
First pageHey, everyone! I only missed a week, but it’s still so good to be back.For this comic I wa

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Hey, everyone! I only missed a week, but it’s still so good to be back.

For this comic I want to assure you that it’s totally cool that you did that One Embarrassing Thing in front of That One Cool Person, because I’ve totally done it too. :’D

In other news, hey it’s my birthday on Thursday!! I’m turning 24 this year, which I’m sure is really old for some of you and really young for others of you. Regardless of where you are though, y’all are pretty awesome. <333

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageBeing a trans and mentally ill/ neurodiverse immigrant in Canada is full of nervous “what-

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Being a trans and mentally ill/ neurodiverse immigrant in Canada is full of nervous “what-ifs”. After talking with my doctor though, it seems I don’t have much to worry about. The main difference between my case and the case of the kid with Down’s is that my mental health and gender didn’t come up on the required physical exam for my permanent residence app (I’m sure not being on hormones helped), whereas his did.

I’m doing as well as I am in Canada (Ontario) because I am white and middle class with a white and middle class spouse, no doubt. Everyone else is at risk for denial at best and indefinite detention at worst. (CW: link contains description of abuse at immigration detention centres)

But that doesn’t stop the process from being stressful, ugh.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageThis week’s comic is some recreations of photos Drew and I have taken in the past few mont

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This week’s comic is some recreations of photos Drew and I have taken in the past few months. I didn’t realize until I was flipping through them that we actually take a LOT of silly selfies.

You could say we….

….can’t keep a straight face

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageA slightly more narrative comic is up this week! I wish supporting the mental health of st

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A slightly more narrative comic is up this week! I wish supporting the mental health of students was a greater consideration in schools (and also that schools were less of a deciding factor in peoples’ well being in life, but yanno). I had SOME awareness that this was happening when I was still in university, but a lot of the bigger picture is only just starting to sharpen now, two years after graduation! And I’m still FAR from convincing any older adults in my life that “bad students” aren’t failing so much as society is failing them.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageOnly a minor update today. Drew and I recently lost one of our cats, Tibi. She’s had a lot

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Only a minor update today. Drew and I recently lost one of our cats, Tibi. She’s had a lot of struggles, and we suspected she wouldn’t live as long as a lot of cats, but we didn’t think it would be so soon or so sudden.

I miss her, and I’m really sad that none of y’all will get to meet her. EVERYONE who met her loved her right away, and she was a big fan of the attention. The only comic she showed up in was the one I posted a couple weeks ago. Still, she’s a big part of my life and will probably show up in future comics.

Thanks for the love, Tibi. I hope you liked all the pets. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageThis week we have a little bit of angst. I tend to cope with stress by playing a video gam

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This week we have a little bit of angst. I tend to cope with stress by playing a video game or something else that’s not related to the stressy thing, but I also really like snuggling our animals (when they want to be snuggled, anyway).

I hope you all get to touch a cute animal today, and remember that you can totally live like there will be a tomorrow. <3

(PS: I totally love GQutie and my other comics work, I’ve just been itching to draw other things as well and I’m occasionally fussy about not being able to do it IMMEDIATELY RIGHT NOW)

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageI’ve mentioned my pudge a couple times in this comic, and I’ve only continued to slowly bu

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I’ve mentioned my pudge a couple times in this comic, and I’ve only continued to slowly but steadily gain weight since then. It’s of course brought to my attention all of the fatphobia that had been seeded in me since forever, but it’s also brought tiny joys as well! I have entertained myself lots of times just poking and jiggling all around in the mirror, and I highly recommend it!

You can read a more in-depth comic about how I personally address my feelings around my body in this comic. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First page[NOTE: I wasn’t able to find the specific technique that I was suspended with, so this is

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[NOTE: I wasn’t able to find the specific technique that I was suspended with, so this is just pieced together from other ones I found. Please don’t use this as a reference for safe suspension!! Do your research/practice on consenting parties/always have safety scissors on hand/etc.]

