#jack the nephilim


I think it’s really important that people understand how much the Wayward Sisters mean to us SPN fans. The pilot episode just resonated with so many people, and to hear it wasn’t going to be picked up… that was devastating. We know we want Wayward Sisters, but does the CW CEO know? Does Mark Pedowitz really realize the gravity of the situation here?

For days we’ve had thousands of SPN fans go on all types of social media to protest about this, but so far no luck. That’s why I encourage all of you to take action right now.

There’re alot of ways you can do this, but some are:

1) Watching and rewatching the pilot episode.

2) Tweeting with the hashtag #SaveWaywardSisters.

3) Placing @TheCW, @Netflix, or @warnerbrostv in your tweets (or just any social media in general).

Just do something to get your voice heard. Everything you do counts. It’s still not too late for the Wayward Sisters.

Hell to the effing yeah that was awesome!!! It was well worth the wait; loved it abso - friggin - lu

Hell to the effing yeah that was awesome!!! It was well worth the wait; loved it abso - friggin - lutely

Kinda sad about Kaia … the ending tho … who else went ‘what the hell’ at that?

Loved Dean (as usual), Sam’s facial expressions were gold (as usual), Jody, Claire, Alex, and Donna were awesome (as f-ing usual)


Post link

Based on pic above ^^^

So, imagine Dean Winchester on snapchat.

Just bashing the ghostfacers

Trying to look okay so Sammy doesn’t worry

Messing around with Cas

Omfg just imagine all the things he’ll do XDDDDDD

I just realized …

Guys, we’re on ‘hellatus’. AGAIN! As in, no more SPN until January! And just as they left us on the worst cliffhanger! I mean, the mid season finale was absolutely legendary, I just wish there was more to it!

Now we have to wait for five weeks and six days to find out what that footprint thingy was (I’m betting on dinosaur), whether Jack will save Mary, and when Sam and Dean will get out of ‘the bad place’. I bet they won’t even show anything remotely related to Lucifer and Cas’ captivity until a few episodes in just to piss us off!

Ughhhhh, the things I do for this fandom

Sorry not sorry for the rant

Book recommendations??

I’m really bored, so … I’m open to anything at the moment

Preferred genres are fiction and fantasy, tho

Advert brought to you by the amazing Dean Winchester ‍‍‍

Castiel: I know Dean can be… prickly, but you have to understand. He had a very terrible childhood

Jack: Oh I understand, I’m having a very terrible childhood right now

Season 1 of Supernatural: Wow, demons. That’s pretty out of our league, man.

Season 13: Family includes son of Satan, casually hanging out with dinosaurs.

Jack: i think i know where to find my dad castiel.
Dean: let’s go get my husban- i mean my da- i MEAN YOUR DAD BACK.
Sam: shall we go?
