#genshin impact incorrect quotes


Windblume festival

(How Venti’s poetry lessons really went)

Bennett: if I were a gardener I would put our wolfhooks together

Razor: Razor likes :)

Kaeya: if I were a gardener you would be my hoe~


Paimon: It’s so dark… I’m scared.

Bennett: Don’t worry, Paimon. I got this.

Bennett: [stomps foot]

Bennett: [Sketchers light up]

Kaeya: My heads hurts.

Diluc: that’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity

Zhongli: Here you go. Nice, hot cup of coffee.

Childe: it’s cold…

Zhongli: Nice cup of coffee.

Childe: it tastes horrible…

Zhongli: Cup of coffee.

Childe: I’m not sure if this is even coffee.


Diluc: I like my coffee like I like my nights.

Diluc: Endless and impossible to sleep through.

Knights of Favonius: Are you lying?

Venti: That depends on how you define lying.

Knights of Favonius: Well I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?


Venti: … reclining your body in a horizontal position.

Knights of Favonius: Get out of here.

Venti: That’s fair.

Zhongli, in court: Your honor, I would like to plead guilty as well as to request the death penalty.

Ningguang: This… is a parking ticket..

Diluc:Venti, we need to talk about your professionalism.

Venti: [Standing on a chair] Those are some mighty brave words for a guy who’s standing in lava.

Kaeya: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I too weak or too strong?

Jean: You’re weak

Lisa: You’re strong

Diluc: you’re stupid

Paimon: You were hurt, what do you remember?

Childe: just the ambulance ride.

Paimon: We didn’t take an ambulance, Lumine drove us.

Childe: but I heard a siren

Lumine: That was Zhongli.

Zhongli: sorry, I was nervous

Childe: I invited you into the woods because I crave the most dangerous game.

Traveler: Knife Monopoly?


Childe: I was actually going to hunt you for sport but now I’m interested in whatever the fuck knife Monopoly is.

“The quickest way to a man’s heart is through the fourth and fifth ribs.”

- Probably Sara @ Itto

Aether: Since we are going on this big trip, Zhongli wants us to go over a few safety procedures.

Zhongli: Now, if I get shot, what do you do?

Xiao, solemnly: Avenge you

Childe: *Smiling fondly* You’re so cute


Zhongli: *jumping from leaf to leaf to see which ones are crunchy for purely scientific reasons*

Lumine: Did it hurt?


Lumine: Wait you didn’t even let me get to the “when you fell from heaven” part.

Xiao: everything hurts

Paimon: Some people are like slinkies


Paimon: Not really good for much but makes you crack a smile when you push it down the stairs.

Lumine: Please don’t push Childe down the stairs.

Paimon: You can’t stop me

Kaeya: If you kill someone in a living room, can you still call it a living room?

Lumine: No, go to sleep

Kaeya: who delivers the mailman’s mail?

Lumine: I love you and all but please go to sleep.



Kaeya: If a kid is bad and wants coal, what does Santa do?

Lumine: If I didn’t love you, I would kill you

Diluc: fuck I want to die


Diluc: heckity hecc I crave death
