#got7 jinyoung


Like I Want You

Warning: Nothing; emotions
Word Count: 1600

Like I Want You…

You sat on the floor, your back against the wall and your legs thrown over Jackson’s lap.  He was animatedly talking about something you weren’t paying much attention to with Youngjae when he walked in.  Jackson looked to you when he felt your legs tense then his eyes followed yours to the man at the door.  Jinyoung stood there, a smile evident on his face despite the mask covering the bottom half and floppy bangs on his forehead.

Jackson turned to you, “You knew he was going to be here.  It’s fine, just relax mama.  I’m not leaving you.”  He gave you a soft smile and squeezed your knee before turning back to Youngjae and continuing their conversation.  Doing as your friend suggested you settled back, getting comfortable once again before closing your eyes.  You knew he would be here, he should have assumed you would be here.  This was important.  One of the last times everyone would be together before Jackson left for China, Mark for LA and you for wherever the wanderlust took you. 

You had been friends with Jackson for years, meeting at AIS: Hong Kong when your father’s company moved you there as a kid. When he left you for Seoul you had been devastated but you two always stayed in touch. So much so that both of your parents thought for sure you two were developing feelings for one another.  It never happened, attempted yes but nothing came of it.  The two of you were too close, meeting at the time when you were your most awkward, that’s all you saw in each other.

What happened instead was you fell, stupidly hard, for one of his bandmates.  You’d known them all for almost as long as Jackson had known them.  He’d made sure to tell you about them before introducing you when you would come to visit.  It all started fine but the more you got to know them, the more you realized not all of them invoked that familial feeling like you had with Jackson.  One just so happened to check almost all the boxes for what you liked and damn it, if you didn’t have bad luck you’d have no luck at all.  Of course the one you fall for is Park Jinyoung himself.

You could tell when his eyes landed on you in your little corner, the atmosphere in the room shifted.  It was too hot and too cold all at once, the pressure of his gaze crushing your chest.  You opened your eyes slowly, schooling your features into a smile–bright and inviting, but not too cold or too warm.

Sometimes I wish you knew
But I disguise the truth
I say I’m happy but I’m still stuck on us

You hadn’t seen him in the flesh since the last blow up that led to your break up.  You thought you were ready but seeing him just tossed you in a spin.  Your heart is screaming go to him, he looks so warm and soft but your mind knows better.  Knows all about the burning acidic bite of his words like bile on your tongue.  You can’t make a scene.  Not tonight, tonight is about the boys going on to do what the naysayers said they couldn’t.

Jinyoung’s smile matches your own, never reaching his eyes as he nods to you before setting his bag down.  His mask comes off and fingers go to his hair as he turns to Jaebum.  He’s irritated, no one would notice but you know the signs.  The tightness in his back and shoulders is evidence to the irritation.

“Maybe I should go,” you whisper to Jackson after pulling his sleeve to get his attention.  He looks from you to Jinyoung again before looking back at you.  He was thinking of how to fix it, how to make it better.  He had to figure out how to make it work.  “It’s fine Son, this is important for you all.  I can always pop into LA and see Mark, I’m not selling my place here and we’ll see each other whenever possible in Hong Kong.  I owe your mom dinner,” you smile at him as you rest your hand on his forearm.

Jackson didn’t like this but he wasn’t going to force you into a situation you would be uncomfortable in.  He had hoped against hoping this would work, he could have his family together without it being any animosity or pain.  It’s too soon, he sees that now.  “Fine, but I’m walking you out.”  He makes a move to get up before you stop him, putting more weight on your legs so he can’t move them.

“You stay with your brothers, I’m a big girl.”  You stand and grab your jacket before saying your goodbyes.  The boys, minus Jinyoung, make it known how unhappy they are with your leaving early but the way they look from you to your ex makes it known, they get it.  You’re both too stubborn to admit it but they can see the pain there.  As you finish saying goodbye to BamBam and congratulating Yugyeom one last time you are swept up in a hug by Mark. 

