#growing food


8/3/21 ~ Growing my own bean sprouts with Mung Beans again. I feel like I posted this on here once? But can’t remember . I think I’m going to try and grow actual Mung Bean Plants next year .

May 2021 - Garden update!!

This year we started our balcony garden a bit later than usual. We decided to buy seedlings from local farmers instead of growing our own from seed. We didn’t really have time to prepare during the winter, so it was easier this way.

Thankfully some of our plants from last year survived the winter outside, so we didn’t need to buy new seedlings everywhere.

Plants that survived winter on our balcony (we had snow and minus 10 degrees sometimes, we are in the temperate zone):

  • Parsley
  • Arugula
  • Strawberries
  • Mint
  • Lemongrass
  • Chives
  • Thyme

Seedlings we brought from local farmers:

  • 4 kinds of different tomatoes (9 seedlings in total, we are pretty much hooked on tomatoes)
  • Yellow Hungarian paprikas
  • Chinese lantern plant/Jew’s cherry
  • Patty Pan Squash
  • Red Basil
  • Celery

Seeds we planted this year:

  • Second round arugula
  • Spinach
  • Sugar Peas (great snack during summer)

Now everything is small, but I’m already super excited about how the little balcony garden will turn out this year! We still have a lot of empty space though, so I’m pretty sure we are going to plant some more stuff in the future!
