unquestioningly’, Kaeya feels both relief and an even deeper chord of fear– was he really deserving of a love as unconditional as that? Would he be able to accept that love, deep down?
  • Kaeya finds favors in the way his gloves cover up his soulmark. It’s odd, but there’s something about how it’s concealed and blanketed with only him knowing what it says that comforts him. Like a secret that he can tuck away to revisit once he feels ready.
  • With clarity. Xingqiu’s love is one that is transparent; if he tried to hide it, it would still speak through the subtle ways he treats you. It is also clear as water, and he reaffirms it in an almost righteous way to wittingly drive away your insecurities.
  • In return, the word on his wrist is ‘fiercely’. Despite how he acts, Xingqiu happens to try not to believe in things that sound too good to be true. His rebellion against the path his family offered leaves him to walk a new road alone, and with that comes the loneliness of independance.
  • Which is why when you show affection so unapologetically, it’s as if another fish has joined his little pond. It really is lovely, isn’t it?
  • Nostalgically. Regardless of when you’ve actually met. Kazuha’s love is one that learns and commits you to memory, to the point where it might as well be that he’s known you forever.
  • It’s a delicate thing where he notes all the things he finds endearing about you, which is a list that could stretch on for miles. He’s a free spirit and wanderer, but in terms of finally settling somewhere it’s obvious that his home would be you.
  • One may think that his affections are over-the-top, but that’s only because of what is written on his own wrist; ‘eternally’, a promise of forever. Sometimes when you’re together he likes to link your pinkies– as if he was making a promise to you in return.

[06:02 PM] – Xiao


characters: xiao x gn!reader

genre & style: fluff, drabble

word count:0.5k

notes: xiao’s such a pure soul i love him

warnings: not proofread


“Y/N,” Xiao starts slowly, his voice quiet, ears capturing sounds of your movements as he tries to guess what you’re doing. “We’re going to be late. Not that I care, but you’ve said that it’s important to you.”

“I know, I know!” you respond thoughtlessly, too occupied with the task you’ve set to yourself. “I’m almost done, adding some details! We’re gonna leave in five minutes, don’t worry, don’t worry~”

Yaksha sighs. He’s not mad nor irritated, simply concerned. He keeps wondering what may be the matter you want to risk seeing the most important part of the event you’ve waited a few months for. Yet, he’s sure you wouldn’t make an ill-considered decision, so he stays quiet, with eyelids tightly shut as you’ve asked him to, his palms steady on thighs.

“Okay, I think I’m ready!” you exclaim, adding finishing touches to your creation. “You may open your eyes now.”

At first Xiao is silent, his golden irises capturing what’s in front of him, but as soon as he realizes that it’s not his imagination, that it’s really there, his heart fills with warmth, pupils widen and lower lip starts to tremble. “Have you done this all by yourself?”

You nod, kneeling in front of Yaksha, moving the lantern forward. Xiao’s fingertips shyly brush against the paintings, scared as if he could destroy it with a mere touch. The stories in front of him remind him of his whole life, his origins, former Yakshas, his bond with Morax, the tune that saved him, clouds he’s been soaring through and grounds he’s devoured. He has many, countless questions, yet the only one he decides to share with you seems to be the simplest of them all.

“Is it me?”

It sounds silly from his lips, yet by the way his voice trembles you don’t dare to let the smallest giggle slip. “Yeah!” A huge smile lightens up on your face as you scan his features. Saying that Xiao is moved would be a cruel understatement. He’s touched, filled with everything he’s been and everything he’s become at once.

“But–how…” he stutters, yet you cut him off immediately.

“I’ve done some research, that’s how!” you joke, caressing his cheek with your thumb. The man looks up at you with the watery eyes of his, a true, honest smile acting as the best reward you could possibly get. “I planned on keeping it if you like it. We can buy a new one at a stall.”

Xiao puts the lantern to the side, decreasing the distance between the two of you, his arms drawing you close into his embrace. He doesn’t say anything more, keeping you like this for a few long seconds until his quiet sniffles become inaudible. It’s his way of thanking you, no words needed, just a glimpse of physical affection and love mixed with gratitude coming straight from the bottom of his heart.


how do you like the lantern rite this year? i haven’t had the opportunity to play it a year ago, so it’s a new experience to me, but i think it’s pretty entertaining! with maybe a bit too many dialogues, but still, a funny little event with lots of primos ;))
not proofread; very suggestive; gn!reader

The time you and Beidou spend together is always precious, valuable even since both of you are often too busy to share morning kisses or have a conversation summing up the day before going to sleep. Her lips feel like home wherever the both of you are, be it in your shared bedroom, under the deck between completing your own duties, on the top of Guyun Stone Forest, or in a dark alley after you’ve ran away from your friends you’ve been spending Lantern Rite with. You always crave for more, as the woman hooks her slender fingers on your arms, travels with her palms lower to your hips and grasps your thighs, pushing you onto a bedside table or a dusty chest. A big grin grows on her face as your breathing becomes shallow with passing minutes. Beidou is a very knowledgeable woman, so she’s perfectly aware what should she do to make you act certain way, to have you feel specific feelings. And, oh, when she trails her lips down your neck to your chest, she’s wise with her movements, making you see sparkles under tight shut eyelids. 