He was the one you worried about the most and the least.  He was going home to friends and family but you told him that no matter what, you were always ready to fly out and beat some ass for him before giving him an obnoxious kiss to the cheek and leaving the room.

You only made it a few steps down the hall when you had to stop.  Leaning against the wall you let your head fall back as you take some deep breaths to calm yourself.  Crying was useless and this was not the time, you were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn’t even notice someone had followed you out.  Lowering your head you opened your eyes to see two dark ones gazing at you from across the hall.

“Jesus Jinyoung,” you grabbed your chest “you scared the shit out of me.  What are you doing?”  He didn’t say anything, just looked at you.

See you face to face
I’m thinking about the days we used to be
But I can’t make a scene
But I can’t make it seem
Like I want you

“I wanted to make sure you got a taxi safely,” he spoke so lowly you barely heard him.  You would have never known he was talking if you hadn’t watched his lips move.  Nodding you stood from the wall and smiled at him again–controlled and soft, don’t show any emotion.

“Thank you but I’m fine, don’t let me be the reason you miss out,” you bow slightly before walking away.  You make it a few steps before he grabs your wrist, he drops it like you burned him when you look down at where his hand is on you.

I guess it’s overdue,” he started softly.  “Tell me your point of view.  Tell me, am I to blame?”  He looked at you as if he didn’t know the answer to this, like he wasn’t aware of what was the end for you.

You laughed bitterly, shocking you both.  “You’re so good with change.  I’ve never been okay with it, Sonny used to tease me for it when we met.  But you, you adapt and forget.  That was the problem Jinyoung, you adapted to your new path and forgot about me.”  You turned around fully and crossed your arms over your chest, holding yourself.

You think back to that night where you gave up on the relationship.  It was dead, you both knew it but you refused to give up.  You had made plans, he was done with his latest project so you would celebrate together.  “A table set for two.  You left me waiting but you never showed.  I was tired of being the afterthought Jinyoung.  I thought I was good, I’m not over you and I know that but I thought I could at least be in a room with you but—”

See you face to face
I’m thinking about the days we used to be
But I can’t make a scene
But I can’t make it seem

“I tried to be patient.  I wanted and still want all the glory and recognition for you and I’m not selfish enough to ask you to give it all up for me.”  Jinyoung stepped closer but stopped short when you shook your head and took two steps back.  “There’s no reason to believe that I can save us then or now.  Sometimes I really wonder,” you look up at him with tears threatening to fall.  “Did you ever love me or was I just convenient because I was there?  If you really love me, say it now.”  You both stood there, the silence of the hall thunderous between the two of you.  You scoff as the first tear falls as you turn to leave.

Jinyoung knew he should move but he couldn’t?  He was frozen, he loved you and he knew he said it to

you but he can’t remember if he ever showed you.  How could he be so stupid and here you are, walking out of his life again.  He doesn’t know how many steps he took before he crashed into you, wrapping his arms around you.  “Why is it so hard to figure out?”  He turned you around in his arms, palms of his hands covering your tear stained cheeks.  “I need you everyday,” he positioned your head so you had to look him in the eyes.

Believe me when I say it.


Genre: Angst/Fluff 

Word Count: 1271


A/N: it has been so long since i’ve written something on here, but i had this dream last night and i cannot get it out of my head. i woke up with chills and i felt them while writing it. it speaks a lot to me emotionally, and i hope you can get something out of it too! 

You couldn’t even guess what brought you to this point, what pushed things so far. It started as a disagreement, one not unfamiliar to you and Jinyoung. But today, for some reason, it turned from a disagreement to an argument to the biggest fight you had experienced in your relationship. Both of you were hurt deeply; both of you made mistakes in the mess of it all. You couldn’t think of anything else but getting away from the negative space, from Jinyoung’s hurt face, just so you could process your pain. And that’s exactly what you did.

