#good vibes


As promised, here is the entire video (that I got anyway… ) that my naughty girl sent me early last week… Apparently she hasn’t “paid” for weed once since we’ve been dating 

Am I mad…? Absolutely not!! Can you really blame her, or “her guy”!?!?!





good things will happen 

things that are meant to be will fall into place 


Right now I need all the good things

2000s vibes

• follow me • if you like me • Thank you

“Priorizei o teu sorriso, somente na cama eu te pus de lado.”

Éramos tipo funk - Coruja BC1

Call Me - ft. Keely Valentine x Rex Conception [Produced by. M.L.J x COS…

#good vibes    #summer vibes    #summer vibin    #soundcloud    #creative    #youtube    #summer    #underground    #underrated    #under raps    #hiphop    #808mafia    

My friend leant me this to read over the weekend (last week) and I’m so glad I asked if I could - it was simply fascinating. From the first definitively English word ‘Roe’ found engraved on the femur of a Roe deer, to modern words which are being formed as we speak (or type) such as Twittersphere (which I would like to add now has a red line beneath it - Tumblr, you need to update your dictionary!) David Crystal talks through the history of 100 words and how their history shaped the language we speak today.

I won’t give too many spoilers but the amount of information given for each word is incredible, some words which seem modern are in fact centuries old and their history is surprising but makes perfect sense. Crystal also manages to include all manner of words - polite words and quite obscure words, including those which are seen by most as taboo (the c word is actually one of his 100). Phrases are also mentioned as they’re dependant on the formation of certain words and how they change (either spelling or adding prefixes/suffixes).

This is well worth a read whether you’re into English, history or just general knowledge. It’s just super fascinating!

Had a great time at the Upton Marina tonight watching the Bourbon Alley Blues Band, my ears are ring

Had a great time at the Upton Marina tonight watching the Bourbon Alley Blues Band, my ears are ringing a bit but I’m excited to say I have been given the opportunity to open for them on the 14th of June in Worcester for a fundraising event :) yay for phone camera quality~~
Long live rock n roll (and blues!) ✌ ~ 25.05.14

Post link

“Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It is not ‘I love you’ for this or that reason, not ‘I love you if you love me.’ It is love for no reason, love without an object.”

~Ram Dass

Always Speak Your Truth—

You will trigger a lot of people, but you will free more souls than you can possibly imagine.

And those who mind won’t matter because those who matter, won’t mind.

Never hold back, be truthful, be raw, be full, be grand! Those who are your kind, your tribe, who hold your depth and understand your madness will find you, and those who are not will vanish from your existence.

You will create Heaven on Earth by continuing to be your unique authentic self.
