#genshin xiao


Five Flushes of Fortune Gameplay Event!!!

In Liyue, Ji Tong is puzzling over a seemingly faulty Kamera. He had hoped it would lend a distinctive tone to his photos, but all it seems to produce is colorful nonsense…Help Ji Tong get to the bottom of the issue! Take this Kamera, photograph some distinctively colored scenes, obtain the colorful snapshots, and give them to Ji Tong for a reward!

EVIL CONQUERING!!!His youthful appearance belies his over two thousand years of age. None would trif


His youthful appearance belies his over two thousand years of age. None would trifle with him, however. Simply making his acquaintance will make it clear that he is not to be made light of.

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Here’s just the sketch without any shading. I really like both??? Still trying to roll him. I have 4

Here’s just the sketch without any shading. I really like both??? Still trying to roll him. I have 40 wishes left…

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Catalyst to roll Xiao. “Why did you call for me if you aren’t in danger?”

Catalyst to roll Xiao. “Why did you call for me if you aren’t in danger?”

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recommended team for Kazuha:


  my team for Kazuha: 


cuz i love pain and hot boyz :))

A xiao sketch as an offering to mihoyo. I AM READY FOR HIM TO COME HOME


what they’d read specifically on wattpad

venti - enemies to lovers. he reads them to dvalin and jokes about how it could’ve been him (dvalin) and durin

aether - flower shop aus

lumine - she will read anything. she loves crack fics and according to her, everything on wattpad is crack. she especially loves making fun of omegaverse fics

diluc - how dare you assume he reads on wattpad he lives and breathes on ao3 (he reads bad boy/soft reader fics)

kaeya - also enemies to lovers. the shittier the fic, the better he feels about his situation

amber - idol x readers. not the whole group but specific idols

lisa - college aus but because she likes comparing it to her experience

jean - coffee shop aus. need i say more?

razor - razor doesn’t understand the appeal of reading something that’s… purposely bad. he does like omegaverse fics because they remind him of his wolf family though

bennett - anything x clumsy!reader because it’s kinda like him

fischl - royalty aus

barbara - “my mom sold me to one direction” fics

noelle - only one bed SFW fics

albedo - hana disease AND reincarnation aus

sucrose - teacher x teacher fics because teacher x student makes her uncomfortable because it reminds her of her and albedo and she’s not interested in him

mona - she gives me either high school au vibes or poor girl/rich boy vibes

eula - some sort of villain’s child!reader thing where reader gets bullied because of their family

zhongli - reincarnation fics. he reads them on ao3 too but… those ones hit harder so sometimes he needs something that’s lighter

xiao - also reads bad boy/soft reader fics. is also on a private browser and hiding so nobody can suspect a thing

ningguang - i think she would like slowburn. she writes slowburn on ao3 and uses wattpad slowburn to boost her confidence before she eventually becomes a big writer

beidou - bartender!reader fics

xingqiu - danganronpa aus

chongyun - exorcist x demon/ghost fics

xiangling - she loves reading fics that focus on cooking so she can judge how the writer writes

xinyan - she would read band x reader fics 

yanfei - she only reads ace attorney fics. she likes to see how badly they write trials and such

hu tao - lover dies and becomes a ghost fics

tartaglia - he reads snowed in fics. he loves calling the reader and everyone pussies because “that’s not a lot of snow to make them snowed in”

bonus unreleased characters

scaramouche - he loves reading fics where the reader has a saviour complex. he enjoys laughing at the reader

dottore - college aus. it feeds his hate

baizhu - hana disease fics. usually hanahaki because that’s most common, but he loves the whole “incurable with a deadly cost” thing

signora - she likes poor girl/rich boy fics but only if the girl is using him for money

kazuha - probably a soulmate au where they lose some sort of sense that’s important to them and only gets it back when they meet their soulmate


what colour seelie everyone would have

venti - blue. he would hold it in his hands and it would remind him of his friend and he’d cry

aether/lumine - gold to remind them of lumine/aether

diluc - gold. pink would look good with him, but he thought the gold would look good against the gold detailing on his coat. and he doesn’t want rumours starting claiming he’s a softie for choosing pink

kaeya - blue. he’d even try to put an eyepatch on it

amber - pink because it’s closest to fire

lisa - pink because it’s just so cute

jean - gold or blue for the aesthetic

razor - blue. he was unaware there was more than the trial seelie

bennett - gold because he thinks it’s cooler than blue and less girly than pink

fischl - gold because gold for the princess obviously

barbara - blue!! it reminds her of her vision<3

noelle - pink because it matches her flowers

klee - pink because it’s cute or gold like her big brother!!

albedo - gold because his aesthetic. mans is fashionable duh

sucrose - blue because she thinks it would stand out against her less

diona - blue for cryo or pink for her hair

mona - gold for mora or blue for hydro

eula - blue because it matches her aesthetic 

zhongli - gold. it reminds him of mora

xiao - pink. it’s his favourite colour and it looks good on him

ningguang - gold for the aesthetic

beidou - either blue for the ocean or pink for aesthetic

xingqiu - blue for hydro or gold for the aesthetic

chongyun - blue for cryo

xiangling - pink because its closest to red

qiqi - blue because she thought it was pretty

xinyan - pink. idk don’t ask why it’s just a lesbian thing we have going on

yanfei - pink. just pink

hu tao - gold for the aesthetic

tartaglia - blue for hydro

bonus unreleased characters because i love them

scaramouche - gold because it matches his hat 

dottore - he has endora why do you think he would settle for a seelie (pink seelie. it matches his bowtie. this mans is very fashionable)

baizhu- gold because it’s like mora

signora - gold because it reminds her husband has to give her more mora

kazuha - gold for the aesthetic


I do not play Genshin Impact, but my friend does, so there’s nothing I don’t know about this guy☀️

I cry


I’m not crying

No wonder Xiao is so rude and guarded. Imagine surviving a living hell and then your only remaining friend decides, that it pains them to much to be alive and they wish to die.

Yo yall remember me crying about Bosacius’ fate two years ago? TT-TT well apparently Hoyo still wants me to cry about this poor guy
