#geralt de riv


Two idiots in highschool

AU where Jaskier is an annoying but charming musician in the theatre club and Geralt a grumpy but soft football player (I’m writing a fanfic about this )

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“Geralt entendit derrière lui un léger bruissement. Il se retourna.

Elle était pieds nus, vêtue d’une simple robe de lin. De longs cheveux clairs retombaient librement sur ses épaules. Une couronne tressée de pâquerettes lui ornait le front.

-Salut à toi, dit-il.

Sans répondre, elle posa sur lui des yeux bleus et froids.

Geralt remarqua qu'elle n'était pas bronzée. C'était étrange, car la peau des jeunes filles de la campagne, brûlées par le soleil, était ordinairement mate à la fin de l'été. Son visage et ses épaules dévêtues étaient de teinte légèrement dorée.

-Tu as apporté des fleurs ?

Elle sourit en baissant les paupières. Il sentit un froid s’installer. Elle le dépassait sans dire un mot et s’agenouilla au pied du menhir en touchant la pierre de la main.

-Je n’apporté pas de fleurs, dit-elle en relevant la tête. Celles qu'on a déposées le sont pour moi.

Il l’observa attentivement. Elle s’agenouilla en masquant de son corps le dernier nom gravé dans la pierre du menhir. La jeune fille émettait une lueur claire sur le fond du rocher sombre.

-Qui es-tu ? Demanda-t-il lentement.”

Andrzej Sapkowski - Sorceleur tome II : l’épée de la providence.



Bonjour ! Quick question

IF you’re a native English speaker: when you hear the word roach, does it make you think about an insect or a fish?

IF you’re NOT a native English speaker, what is the name of Geralt’s horse in the Witcher in your language and what does it mean/refer to?

In French the horse is called Ablette which is a small fish

Thank you in advance for your help!

Thank you all for your help. See, I watched The Witcher in English and his horse is called Roach but I’m French so I read the books in French and his horse is called Ablette, which is a fish. I found that rather strange so I looked up the name in the original Polish, it was Płotka. Now, I don’t speak Polish so I just used basic Internet search and got this:

Maybe someone who speaks Polish can confirm or add information here? But yes, that’s how I found out a roach is a type of fish. To me it was strange because I thought it meant roach as in cockroach but I just wanted to check if it was the same for native speakers. Anyway, here I am now, wondering why the translator picked that name knowing that it meant something else to most people…

Oh and I also looked up the horse’s name in other languages just to check

I don’t remember who asked what type of fish a roach is so here you go

The funny thing is that in French this fish is called a gardon but there is an expression, “frais comme un gardon” which would translate as something like “fresh as a daisy” and it would give the name a rather positive connotation, which isn’t the case with the original name so the translator changed it for ablette, another small fish but often associated in common language with being skinny and not very strong. And to me that makes so much more sense than keeping with a literal translation.


Bonjour ! Quick question

IF you’re a native English speaker: when you hear the word roach, does it make you think about an insect or a fish?

IF you’re NOT a native English speaker, what is the name of Geralt’s horse in the Witcher in your language and what does it mean/refer to?

In French the horse is called Ablette which is a small fish

Thank you in advance for your help!

Thank you all for your help. See, I watched The Witcher in English and his horse is called Roach but I’m French so I read the books in French and his horse is called Ablette, which is a fish. I found that rather strange so I looked up the name in the original Polish, it was Płotka. Now, I don’t speak Polish so I just used basic Internet search and got this:

Maybe someone who speaks Polish can confirm or add information here? But yes, that’s how I found out a roach is a type of fish. To me it was strange because I thought it meant roach as in cockroach but I just wanted to check if it was the same for native speakers. Anyway, here I am now, wondering why the translator picked that name knowing that it meant something else to most people…

Oh and I also looked up the horse’s name in other languages just to check

Bonjour ! Quick question

IF you’re a native English speaker: when you hear the word roach, does it make you think about an insect or a fish?

IF you’re NOT a native English speaker, what is the name of Geralt’s horse in the Witcher in your language and what does it mean/refer to?

In French the horse is called Ablette which is a small fish

Thank you in advance for your help!