Standing there with Jinyoung while regret reverberated off the walls was too much to handle. You walked out to clear your head and breathe, leaving the room that had tensed with silence behind you. You realized how caught up you were in your own racing thoughts when the cold of the night air bit your skin. A jacket, a sweater, even a long-sleeve shirt would have been a good idea, but you had none of these. And there was no way you were going back inside. You were too stubborn. You were in too much pain. If you looked at Jinyoung while you were in this state, you surely would have burst into tears. So you kept walking, stomping through the cold night to keep your muscles awake as your burning anger turned to a heavy sadness.

You found a nook down a stairway by some corporate building and made that your temporary resting place. It was quiet and non-intrusive, allowing you to sit with your thoughts. The shock hadn’t worn off yet. The words thrown between you and Jinyoung had been so sharp you almost didn’t recognize either of your voices. Why had it gone so far this time? Was there something bigger between you, pushing you apart? Was this distance irrevocable? Would you find only emptiness if you reached your hand out to him again? Did you have the strength to? Did you even want to?

Of course you did. It was Jinyoung, after all. He was your person, and as much as what happened hurt, you knew it would hurt so much more to give up on this relationship. You already missed him, even with the anger and sadness smacking around inside you. You ached. From the fight, from your worries, from the bitter cold. You felt small and alone, on the verge of tears but not ready to be knocked down by the flood.

And then you heard footsteps. Annoyance interrupted your emotional turmoil. The absolute last thing you wanted to do right now was to put energy into ignoring a stranger who walked by. Or worse, having to explain to that stranger why you were sitting in front of an office building in the middle of the night. You straightened your slumped body to give off the impression that you were meant to be there. As the steps got closer, you preemptively turned your head to assess what the encounter would be, if there would even be one at all. Your heart lifted as your stomach sank when you saw him.

Jinyoung was determinedly moving towards you, jacket in hand and brows furrowed as deeply as his frown. Your first reaction came from your anger; you held steadfast in your place, sitting as tall and as rigid as your stiff bones would allow. You didn’t want to admit that you were cold, that you wanted nothing more than to hold Jinyoung and recite “I love you” as many times as your voice would allow. You wanted to convince him–and yourself–that you were sure in your feelings. This stubbornness, a trait shared between both of you, that escalated the fight in the first place almost lasted. Almost.

As soon as Jinyoung was close enough to touch you, he held out the jacket. Words weren’t needed right now. They had caused too many problems at this point. What mattered was action, and Jinyoung had made his feelings very clear with a simple gesture. He had reached out his hand. And you had to decide what you would do with it.

You stood up. Jinyoung took that as his cue to lay the jacket on you, gently and assuredly. You felt your muscles relaxing and a familiar warmth spreading inside you. Its presence was overwhelming. It had only been gone for a short time, but its absence had quickly hollowed you out to your core. With its return finally came your tears. The sobs burst from you before you could even take a breath. Jinyoung wrapped you in his arms, holding you as close to his chest as he could. The silence was different now: strong, lasting, secure. Your sobs subsided to simpler cries after some time, and Jinyoung took that as a sign to get you back home. He never let go of you, looking over every few seconds to make sure you were still there. You couldn’t look at him without more tears forcing their way out of you, so your eyes stayed forward, but your anxieties slipped away as the volumes spoken by Jinyoung’s gaze replaced the lonely silence that had brought you outside in the first place.

The room was no longer suffocating, just an empty room. You two stepped in and it started to feel full again. Not complete, but not completely void of what belonged there. Jinyoung removed your jacket before he set his on a chair, and he followed you as you settled yourself on the couch. Still crying, still wondering why it wouldn’t stop, you held your face in your hands. And Jinyoung stayed right next to you, so close you could feel your couch cushion dipping under his weight. The distance between you two was closing, and you craved for it to disappear, to shatter as abruptly as it had grown. You were so desperate for some kind, any kind of contact, but you lacked the strength to say anything. All you could do was cry, let the tears dry up your insides, purge the pain from a very near past. Jinyoung understood this, understood you. Air brushed your face as Jinyoung grasped your hand, carrying it so carefully that you couldn’t be sure of the contact. The second he felt your skin against his lips he shut his eyes, absorbing and savoring the sensation of your touch. A new kind of chill ran over your skin, through your bones, as Jinyoung meticulously kissed your fingers, hand, wrist, and all of your arm up until your shoulder. No empty space existed. All had been blessed by his lips, your prayers answered without a single word spoken. As his kiss lingered on your shoulder, you felt his breath change, an inhale much deeper and longer this time. Jinyoung moved closer, changing the distance between you ever so slightly, and rested his forehead against yours. Your eyes stung but you kept them open, knowing you needed to consume as much of this contact as humanly possible. Before the silence became meaningless, Jinyoung opened his mouth. A whisper so soft you wouldn’t have heard it if it weren’t for the intent that spilled from his lips.

