#good omens amazon


Anathema: you know who I love?

Newt: *blushing* who?

Anathema: Aziraphale and Crowley! Oh my God. I ship them SO much :)

Newt: *visibly destressed*

Anathema: is that a hickey?

Aziraphale: No, it’s just a- a snake bite?


Aziraphale: WAIT NO-

Ok, hear me out

What if Aziraphale bought a pet snek to keep him company when Crowley wasn’t there? He would get really attateched to it , and then when Crowley WAS there he’d get jealous of the snake.

Good omens x Queen Headcannons

  • Freddie and Crowley become BFFs (ObViOuSLaY)
  • Aziraphale is friends with Deaky (softies)
  • Deaky teaches Zir some cool new moves B)
  • Brian is silently judging as Crowley and Freddie do crackhead things
  • Aziraphale is intimidated by Rog
  • Crowley makes fun of Rog for IILWMC
  • Bri grows on Zir after he shows him some animals (Bob ross of guitar )
  • Crowley paints his fingernails on one hand black and white on one hand for Zir like Bri and Freddie would do
  • Freddie brings Crowley on stage and he sings terribly into the microphone
  • Deaky shows Aziraphale his favorite cheese toest recipe, and Aziraphale gives him his favorite crepe recipe
  • Roger brings home girls and Aziraphale gets scared so he :0 shares a bed with Crowley
  • Aziraphale gets drunk and flirts with Deaky (Crowley is very maddened)
  • Rog says Crowley is in love with his Bently
  • They form the car fuckers club
  • Aziraphale gets mad at the Bentley
  • All the queen members love that Bently only plays queen
  • Freddie teaches Zir some piano, and they listen to opera together
  • Brian teaches Crowley how to play the electric guitar
  • Crowley almost murders pa*l pr*nter
  • Aziraphale and Deaky hug a lot
  • Freddie and Crowley giggle about them being two cinnamon rolls hugging (teehee)
  • Crowley gets everyone (except bri) to play a game where they all have to secretly put something in Bri’s hair and see if he notices
  • Freddie lets Crowley have some of his clothes
  • Aziraphale tries to put on a magic show for them and fails
  • Aziraphale finds car magazines in Rog’s bathroom

Gabriel: And loose the gut, what are you?

Aziraphale: *Fukin, dIsCoRpOrAtEs himself just so he can throw his whole-ass gut at Gabriel’s face*

I am a simple being. I see David in tutu, I see freddie talk of the tutu, I create meme of the tutu.


So, you know how Crowley has a silver snake belt? Well, what if Aziraphale had a matching black one but it wasn’t actually a belt, it was Crowley in his snake form? Then Aziraphale could sneak him arround when they weren’t supposed to be meeting and Crowley could get into movies for free :D

Gabriel: *talking to Michael after she finds out about Aziraphale and Crowley*

Gabriel: I knew it!

Gabriel: They’re gaying each other!