I haven’t been all that involved in the BDSM community since moving to Peterborough for a variety of reasons (sigh), but this is still a fond memory and it’s great to see the reactions!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageGuess what! YEP, IT’S MORE PET COMICS! Sheppard is one of our two cats, the being Tibi. Sh

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Guess what! YEP, IT’S MORE PET COMICS! Sheppard is one of our two cats, the being Tibi. Sheppard looks like a tiny panther when he’s relaxing, but really he’s a giant baby and gets startled easily.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First page(Note: this conversation didn’t actually happen, being frustrated at a Service Ontario cle

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(Note: this conversation didn’t actually happen, being frustrated at a Service Ontario clerk wouldn’t have changed my situation XP)

To elaborate on the story, everyone in Ontario has access to the province’s insurance (OHIP), which is great! Except as an immigrant, I don’t have access to the insurance until I’m either granted permanent residence (which takes about three years in my case) or I can prove that I’m working full time. I was recently able to provide that proof, but that was only after two years uninsured and unable to work until Drew and I payed to treat my depression out of pocket.

So yeah, I’m a little frustrated that in order to get the health care I needed to work, I needed to work to get the health care I needed….

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageSorry for putting this up fairly late in the day! I didn’t catch con crud from TCAF but I’

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Sorry for putting this up fairly late in the day! I didn’t catch con crud from TCAF but I’m still pretty tuckered out from it.

I haven’t listened to a lot of musicals recently, so I had forgotten why I banned myself from listening second acts while working. Hamilton reminded me. :’)

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageGQutie has had a big part in practicing self-love, by drawing the parts of me I don’t like

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GQutie has had a big part in practicing self-love, by drawing the parts of me I don’t like until I slowly grow to enjoy them. But my dislike of my voice is still the hardest to address, partly because it’s in the grey area of maybe-dysphoria-maybe-not.

To translate my silly academic feminist jargon, I feel like I sound gross when I speak really fast/with a high pitch (usually when I’m really excited), but that kind of voice is pooped on a lot by society so no wonder. :P Hopefully I’ll feel better about it someday.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageOf course, “beau” is a loanword and has different meaning in American/Canadian Engli

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Of course, “beau” is a loanword and has different meaning in American/Canadian English, but I couldn’t resist the joke! Though, as I get a better handle on French, I’m definitely interested in looking into nonbinary francophones and what they do regarding pronouns, etc.

(A comic about how I use “beau”.)

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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At last, some more work on GQutie! Starting with this comic I’m also trying out Kyle’s n

At last, some more work on GQutie! 

Starting with this comic I’m also trying out Kyle’s new Halftone brushes , which are very nice!

One of the things that have happened recently is my application for Permanent Residence was approved! This is excellent news for me. Of course, as a trans person as well as an immigrant, the paper train is never REALLY over….

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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Binders are getting cuter everyday, but there’s still cool open cuts and pretty bralettes that make

Binders are getting cuter everyday, but there’s still cool open cuts and pretty bralettes that make me sad that my chest is as big as it is (and it isn’t very big tbh!) :’D If my dysphoria wasn’t such a jerk I’d be running around in all of those all the time.

Also, while it’s true that the binder in the picture isn’t suitable for swimming (the pretty fabric makes it too stiff), Drew would like to inform you all that the REAL reason why I don’t swim is because I’m a weenie and don’t want to go in the water. ;P

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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This week we have a short silly comic about the pros and cons of low spoons.My tendency to sweat at

This week we have a short silly comic about the pros and cons of low spoons.

My tendency to sweat at the slightest provocation might have made my skin a home for fungus, but at least my hair is shiny and free of split ends??

Still, always figure out what works for you in terms of bathing and keep on it if you can!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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I drew this comic because I didn’t know the side effects of binding long term (even when done

I drew this comic because I didn’t know the side effects of binding long term (even when done safely) until I was experiencing them. 

