#good husband


Young men often base their manliness off of how big and tough they can get. It’s your job, as his good husband, to encourage those thoughts so he can be as big as you like.

He was the kind of guy you’d normally never interact with. He was a punk, a bruiser, the kind that picked on you as a kid. Everything in you told you to ignore him, that he was trouble. Your good husband still laughs sometimes that all it took him to get you was a flex.

Yep, he’s trouble be he’s all yours.

When people see you and your good husband, they assume that he’s the man in the relationship. He’s the big strong bear and you’re you. You just smile at them knowing that when you get home, your husband will be on his knees before you close the door.

Your good husbands don’t like leaving you alone, so when they have to travel for shows and such, they always make sure to train a new puppy to keep you company.

When you agreed to tutor the captain of the football team, you jokingly set your price at “marriage after finals”. You’re on your way to the courthouse now.

The best part of cultural exchange is getting to know your new older brother.

What your good husband lacks in the dominating personality one would expect from the way he looks, he certainly makes up for in arms and under the waist.

You made him show you around the gym because even time he points to a different machine, his biceps bulge.

There is something about marrying a younger muscle good husband. Maybe it’s that he still has the swagger of youth, maybe it’s that he can go for hours longer in bed, or maybe it’s that he still is invincible?

Or maybe it’s that he thinks the x-men are “retro”.

He wasn’t exactly the most social person, but that made his attempts at flirting that more special.

Your good husband spent most of his life being the small kid. He took to working out like a new drug. Now we very time he comes picks you up from work in the same town he grew up in, he shows up looking like a god just to show how much he’s grown.

Most new young husband use different techniques such as posturing and swaggering about to establish his territory. What’s your favorite technique?

Your good husband doesn’t actually know anything about being a cowboy, he grew up in Florida. What he does know is how to turn you on and what a cowboy hat does in bed.

He sends you these selfies because he wants you to know what he wants in bed that days. This one means he wants to be gagged while eating you out.

Being married to your good husband was not what you were expecting. When you first met the muscle stud, you assumed when he said that he likes flexing in bed, you though he meant when he was inside you, not you inside him.

He didn’t bring him out here to shame and humiliate the boy, after all he was his son. But a man needs to set rules about what goes on in his house and since you were now his new “wife”, he needed to instill that you were to be respected.

Your good husband wants to encourage you to be your very best and reach all your fitness goals to look like him.

Dear followers,

Your good husband wants to introduce you to our newest good husband who wants to become as big a beast as possible. Please offer your support as he becomes a muscle beast.

