#good husband


Your new good husband owes a gym. This is how he makes sure people come back after the 1st free week. Worked on you.

The tools a good husband grows should always be more impressive the the ones he owns.

Remember, different cultures have different requirements for a good husband. Don’t be afraid to embrace the cultural differences when training a good husband. Do your research on your new good husband’s culture to find the best way to motivate him to flex.

Training an older good husband can be a rewarding experiencing. The key is to play on his ego. The more you help him feel like manly and masculine, the more he will respond in desirable ways. You know you have been successful when he sends you flex pics everyday no matter what.

Training a new young good husband involves a rigorous program of weights, protein, and making sure he flexes on the hour.

A new young potential husband trying to show you that despite being shorter, he has what it takes? What do you say?

When you’re from Oklahoma and your new good husbands are from the west coast and you bring up that you use to ride rodeo. This is your new rodeo.

It was suppose to be a one night stand, someone you met at the bar when you were feeling a little too frisky. It’s been four years since that morning you first work up to this and you haven’t left since.

Why you end up having longer bathroom breaks at work. Next time, you tell him to leave the underwear at home.

As your good husband’s boss at work, you made sure that casual Friday still required a tie.

An important step in the journey to becoming a good husband is the final baptism. When the good husband dedicates his life and body to you in front of all, while being the first opportunity to show off after transforming for you.