Surprise! It can aggravate heart burn, put your ribs out of alignment, and permanently reduce your lung capacity. :’D

This is only one of many reasons why I wish top surgery was more accessible!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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(Note: I said Tibi was Drew’s first cat when I meant that Tibi was Drew’s first cat that

(Note: I said Tibi was Drew’s first cat when I meant that Tibi was Drew’s first cat that he owned himself, rather than his family!)

We recently lost one of our rats (Mercury), so the fuzzy family who are no longer in my life were on my mind. I wanted to draw something nice for them and tell a little bit of their stories. There’s still fun facts I couldn’t fit on here, so maybe we’ll get a flashback sometime. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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This week we have a story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while, which is the story of Styx the Kitt

This week we have a story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while, which is the story of Styx the Kitten Who Eats Everything. 

That cactus has since died, but it was in rough shape when we inherited it, and it turns out that cacti are actually pretty delicate. :’D Drew gave me a covered terrarium for Valentine’s so I can have some desk plants that the cats won’t eat.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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(NOTE: yes yes “both” is somewhat inaccurate. I just wanted the pun!)If you all follow me on Twitter

(NOTE: yes yes “both” is somewhat inaccurate. I just wanted the pun!)

If you all follow me on Twitter, you might have gotten a taste of this. I just have been doing a silly thing where I go back and forth on whether or not I’m this or that sexuality when it’s fine to just chill! 

I mean, between the ways that sexual and romantic attraction and gender identity and gender expression cross over AND are completely separate and different things depending on the person (which is why even saying I’m “masc-leaning” is a fairly meh way of explaining it), it’s really easy to be unsure! I still like Pan best, but I don’t need to stress out about my fluctuating certainty, lol.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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First pageI may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since I joked thaFirst pageI may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since I joked tha

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I may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since I joked that Drew and I holding hands while sleeping makes us like otters, I wanted to do a series of our usual sleep poses. (Also, bodies do some pretty funky poses at night and I enjoy that!)

Also, Sheppard has taken to trying to sleep with us because he wants attention and love, I’m guessing.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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First pageHi everyone! This week I’m sharing my favourite non-alcoholic party drinks! For a variety

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Hi everyone! This week I’m sharing my favourite non-alcoholic party drinks! For a variety of reasons, I don’t drink much anymore, but I still like the idea of it in social situations. As a solution, I’ve found a bunch of drinks I enjoy that I can save for special occasions, like parties with friends!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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First pageA day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t updating

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A day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t updating GQutie for a couple months (as well as adjusting to new medication, the election, work stress…. I could go on, lol).

Ontariorecently authorized family doctors to write referrals for top surgery, which was amazing, since for decades onlyCAMH (a single clinic in Toronto) had that authority, leading to a backlog that was YEARS LONG. In fact, the reason why they changed it was because the wait was so long that people could legally begin to sue for lack of care.

However, as this comic shows, ending the backlog at the referral stage just moves the backlog to the surgery appointment stage. Right now, only THREE surgeons in the entirety of Canada accept OHIP (Ontario’s health insurance) for top surgery. For bottom surgeries or facial surgeries for anyone, it’s even worse. @-@

But at least Styx is spayed now?

Here’s hoping that this next year isn’t too long of a wait for Drew and I, and that our trans fam will have to wait less. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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First pageFunny how I’m posting a story from last summer in the dead of winter, but here you go! A s

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Funny how I’m posting a story from last summer in the dead of winter, but here you go! A story about the time a mosquito flew into my lip gloss and died :’D

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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First pageWE’RE BACK!!! I missed this comic so much while I was on the impromptu hiatus. These past

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WE’RE BACK!!! I missed this comic so much while I was on the impromptu hiatus. These past few months have really kicked my butt, and I’m so glad to be back. ;3;

I think that dark muted colours are so pretty, but I’m personally all pastel all the time, so this comic is mostly an excuse to use lots of pink. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageSome of you may remember that I’ve had a relationship with Come As You Are since I did a s

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Some of you may remember that I’ve had a relationship with Come As You Are since I did a solo show in their old shop November 2014. Drew and I made sure to visit almost every time we drove up to Toronto, and everyone there has a special place in my heart.