“I’m so sorry Y/N.”

A new kind of tears fell from your eyes as you reached your free hand up to hold his face. His grasp on your wrist tightened as your lips met his. The distance had disappeared. Your love filled up the empty space, and you were so thankful both pairs of hands reached out instinctively even when both minds were too scared to say another word.

Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.“항상 힘이 되어주는 팬들 고마워요 #아가새 #”[TRANS] “To the fans who arJinyoung’s Instagram Update.“항상 힘이 되어주는 팬들 고마워요 #아가새 #”[TRANS] “To the fans who arJinyoung’s Instagram Update.“항상 힘이 되어주는 팬들 고마워요 #아가새 #”[TRANS] “To the fans who ar

Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.

“항상 힘이 되어주는 팬들 고마워요 #아가새 #”

[TRANS] “To the fans who are always my strength, thank you #ahgase #”

trans cr: JustForJinyoung

Post link

Jinyoung’s Instastory Update.

“Thank you for the 9 wonderful years ”

“Miss u all ”

#vinstagram    #210524    #jinyoung    #park jinyoung    #got7 jinyoung    
Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.“”Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.“”Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.“”

Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.


Post link

Family Traditions

➟ pairing(s): JinYoung x Reader (afab)

➟ genre(s): Fluff

➟ word count: 3.8K

➟ warnings: Mentions of implied sex

JinYoung focused on his phone, oblivious to what his friends were talking about. Coincidently, their conversation was about him. They all knew he had a new girlfriend, but he wasn’t sharing any details about you. They didn’t know your name, what you looked like or if they would ever meet you. All they knew is that JinYoung met you at a farmers market when he literally swept you off your feet.

You were at the market looking for fresh local ingredients for your new cookbook. Your arms were full of perfectly ripe fruits when a tall and handsome man bumped into you. Both you and your fruit went toppling to the ground when a pair of strong arms caught you and pulled you close. One look into your eyes and this man was smitten.

JinYoung was absolutely crazy about you. He loved you from your head to your toes and didn’t want to share you. For him, you were his shelter from the storm of GOT7. You always welcomed him into your home with open arms, a kiss, and a home-cooked meal. He was your #1 fan and your favorite critic.

Since he was going to be stuck in the studio for an indefinite amount of time, you took this chance to perfect a few recipes and bring him lunch. Typing a quick message, you let him know that you were at the front desk. His job was important, and just like yours, there was a line the other didn’t want to cross, so you kept a distance.

JinYoung excused himself from the room and hurried down the hall to the lobby. His bandmates were left confused by his rush. As soon as he laid eyes on you, his heart swelled and his smile beamed.

“You didn’t need to come here for me,” he said to you, brushing his lips against yours. You held the bag filled with containers out to him with a smile.

“I know,” you said softly, “but you need to eat to keep your strength up.” He peaked into the bag and his smile grew.

“Is that pizza?” he asked. You nodded and laughed.

“It has BBQ pulled pork, kimchi, and a gochujang tomato sauce,” you told him. You reached into the bag and moved a few items. “There is a kale salad, too.” He smiled and kissed you again.

“You’re spoiling me,” he said against your lips. You quickly pecked his lips again and turned to go.

