#good vibes


««We all walk on our own paths. ‍♀️ All connections are temporary, and will inevitably end one day. We must find comfort without our own journey, because our path also ends in solitude in the same fashion of which we came into the world. ☯️ Peace and love to all. ❤️‍»»

“You need to belong to yourself, and let others belong to themselves too. You need to be freeanddetached from things and your surroundings. You need to build your home in your own simple existence, not in friends, lovers, your career or material belongings, because these are things that you will lose one day.”

~Charlotte Eriksson

You either get bitter or you get better. It is that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.

“When people do not ignore what they should ignore, but ignore what they should not ignore, this is known as ignorance.”

~Master Zhuang


Get lost in a romance,

Let the universe love you;

Explore the edge of reality,

Spin around the galaxies,

Leap into other dimensions,

Skip all over the moon, and soon you will find,

Throughout your wholelifetime, you’ve been the universethiswhole time


Fall in love and romance,


Deep within your skin.”

~Erin Chatters

“If who you think you are is entirely dependent on who people have told you are— I want to let you know, that you’re not that.

-Alan Watts

There is a beautiful thing inside of you that is thousands of years old. Too old to be captured in poems. Too old to be loved by everyone— but loved so very deeply by a chosen few. ❤️‍

“You cannot discuss the ocean with a well frog—

He is limited by the space that he lives in.

You cannot discuss ice with a summer insect—

He is bound to a single season.”

~Zhuang Zhou

Do not discuss your great goals and plans with those that will not understand, and those who are limited by their own mindset. No dream is too big. Do not change your mindset to fit the comfort level of others. Stop walking on thin ice. Those that love you will support you. ❤️ Those that do not will leave— as they were meant to.

“Half of life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play, you have played enough.”