They’ve taught me a lot about being sex-positive, anti-oppression, anti-expertise, and trying to embody anti-capitalist values in a capitalist society! But really, even just seeing so many queer people being themselves has made a huge impact on how I see the world, and see myself! Basically, representation matters. <3

Come As You Are doesn’t have a physical store-front for the moment, but you can check out their site here for lots of sexy informational articles as well as sexy items! They also have a SFW site where you can access books, info, and items that may help you express your gender the way you want, called Gender Gear!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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gqutie:First page I may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since Igqutie:First page I may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since I


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I may have missed last week, but SURPRISE this comic has TWO pages! Ever since I joked that Drew and I holding hands while sleeping makes us like otters, I wanted to do a series of our usual sleep poses. (Also, bodies do some pretty funky poses at night and I enjoy that!)

Also, Sheppard has taken to trying to sleep with us because he wants attention and love, I’m guessing.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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My stickers came in!!I’m going to have these at the Erotic Arts and Crafts festival in Toronto on My stickers came in!!I’m going to have these at the Erotic Arts and Crafts festival in Toronto on My stickers came in!!I’m going to have these at the Erotic Arts and Crafts festival in Toronto on

My stickers came in!!

I’m going to have these at the Erotic Arts and Crafts festival in Toronto on the 11th and the Book + Zine Fest in Ptbo on the 25th, and then the rest will be online!

These were done with Stand Out Stickers, who are A+ and I’d recommend to anyone inside the US (otherwise shipping and customs are an arm and a leg, which I just had to accept ).

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gqutie:First pageHi everyone! This week I’m sharing my favourite non-alcoholic party drinks! For a


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Hi everyone! This week I’m sharing my favourite non-alcoholic party drinks! For a variety of reasons, I don’t drink much anymore, but I still like the idea of it in social situations. As a solution, I’ve found a bunch of drinks I enjoy that I can save for special occasions, like parties with friends!

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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gqutie:First page A day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t


First page

A day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t updating GQutie for a couple months (as well as adjusting to new medication, the election, work stress…. I could go on, lol).

Ontariorecently authorized family doctors to write referrals for top surgery, which was amazing, since for decades onlyCAMH (a single clinic in Toronto) had that authority, leading to a backlog that was YEARS LONG. In fact, the reason why they changed it was because the wait was so long that people could legally begin to sue for lack of care.

However, as this comic shows, ending the backlog at the referral stage just moves the backlog to the surgery appointment stage. Right now, only THREE surgeons in the entirety of Canada accept OHIP (Ontario’s health insurance) for top surgery. For bottom surgeries or facial surgeries for anyone, it’s even worse. @-@

But at least Styx is spayed now?

Here’s hoping that this next year isn’t too long of a wait for Drew and I, and that our trans fam will have to wait less. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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gqutie:First pageFunny how I’m posting a story from last summer in the dead of winter, but here yo


First page

Funny how I’m posting a story from last summer in the dead of winter, but here you go! A story about the time a mosquito flew into my lip gloss and died :’D

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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gqutie:First page WE’RE BACK!!! I missed this comic so much while I was on the impromptu hiatus. T


First page

WE’RE BACK!!! I missed this comic so much while I was on the impromptu hiatus. These past few months have really kicked my butt, and I’m so glad to be back. ;3;

I think that dark muted colours are so pretty, but I’m personally all pastel all the time, so this comic is mostly an excuse to use lots of pink. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

Everyday Feminism|Twitter|Patreon|Prints

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