“There is dasik in there too,” you called over your shoulder, “Don’t eat them first.” He stood there smiling at you as you left.

“Thank you, baobei,” he called to you.

As he returned to the practice room, the guys surrounded him, curious about what he brought back. The room filled with oohs and aahs as JinYoung sat to enjoy his lunch. He bashfully explained to the guys that you were paid by your publisher to write a cookbook, and luckily, he was your test subject.

He shared some of his food, knowing you would appreciate the criticism of more people than himself. As he passed the dasik around, he told them your name was Y/N and how he met you. He still wasn’t ready to share you with them yet.

The following day was the same thing. You texted JinYoung to let him know you had arrived. This time when excused himself from the room, he had to make the others promise not to follow him. He didn’t want to overwhelm you with the circus that would follow.

“Hi handsome,” you greeted him as he came into the lobby. He pulled you in for a hug and kissed your cheek. He took the container from you and peeked inside.

“Bulgogi?” he asked. He smiled and inhaled deeply. “This smells great. Are there any dasik in there by chance?” He looked at you hopefully.

“No, honey,” you apologized. Stepping in closer you whispered, “There is dalgona though.” You tapped his nose with your finger and winked.

“You are so good to me,” he moaned, throwing his head back. You giggled and waved goodbye. “Thank you,” he called after you again.

This was your routine for the next few weeks. You would stop by for a few minutes to bring him lunch, a few quick kisses, and then goodbye. This love and care for JinYoung did not go unnoticed. He always made time to show you how much he appreciated it. He would stop by local shops before going to your apartment to surprise you with something new or bring you your favorite candy or flowers.

His bandmates also noticed how much you cared for JinYoung. It didn’t hurt that on day 3 of delivering lunch, you made sure to pack much more than usual, to feed all 7 of them.

“So when do we get to meet her?” Jackson asked finishing his bibimbap. “She has been here every day for three weeks!” A chorus of agreement came from the guys.

“Are you ashamed of us,” Yugyeom asked, fake hurt in his voice. BamBam leaned into his friend, hardly able to contain his laughter.

“Seriously,” Mark chimed in, “you’re clearly into her. Have you bought a ring?” JinYoung smiled to himself and shakes his head.

“I’m not buying one. But I’ll see if she has time tomorrow. Maybe we can go out together,” he said, “I think you guys will like her.” YoungJae smiled and squeezed his friend’s arm.

“We see how she takes care of you, Hyung, and how happy she makes you,” he assured JinYoung, “We like her already.”

After practice was over, JinYoung called you on his way home. “Jagi, I miss you already. I was thinking,” he said in a way of greeting, “How about you skip lunch for us tomorrow and let me take you out to dinner. My friends are pestering me to meet you.”

“I can’t wait,” you said giddily. You chattered to him about your day and what you were planning for the next section of your book. You were satisfied with the sections on appetizers, soups, meats, and desserts; however, what made your book special was the idea of making the food special for families and creating memories. You planned on traveling to the park and common areas, speaking to people you passed to ask them about what made their meals special. JinYoung agreed wholeheartedly with the idea and had one of his own.

“I’ll call you back in a few minutes,” he cut the call short, “I need to make a quick call.” You made a kissing noise and told him to be careful on the way home, you’d talk to him soon.

He called his mom shortly after. He missed her voice and wanted to catch up with her. “Umma,” he said cheerfully, “how are you?” He filled her in about their comeback and how excited he was about the new album. She told him about all the updates on his sisters and his father.

“Are you taking care of yourself,” she asked softly, “I know you take care of the boys but are you looking after yourself?” He chuckled on the phone, he knew his mom knew something.

“I did meet someone a few months back,” he admitted, “She’s the reason I was calling. I was thinking about bringing her home to meet you and appa.”

“Oh, nae adeul,” she breathed, “Of course. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Thank you umma,” he said gratefully, “I’ll let you know when we make plans. I love you.” He ended the call and rushed home, he was finally excited to bring you fully into his world.

