#good vibes



Hey guys. I don’t know how long you’ve been on my account, but my og squad will know I was sexually abused by a teacher at 9 years old. I’m bisexual, and my parents aren’t the most accepting either. My mother has just told me that being a paedophile was the same time being gay. I tried to talk to my sister, to make sure that she didn’t think the same, and apparently she does. I can’t breathe rn, I cried for the first time in over a year yesterday (not counting panic attacks) and I’ve been feeling great apart from a few almost-relapses. I also haven’t been getting my period for the last 2 months due to stress, and I finally got it yesterday, I was so happy. This has just completely ruined my day, if i may ask for some good vibes thank you all so so much for supporting me and being there for me, I appreciate you all so so much ❤

(Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense I’m not doing great)

I just want a house full of plants, candles, and good energy.

Nadinchen danke für alles ….

Ich denke, ich möchte dir danken. Ja, ich glaube wirklich, dass ich das tun möchte. Minutenlang habe ich überlegt wie ich diesen Brief beginnen könnte. Ich weiß, mein Anfang ist weder dramatisch noch rührend schön oder sensationell aber… Danke. Danke, dass du mir die Welt in die Literatur geöffnet hast.  Danke, dass du mir Musik gezeigt hast, die ich sonst nie gehört hätte.  Danke, dass du mir Schönheiten der Welt gezeigt hast. Zumindest die in unserer kleinen Welt. Danke, dass du mir geholfen hast an mich zu glauben.  Danke, dass du mir geholfen hast zu wachsen. Ich danke dir für jede Berührung. Für jede Sekunde. Für jede Minute und für jeden Tag den wir gemeinsam verbracht haben. Du bist die beste Freundin die man sich nur wünschen könnte

No depressed thoughts today, just pretty gold aesthetic pictures.

And a strawberry bowl

The worst thing about prison is the dementors - Prison Mike. Pic taken at Summer Camp by KristanRVA

@flower-and-devil @billyhearThank you for the positivity and the hype. You are darlings <3 Gourme



Thank you for the positivity and the hype. You are darlings <3 

Gourmet Eyecandy is now my drag name! 

remind me again why I set up this blog as a secondary blog so therefore I cannot reply on this account. 

Post link



there’s no rule as to how big or how small you’re allowed to dream. if you just want a small home and an orange kitchen and four cats that’s just as reasonable of a goal to work for as a big new york penthouse. and if all you really want is a simplistic career that isn’t the center of your life then that’s just as valid as dreaming of becoming a famous fashion designer or ceo. i know everyone keeps urging you to dream big, but dreams can be as simple and small as you want. they’ll always be valid. you decide how you want to live and what kind of life you want, no one else.

I feel like instead of saying “dream big” we should say “dream vividly.”

I think having a good image of what you want is more important than the scale of the dream.
