#great sand dunes

We left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route cWe left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route c

We left The Great Smoky Mountains National Park around noon on Wednesday. As you can see our route changed a bit. Some of our reservations were cancelled in Arizona due to fires. So, we high tailed it to Colorado stopping only for fuel and food. I didn’t get any sleep and drove the entire day Wednesday, Wednesday night and most of Thursday. Jess hopped in for a few hours here and there giving me a few breaks. You also might notice there is a picture of Jess driving and not me. That’s because Jess slept most of the time :) . Luckily I had some good driving tunes and coffee to keep me awake. We did get to stop and check out Cadillac Ranch outside of Amarillo, Texas which was a cool piece of art.

We got to the campsite late Thursday afternoon and went to sleep pretty early last night. We did get to meet our great camp neighbors who are from Minnesota and travel the U.S. every chance they get on their motorcycle while pulling a trailer tent. They have been doing it since 1990 and had some great tips and ideas for camping/the camper and cool recommendations for areas in the U.S.

Jess and I woke up at at 4am to hike around the Sand Dunes at Great Sand Dunes National Park. For the first hour as the sun was coming up we were the only people in the park, that we could see at least. The Great Sand Dunes in Colorado are the tallest dunes in North America. Such a surreal natural beauty.

Now to take a nap in the hammock…

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