#good mom talia al ghul



Jason: Alright kid. I’m calling in a favor you owe me.

Damian: Fine. What do you need?

The rest of the Batfam:

Tim: That’s IT?


Tim: Not even a single protest?

Damian: There is no need to make a big deal of this.

Tim: Last week when I asked for help you laughed for fifteen minutes straight!

Damian, shrugging: I owe Jason some favors.

Dick, suspiciously: How many favors are we talking about here?

Jason, grinning slightly ferally:Enough.

Steph, impressed:How?

Damian, scowling: None of your concern, Stephanie.

Duke: What’s the big deal? I thought everyone owed everyone else favors at this point.

Bruce: *sighs and puts some batheadphones on*

Steph: Not Damian.

Tim: Damian owes no one anything, ever.

Damian: Just because I don’t make a habit of incompetence…

Dick: Jason, seriously, how come Dami owes you a bunch of favors?

One week ago

Damian: Did you get it?

Jason, pulling a small kitten from his jacket: Here you go.

Three weeks ago

Talia, on the phone:Boys.


Jason: Hey mom, guess what? I broke into the CIA again.


Talia: I know what you’re doing, Jason.

Jason: Oh, and if Luthor calls you it’s totally not my fault that his laser prototype thing went missing.


Jason: I mean, I suppose it sort of is, since I’m the one who stole it and all, but-


Talia: Damian, I apologize for being upset over the giraffes. Please continue doing your best to convince your brother to stay out of trouble, darling.

Damian: Of course, Mother.

Two months ago

Damian: I need you to hide these.

Jason: Look, we both know I have skills, but how am I supposed to hide a whole ass elephant?


Jason: You know, your puppy dog eyes were a lot more effective when you were six.



Five months ago

Jason: I hope you have a good explanation for this, brat.

Damian: I don’t see what the big deal is. I just asked you to pick me up.

Jason: In a JET. From FINLAND!