JinYoung rocked from foot to foot as he waited outside your door the following night. He made reservations at your favorite restaurant for 10 people, you and him, his 6 friends, and 2 of their girlfriends. You greeted him with a smile as he held out a bouquet for you.

“You look amazing,” he complimented you. He kissed your cheek and guided you to his waiting car. His hand never left your knee, so he was able to sense your nervousness. “What’s wrong,” he questioned you.

“Nothing, just nervous,” you said softly, “What if they don’t like me?” He laughed loudly.

“Not like you,” he snorted, “They’re not stupid. There isn’t anything about you to not like!” He rubbed your knee in assurance.

“But what about the girls,” you pushed, “What if they don’t like me?” He rolled his eyes at you.

“They will love you,” he promised. “Trust me, jagi.” You smiled at him and leaned to rest your head on his shoulder. He kissed your head and returned his focus to the road.

Soon you were being led into the restaurant by JinYoung. You recognized a few of the men sitting at a larger table. Silence fell when they noticed you. JinYoung rubbed your back gently as he introduced you to everyone. Polite hellos were exchanged until BamBam stood. He promptly wrapped his arms around your shoulders and welcomed you. The whole evening was perfect and you couldn’t have asked for more. By the end of the night, you had two new girlfriends and the boys were eating out of your hand. They loved you and JinYoung couldn’t have been prouder.

“Are you staying with me tonight?” you asked JinYoung sweetly on the drive back to your apartment. He nodded to the back of his car and smiled.

“I planned on it if that’s ok,” he answered. You leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“I’d like that,” you sighed, “I’ve missed you at night.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled at you. Upon arriving at your apartment, you quickly unlocked the door and kicked your heels off. JinYoung tossed his overnight bag on the floor and quickly wrapped his arms around you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

“Will you go away with me this weekend?” he asked, looking into your eyes. He pressed his forehead to yours and waited.

“Ok,” you agreed, pressing forward to place your lips on his. He hummed and squeezed you tighter, kissing you passionately. “Where are you taking me?” You could feel a smile on his lips.

“I was thinking Jinhae-gu,” he said against your lips. You pulled away and looked into his eyes.

“Isn’t that where your parents live?” you asked. He nodded innocently and kissed you again, trying to distract you. “You’re not going to skirt past that,” you playfully scolded him. He grinned and kissed you again. “JinYoung, what are you planning?” He pulled you flush against his chest and laughed.

“I figured you needed a break from all your hard work,” he kissed your head, “Plus Gunhangje is soon, and it’s beautiful to see.” He kissed your head again and swayed with you back and forth. “And it’s time you meet my parents,” he confessed bashfully. You slapped his chest and laughed.

“I knew it,” you exclaimed, “You tricky man!” He cupped your face and looked into your eyes, silently pleading with you. “But how can I say ‘No’ to that face?” You kissed him gently. He guided you to the bedroom with his arms around your waist.

It was the day you planned on leaving for your trip with JinYoung. You stopped at the studio and dropped off lunch for the boys and stole a quick kiss before leaving. JinYoung grabbed your hand and pulled you back into him, cupping your face and placing another kiss on your lips.

“Are you packed and ready?” he asked. You nodded and slid your hands around his waist. “I’ll pick you up after we’re finished here.” You hummed and hugged him. “Are you nervous?” he asked you.

“Not one bit,” you lied. He eyed you with raised eyebrows. “Maybe a little,” you admitted. Before he could respond you covered his mouth with your hand. “I know, they will love me. I just need to make a good impression on them.” He nodded. “I need to go, and you need to get back to work.” You blew him a kiss and hurried down the hall. He leaned against the door and watched you leave.

“You’ve got it bad,” Yugyeom laughed, patting JinYoung on the shoulder.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he admitted to Yugyeom.

JinYoung pulled into the driveway of his parent’s home and smiled. It was late, but he knew by the light inside, his dad was still awake and waiting for him. He leaned over and gently rubbed your cheek with his thumb. You swatted his hand away and grumbled about breaking his finger if he did it again. While leaving the car running, he grabbed the luggage and greeted his father waiting at the door. The older man looked over his son’s shoulder and smiled.

