

I have been rejected by boy that I don’t want

I feel great, yet there is sadness. A hint,a whisper. He told me over text, and that is fine. But I wanted to do it in a different way. I wanted to pay for his food and tell him. And he would say he felt the same way, and then we would talk with honesty filling our mouths. We would get to know our minds better in ways we never could when romance was involved. By the end of the night, we would say our goodbyes and wish each other well.


I hanent. Seen the s.how

The difference between “Hello” and “Goodbye”. Painting by  Fabian Perez.


Here is the last of the sorry’s I am ever going to say

I won’t apologize for being myself.

The list continues of your outrange towards fate

Let me apologize for all those times

You thought they were all lies.

Believing the story in your mind

What would I gain living a fairytale

Nightmares swollen in the past

I won’t apologize any longer for this mistake

Just tell me you love me

So I can believe your most important lie for the last time

I am sorry

For being the longest waste of time.
