#get along


I am not that girl who as soon as I get a boyfriend I say by to my friends. That’s not me. I will make my boyfriend meet my friends so they know who I am dating but also because there are some of my friends that my boyfriend needs to be approved by. There are 5 friends in my group that mean the world to me and their approval does as well… so if my friend or boyfriend have a problem with them we all have a problem

Alright, listen here my fellow GOT twits!! What has everyone always loved about this show? It’s completely and entirely unexpected and relentless!!!

The writers have always done the complete unexpected, and they’re sure as hell aren’t gonna start writing what’s expected now!! Nor what the fans want!

The characters are good, bad, happy, sad, they make mistakes, they do good things, they have emotional conflict, and THEYAREHUMAN!!!

The show is messed up on so many levels, and that’s what makes it good!! That’s what has made this show so god damn GROUNDBREAKING!!

So please, for the love of the old Gods and the new, stop criticizing and hating on Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, Arya, Jaime, Tyrion, Varys, or whatever other character you’re upset with, and remember what show you’re watching!!

Peace and blessing! Love your hair, hope you win! ✌Xoxo

Eternal Peace

The woods were a quiet place when the animals were at peace. When the animals laid down in their spots and let their next meal scurry by and when the birds in the trees decided to sleep in instead of alerting the world the hour of the day. When the ants moved peacefully about, taking food no one misses and the rodents avoid crunching the freshly fallen autumn leaves. It can’t always be like this, but when it is, the woods are silent and everything feels right.