“You packed a lot for you alone, son,” he pulled JinYoung in for a hug.

“Y/N is sleeping,” the young man laughed, “She passed out about halfway here.” He looked back and could see you begin to stir. His dad grabbed the luggage from him and disappeared into the house. JinYoung jogged to your side of the car and leaned in. “Hey,” he said softly, “We’re here. Come on, let’s go.” You opened your eyes and looked around at your surroundings.

“Why didn’t you wake me sooner,” you yawned.

“Because I like my fingers,” he laughed. He took your hands and coaxed you out of the car and into his arms. He kissed your temple and guided you to the door, where his dad stood again. You bowed deeply to his father and greeted him. His father smiled and nodded to him.

“Please come inside,” his father said, “I’ll let your mother know you’re here.” He disappeared and JinYoung took your hand, leading you into the house.

“You’re doing great,” he whispered into your ear, “My mom will love you, and luckily my sisters aren’t here.” He got caught placing kisses on your neck when his mom walked in. She cleared her throat and you nearly jumped out of your skin. JinYoung chuckled next to you before wrapping his mother in a hug. “I’ve missed you umma.” She kissed his cheek and checked his appearance. Smiling at him, she peeked around his broad shoulders. You met her eyes with a shy smile and bowed.

“No need for that,” she scolded you, stepping forward and hugging you. You let out a sigh of relief and returned the hug. She took your face in her hands and frowned at JinYoung. “You didn’t say she was this beautiful.”

“I couldn’t ever put how beautiful she is into words,” he leaned down and faux whispered to his mother. He winked at you and caused you to flush pink. Your eyes grew wide and your mouth formed a silent 'oh’. JinYoung seemed to know what entered your mind. “I got it. I’ll be right back,” he said walking past you.

“You must be tired,” his mom said to you sweetly, “I’ve been told you’re busy writing a book.” You smiled knowing that JinYoung spoke to his mother about you.

“I am, it’s a cookbook,” you explained, “I’m collecting recipes and stories from people. For my family, like so so many, food is something that is associated with memories.” You laughed and blushed. You had a habit of rambling when you got on the subject of food. His mother grabbed your hands and squeezed them nodding her head.

“Food is a tradition and something to pass to younger generations,” she agreed.

“Yes! Absolutely,” you said. JinYoung appeared by your side with a ginseng bonsai in his hands. You smiled at him and took the plant, then offering it to his mother. She gasped and accepted the gift.

“You didn’t have to do this,” she said gratefully, “It is beautiful.”

“As much as we’d love to continue this,” JinYoung said, “I think it’s time we get to sleep. We have all day to catch up.” He smiled at his mother and then you.

“Of course,” she said, “Where are my manners? I cleaned your room and made up the girl’s old room for Y/N.”

“Mom, it’s ok we can just,” JinYoung began, but you placed a hand on his arm to stop him from saying any more.

“That sounds wonderful,” you said, cutting him off, “Thank you.” His mom watched the look the two of you shared and pressed her lips together before leading you to your room.

“I think your things are in here already,” she said to you, opening the door. “The restroom is down the hall,” she said pointing to a closed door, “And our room is there if you need anything.” JinYoung laughed behind his mom.

“Goodnight umma,” he said, gently pushing her down the hall, “She will be fine.” His mom glanced at him sideways and walked off. “My room is next door if you need anything,” he said in a low husky tone. You slapped his arm and blushed.

“Not tonight Romeo,” you giggled, pushing him towards his room. He winked and blew you a kiss before entering his room.

The following morning JinYoung found you huddled around the kitchen table with his mother. The sight of the two most important women in his life laughing together made his heart swell. He recognized the book on the table and smiled. It was the book his mother used for holidays or special occasions.

“She was stubborn and didn’t use recipes,” his mother told you, “I was always told that you measure with your heart.”

