

Ok, so, imagine how intense MSBY vs. EJP games would be.

Like we have Bokuto vs. Washio, Atsumu vs. Suna, and Sakusa vs. Komori. MSBY vs. EJP: Family Feud.

(how much you wanna bet that Akaashi and Osamu are dying of laughter in the audience/onigiri stand? alternatively, Osamu having a mild crisis over who to support. On one hand, Atsumu is his lifelong companion and twin brother. On the other hand, Atsumu is a bastard and Suna is his… soulmate? while Akaashi just gazes at Bokuto. he respects and appreciates Washio but come on. did he memorize a list of 37+ of Washio’s weaknesses and ways to make him feel better and draw out his full potential? did he choose a high school based on watching Washio play? did he call Washio a star?)

some Olympic volleyball commentator: the serve is cleanly received by Miya, Miya sets to Miya, Miya spikes! but the ball is received, passes to <opposing team’s setter>, who sets to <spiker>. a nice one-touch by Miya! Miya follows up, sets to Miya, who spikes. Miya scores! a beautiful combination play by Miya, Miya, and Miya!



I was reading a twin incorrect quotes post about one telling the other “YOU’RE ADOPTED” in the middle of a fight. as it tends to do, upon hearing twins, I immediately thought of the Twinyards.

And then, immediately realized how many reasons there were that this would never happen with them.

Aaron and Andrew deserved better. Tilda sucks. Nothing new here.

And yes, the twin post I mentioned did feature Atsumu and Osamu. Imagine they meet the Twinyards at the summer Olympics or something and the Miyas are doing their usual fighting and

Atsumu: you know what?


Osamu: if I’m adopted, then you’re adopted dumbass.


Aaron: you always fight like that?

Atsumu: yeah, don’t tell me you’ve never yelled that at your brother.

Andrew, completely deadpan: I’m adopted.

Aaron: …yeah, he is adopted so, not as effective.

Everyone else, by now knowing that Andrew is not one to joke or lie for the hell of it, looking from Andrew to Aaron in confusion and concern:

Neil: you know what?

Neil: just don’t worry about it.


Atsumu, to Osamu: YOU’RE ADOPTED.

Aaron: wait, really? he is?

Atsumu, giving Aaron a funny look: uhh… no… of course not.

Osamu: even with the hair, I would’ve thought it was pretty obvious that we were twins?

Aaron, offended that his intelligence is in question: oh, yeah, of course you’re twins, I wasn’t questioning that. it’s just that-

Andrew: I’m adopted.

Miya twins, staring at the clearly identical Twinyards:

Andrew: it was a bit of a shock for us too. but especially for his mother. thought she would get away with it forever.

Aaron: OUR mother

Andrew: no, definitely just your mother.

Aaron, casually: oh, well, I’ve been calling it matricide, should I just call it homicide instead?

Andrew: call it whatever you want.

Miya twins: what

Neil: I wouldn’t call it either. more like suicide, it’s not like she couldn’t see it coming.

Miya twins: w h a t

Matt: Jesus fucking Christ you three, you can’t just say stuff like that!

Miya twins, and everyone in the surrounding area: W H A T

Matt: you know what?

Matt: just don’t worry about it.

The Gossip Roast Squad™

(also known as: Oikawa, Atsumu, and Bokuto’s worst nightmare.)

They are also probably the Meme Dream Team (or the bane of team moms Iwaizumi, Aran, and Akaashi’s existences)

Reon is too nice to gossip (or, at least, no one on Shiratorizawa is clown-able enough to roast properly. But the Meme Dream Team probably knows all about Tendou’s breaking hearts songs, Semi’s bad fashion sense, Yamagata’s inability to keep track of his phone, etc.)

Imagine adding Kuroo, Tendou, Suga, Futakuchi, Komori, and Daishou to this group though… C H A O S

A volleyball team’s not complete without:

An owl

A fox

And a weasel

(I am aware that the above emoji is absolutely not a weasel, but it was the closest thing I could find.)

long time no ugly windbreaker

long time no ugly windbreaker

im just becoming that one artist that occasionally drops a sketchy tendou

im just becoming that one artist that occasionally drops a sketchy tendou

what a shame that i, a seasoned tendou artist, haven’t drawn more creepy tendous

what a shame that i, a seasoned tendou artist, haven’t drawn more creepy tendous

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what a shame that i, a seasoned tendou artist, haven’t drawn more creepy tendous

what a shame that i, a seasoned tendou artist, haven’t drawn more creepy tendous

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redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;

redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;

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redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;

redrew one of my favorite tendous ;;

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[ ushiten week ] day 3: seasons

More fic-based art for a fluffy christmas fic! In which tendou attempts to propose, but things don’t go as planned (the fic is polaroids & proposals by miracleboysatori on ao3 )

[ ushiten week ] day two: tropes

I wrote a fake dating fic for day two (shuffle by miracleboysatori on ao3), and this is the art to go along with it~

[ushiten week] day one: confessionsbased on a fic I wrote to go along with this art (slow motion by

[ushiten week] day one: confessions

based on a fic I wrote to go along with this art (slow motion by miracleboysatori on ao3) in which both tendou and ushijima struggle with mutual pining throughout high school. it’s written in the form of journal entries & attempted confession letters.

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