a special event to celebrate 700 followers <3 !

thank you to everyone who’s ever read anything i’ve written here! i’d never thought i’d have a following/interaction of any kind here, and i’m beyond grateful to everyone who has interacted + the wonderful friends i’ve made !! to celebrate all of you, i’ll be doing blog ratesandletters<3i’ll be writing for both bnha and genshin!

blacklisthara.700 <3 if you don’t want to see the event!

bc this is a follower celebration event, you must be following @/izukxnnie in order to participate — new followers are always welcome <3
this event will be open from may 9th - may 22nd.

letters — !(4/10 requests)


  • send me a prompt from the list + one character + any additional information (optional).
  • specify platonic/romantic + genre (optional)
  • i’ll write a letter from your chosen character <3

example request: ajax + delayed return (+ it’s reader’s birthday)


  • one letter req per person!
  • i’ll have 10 slots open, i’ll open more if there’s a lot more requests than anticipated.
  • for character availability + what i will/won’t write, see my general rules.


  • goodbye
  • it’s been a while
  • thinking of you
  • apologies
  • return home
  • a day in the life
  • presence required
  • from an outside sender

blog rates — !

forfandom-based blog rates, if you’d like me to include the s/o section, send whether you are a minor or an adult + any gender preferences u may have.

normal blog rate

url ♡ not sure i understand? | good | i wish i’d thought of this | how did you get this before everyone else?
icon ♡ i have no idea what it is i am so sorry | v cute | aesthetic !! | pls send me the png ty
mobile theme ♡default | pretty <3 | i’m a bit envious? | i would steal ideas from u w/ permission
desktop theme ♡ same as mobile | pretty <3 | i’m a bit envious? | wishing i had your skills!!
posts ♡ n/a (empty) | not familiar with | this is so cool omg! | i’m gonna be here for hours <3

bnha blog rate

role ♡ civilian | student | pro | teacher | villain | vigilante | sidekick | support engineer
quirk type ♡ accumulation | transformation | mutant | emitter | quirkless
friends ♡ (based on role)
s/o ♡ (based on role)
aes desc ♡

genshin blog rate

vision ♡ anemo | cryo | dendro | electro | geo | hydro | pyro
weapon ♡ bow | catalyst | claymore | polearm | sword
team role ♡ dps | sub dps | healer | shielder | crowd control
nation ♡ inazuma | liyue | mondstadt
friends ♡ (based on nation)
s/o ♡ (based on nation)
aes desc ♡

finally, a shameless plug for my kofibc i finally made one (you are under absolutely zero obligation to donate anything).


what they’d read specifically on wattpad

venti - enemies to lovers. he reads them to dvalin and jokes about how it could’ve been him (dvalin) and durin

aether - flower shop aus

lumine - she will read anything. she loves crack fics and according to her, everything on wattpad is crack. she especially loves making fun of omegaverse fics

diluc - how dare you assume he reads on wattpad he lives and breathes on ao3 (he reads bad boy/soft reader fics)

kaeya - also enemies to lovers. the shittier the fic, the better he feels about his situation

amber - idol x readers. not the whole group but specific idols

lisa - college aus but because she likes comparing it to her experience

jean - coffee shop aus. need i say more?

razor - razor doesn’t understand the appeal of reading something that’s… purposely bad. he does like omegaverse fics because they remind him of his wolf family though

bennett - anything x clumsy!reader because it’s kinda like him

fischl - royalty aus

barbara - “my mom sold me to one direction” fics

noelle - only one bed SFW fics

albedo - hana disease AND reincarnation aus

sucrose - teacher x teacher fics because teacher x student makes her uncomfortable because it reminds her of her and albedo and she’s not interested in him

mona - she gives me either high school au vibes or poor girl/rich boy vibes

eula - some sort of villain’s child!reader thing where reader gets bullied because of their family

zhongli - reincarnation fics. he reads them on ao3 too but… those ones hit harder so sometimes he needs something that’s lighter

xiao - also reads bad boy/soft reader fics. is also on a private browser and hiding so nobody can suspect a thing

ningguang - i think she would like slowburn. she writes slowburn on ao3 and uses wattpad slowburn to boost her confidence before she eventually becomes a big writer

beidou - bartender!reader fics

xingqiu - danganronpa aus

chongyun - exorcist x demon/ghost fics

xiangling - she loves reading fics that focus on cooking so she can judge how the writer writes

xinyan - she would read band x reader fics 

yanfei - she only reads ace attorney fics. she likes to see how badly they write trials and such

