#hamilton meme


I recently got rlly into Hamilton and so I was playing it in the super high tech rental car that can connect to more than one phone, and so I was playing “Satisfied.” And what I didn’t know was my dads phone was connected as well with “Wayz” and it stopped the music to say “Vehicle stopped on shoulder.” And since iPhones are programmed to play the last thing you were listening to after like ways or maps, guess what fucking plays “I can’t get no’ satisfaction.” (Rolling Stones)

Hamiltrash culture is swiping on your Instagram feed and seeing the same hamilton meme about five times


you’re obsessed with Hamilton now

Burr: I’m a man of untold mystery. That’s why my friends call me ‘B’

Hamilton: that’s funny. I thought they called you Big-Head Burr.

Burr: Don’t ever say that Hamilton. Besides, I know it was you who started that.

Hamilton: Good Morning Jefferson, collecting money for the Democratic-Republican ball?

Jefferson: We don’t have balls.

Hamilton: I honestly have no response to that.

Hamilton: *On the phone with John* Are you in my apartment?

Laurens: Please. I haven’t snuck into your apartment in weeks. Which reminds me, you’re all out of peanut butter.

Laurens: I’m going to go pick up some disguises


Laurens: So people don’t know who we are

Mulligan: People already don’t know who we are!

Lafayette: Do wasps make honey?

Laurens: No wasps do not make honey

Lafayette: Alright well I’m gonna check it out anyway, there could be something delicious in here that wasps do make and I want that

Hamilton: Jefferson, I swear you would be of more use to me if I skinned you and turned your skin into a lampshade or fashioned you into a piece of high-end luggage. Add you to my collection

Jefferson: are you saying you have a collection of skin luggage?

Hamilton: Of course not, Jefferson. Think of the smell. You haven’t thought of the smell, you dumb bitch!

Burr: I was too young and blind to see. I should have known the world was wide enough for both Hamilton and Me.

Eliza: You are 48 years old!


I just saw Hamilton in Omaha and I lost my mind when Jefferson started twerking during Reynolds Pamphlet. I know he was a big shitbag irl but, there is something so satisfying to think that a Black man is playing Thomas Jefferson in a musical and making him twerk. If there is an afterlife, I fucking hope Jefferson is seeing this shit and I hope he is appalled.