“I’ve always been told that by my gramma,” you said fondly, “She never wrote anything down either.” You ran your fingers over the pages. “I spent every holiday in the kitchen with her and I was astonished that she knew everything without a recipe.” You chewed the inside of your lip and sighed. “That’s why I’m doing this. She passed a few years ago, and with her so many wonderful things.” JinYoung listened carefully, he never heard you speak about your family like this. “It has taken me years to recreate her recipes. If I can put them together, I think I can preserve memories and inspire people to make their own. It’s something I always promised I would pass down to my children.”

“That is beautiful,” his mom said, “I love that idea. My mother passed traditions down to me, but my children haven’t shown interest. What if they end with me?” She questioned no one in particular.

“What about your grandchildren,” JinYoung chimed in from the other side of the room? You and his mom shared a confused look.

“Is there something I should know,” his mother asked him, and then looked at you? You shook your head with wide eyes.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” you confessed. “I’m not… We’re not… No.” You gave your boyfriend a dirty look when he continued to laugh.

“Sorry,” he laughed harder, “I could have handled that better.” You rolled your eyes at him and huffed, his mother did look slightly disappointed. JinYoung took the seat next to you and pulled the book towards him. He flipped through the pages and landed on one. Pointing to the page he smiled at his mom. “Do you remember making this for us on Chuseok?” She looked over the notes and smiled at her son.

“This was your favorite,” she recalled. She read over the ingredients with you, taking care to explain the annotations she made on the sides over the years. “Why don’t we make some tonight,” she said to you, “Do you want to help me?”

“Are you kidding me,” you squealed, “I’d love to!” Just then, your phone rang. You excused yourself from the room. JinYoung took your seat next to his mother and leaned his head on her shoulder.

“What do you think umma?” he said softly. He waited silently for her answer. “Do you like her?”

“She’s great,” she admitted, “I do like her. Do you?”

“Do I like her?” he laughed. “Yeah, umma, I do. A lot.” He held a finger to his lips, “I love her to be honest.”

“Good,” she said, “Wanna talk about those kids?”

“Maybe we can talk about a ring first,” he said bashfully. His mom squeezed his hand and patted his leg.

“Ah, there it is,” she smiled, “I know exactly what you need.”

The rest of your trip with JinYoung was perfect; however, if you ask him, JinYoung was still annoyed he had to sleep in his old room without you. Nonetheless, you wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. With the weekend over, JinYoung carried the luggage back to the car and made sure nothing was left behind. You hugged his mother and said goodbye to his father.

“Thank you so much for having me as a guest in your home,” you said, bowing to them both. His mother handed you a box from behind her back.

“This is for you,” she said. You took the box and unwrapped the ribbon. Lifting the lid of the box, you saw the book she kept her recipes in. Your eyes welled with tears.

“No, no, no,” you said, “I can’t take this.” You tried to hand her the book back. “This is for your family. I just can’t.” She smiled and pushed the book back to you.

From behind you, you heard JinYoung clear his throat. You turned to see him kneeling behind you, his hand outreached with a beautiful ring between his fingers. It was a simple gold band adorned with an oval opal, surrounded by tiny diamonds. His mom placed her hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you closer to the handsome man in front of you.

“It does belong in the family,” she said, “and so do you.” The tears you managed to hold back now fell freely.

“She’s right,” Jinyoung beamed up at you. “I’ve loved you since I first held you in my arms and looked into your eyes. I know it hasn’t been long, but I can’t imagine my life without you.” He stood and took your trembling hands in his. “I didn’t plan on doing this so soon, but I heard you talk about cooking, and passing down traditions…” he trailed off, “I couldn’t imagine anyone else having my children or sharing those memories with.” He took a deep breath and closed the distance between you. “Please say yes,” he pleaded with you, “You have brought so much sunshine into my life, I can’t go back to the dark.” You bounced on your toes and cupped his face in your hands. He leaned down and let you press your lips to his. “Is that a yes?” he asked against your lips.

“Yes,” you laughed, “That is a yes.”

His Smirk

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