hu tao - lover dies and becomes a ghost fics

tartaglia - he reads snowed in fics. he loves calling the reader and everyone pussies because “that’s not a lot of snow to make them snowed in”

bonus unreleased characters

scaramouche - he loves reading fics where the reader has a saviour complex. he enjoys laughing at the reader

dottore - college aus. it feeds his hate

baizhu - hana disease fics. usually hanahaki because that’s most common, but he loves the whole “incurable with a deadly cost” thing

signora - she likes poor girl/rich boy fics but only if the girl is using him for money

kazuha - probably a soulmate au where they lose some sort of sense that’s important to them and only gets it back when they meet their soulmate


what colour seelie everyone would have

venti - blue. he would hold it in his hands and it would remind him of his friend and he’d cry

aether/lumine - gold to remind them of lumine/aether

diluc - gold. pink would look good with him, but he thought the gold would look good against the gold detailing on his coat. and he doesn’t want rumours starting claiming he’s a softie for choosing pink

kaeya - blue. he’d even try to put an eyepatch on it

amber - pink because it’s closest to fire

lisa - pink because it’s just so cute

jean - gold or blue for the aesthetic

razor - blue. he was unaware there was more than the trial seelie

bennett - gold because he thinks it’s cooler than blue and less girly than pink

fischl - gold because gold for the princess obviously

barbara - blue!! it reminds her of her vision<3

noelle - pink because it matches her flowers

klee - pink because it’s cute or gold like her big brother!!

albedo - gold because his aesthetic. mans is fashionable duh

sucrose - blue because she thinks it would stand out against her less

diona - blue for cryo or pink for her hair

mona - gold for mora or blue for hydro

eula - blue because it matches her aesthetic 

zhongli - gold. it reminds him of mora

xiao - pink. it’s his favourite colour and it looks good on him

ningguang - gold for the aesthetic

beidou - either blue for the ocean or pink for aesthetic

xingqiu - blue for hydro or gold for the aesthetic

chongyun - blue for cryo

xiangling - pink because its closest to red

qiqi - blue because she thought it was pretty

xinyan - pink. idk don’t ask why it’s just a lesbian thing we have going on

yanfei - pink. just pink

hu tao - gold for the aesthetic

tartaglia - blue for hydro

bonus unreleased characters because i love them

scaramouche - gold because it matches his hat 

dottore - he has endora why do you think he would settle for a seelie (pink seelie. it matches his bowtie. this mans is very fashionable)

baizhu- gold because it’s like mora

signora - gold because it reminds her husband has to give her more mora

kazuha - gold for the aesthetic


hello everyone! i’m clover and i’m going to be writing headcanons and matchups for those in genshin impact! there may be the occasional ship and character analysis, and maybe personal opinions on characters! please read the following for each category so we can all have a good time here!


✦ i willnotwriteromantic headcanons for qiqi, klee, diona, and yaoyao. i do wish to keep this blog as lighthearted and safe as i can, so the darkest i’ll go is (character) as a yandere.

✧ nsfw headcanons will only be included in a character analysis for characters over 18. so far, requests for nsfw are not accepted. this may change

✦ i will notdoromantic matchupswithqiqi, klee, diona, and yaoyao being results

✧ i will not write for ganyu or keqing

✦ for a ship analysis i will not be doing any ship with qiqi, klee, diona, and yaoyao

✧ for a matchup, please include myers briggs type, sexuality, basic likes and dislikes, a hobby or two, a bit about who you are as a person, and specify whether you want a platonic or romantic matchup. please do not tell me every single detail and go into deep trauma. i’m still a person on the other side of the screen and i am not equipped to be anyone’s therapist.  

✦ i’ll occasionally write full fics for ships and possibly x readers but those may end up on a separate account. i’m unsure if i could keep up writing full fics, so there will be no requests accepted for anything that isn’t headcanons or short scenarios

✧ i will do team incorrect quotes and headcanons! can also include unreleased characters like the harbingers, baizhu, collei, and any of the upcoming characters (cyno, varka, lynette + lyney, etc). no harbinger is off limits

✦ ship headcanons are allowed and i will take requests for those! i will not be doing anything dark for these as well. nothings nsfw so far, but perhaps in the future i’m okay with it as long as it’s a legal ship between adults. please just don’t send in ships with qiqi, klee, diona, yaoyao, ganyu, and keqing.

✧ do feel free to talk to me about builds and units and just lore in general! my askbox and dms are always open for game discussion~ or just discussion in general too!

✫ you can find my main masterlisthere!


if you ship kaeluc. you are not welcome here. we do not support incest. the excuse “but kaeya’s adopted” is just you saying you don’t think adopted kids can be in a family and feel at home. it did not get lost in translation

if you ship qiqi, klee, and diona with anyone romantically

if you like starting discourse over the twin’s ages

and the basic, if you aren’t racist/homophobic/transphobic etc
