#james madison


Here’s some more…girlboss content (?)

do we still shitpost hamilton or nah?

gift art for @millerizo

hi. it’s been a million years. happy hamilton film day guh

Gryffindor: George Washington, John Laurens, Lafayette,  

Ravenclaw: Angelica Schuyler, Hercules Mulligan, Phillip Hamilton, James Madison

Hufflepuff: Eliza Hamilton, Peggy Schuyler, KIng George iii

Slytherin: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson

Cabinet Battle - Hamilton animatic 

Here it goes, and damn I didn’t plan to make this many frames.

WE KNOW - Hamilton

It’s three AM and I’m currently regreting my life choices. In any case, I made this in a day and I didn’t wanna keep going…. but just leaving it laying there wasn’t an option so here it is.

I’ll make more hamilton stuff because i love it, and also take more time to make it, damn me.

Washington: I need you to distract them.

Madison: I have an idea.

Madison: Should you microwave your cereal? Discuss.

Jefferson and Hamilton: [immediately start arguing]

Michelle Taylor didn’t know when she went to school in Virginia to study anthropology, that an ances

Michelle Taylor didn’t know when she went to school in Virginia to study anthropology, that an ancestor of hers who’d been enslaved by James Madison, George Gilmore, had built this cabin nearby after the Civil War

She also found a pension application of another ancestor, Harriet Bentley, at the National Archives. In it, “Bentley told her story of life as an enslaved woman and of her first husband being sold off. Taylor wept over those pages, excited about the discovery but deeply saddened by the woman’s tale of repeated heartbreak and trauma. ‘I couldn’t believe I was touching the original paper,’ Taylor said.”

(1920s photo of the cabin found at the Montpelier site. For a recent photo of the place, with Michelle Taylor out front, see the Washington Post article.)

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Only Thomas Jefferson would brag about arranging the seating at a dinner for three people.

Why did they have microphones at the cabinet battles? Modern microphones were not even invented back then. Where would they even plug it in? Where did they come from?

mangoxythefox: woorenergy: jankybones: rnniee:sapphickx:showstoppinnumber:that-smol-tired-gay:mangoxythefox: woorenergy: jankybones: rnniee:sapphickx:showstoppinnumber:that-smol-tired-gay:














Hey gamers!! I made an epic picrew!! Please try it out and tell me what you think :D I’d love to see what y’all make with it, there’s not a bunch of stuff yet but i plan on adding more


Love this shite.

me, and kinnie rights

fucking… Bapy

op this dollmaker is really good, i love the style <333

im evil now >:3

yeah? fuck?

I did me and professor hidgens because they had his like exact shirt

so we back in the mine

this is great!! i made two me >:^)

i made a few edits with my phone but ayyy

this is some cute shit


Mullette, Philidosia, Jeffmads, Lams and Aaron!

Post link

I just saw Hamilton in Omaha and I lost my mind when Jefferson started twerking during Reynolds Pamphlet. I know he was a big shitbag irl but, there is something so satisfying to think that a Black man is playing Thomas Jefferson in a musical and making him twerk. If there is an afterlife, I fucking hope Jefferson is seeing this shit and I hope he is appalled.
