

how to : multiple verbs sentences in korean

helloooooo. so in this post i will be explaining you all how to use multiple verbs in the same sentence.

before learning this, make sure you already kinda master how to conjugate verbs in past, present and future tenses and also know how to use basic sentence structure:)

it will look like Verb stem+고+Verb

-고 is added to verbs you want to link together in order to form your sentence

a simple way to say “and” is using the word “그리고” :

“학교에 갔어요. 그리고 친구랑 만났어요.”

i went to school. and i met with friends.

but let’s say you want to say something like :

“i am studying and listening to music”

공부하고 음막을 들어요

  • present tense:

먹다 = 먹-다 = 먹+하고 = 먹고 “eat and…”

말하다 = 말하다-다 = 말하+고 = 말하고 “talk and…”

보다 = 보다-다 = 보+고 = 보고 “see and…”

  • past tense :

읽다 = 읽었다-다 = 읽었+고 = 읽었고 “read and…”

좋아하다 = 좋아했다-다 = 좋아했+고 = 좋아했고 “liked and…”

배우다 = 배웠다-다 = 배웠+고 = 배웠고 “learned and…”

  • future tense :

노래하다 = 노래할 거+고 = 노래할 거고 “i will sing and…”

찍다 = 찍을 거+고 = 찍을 거고 “i will take a picture and…”

보다 = 볼 거+고 = 볼 거고 “i will see and…”

  • more examples :

- “i cooked and ate”

요리했고 먹었어요

- “what are you up to?”

  뭐하고 지내요?

  “i’m doing well and working”

  잘 지내고 일해요

- “i went shopping and watched a movie”

   쇼핑하러 갔고 영화를 봤어요

Hello Dreamlings!! It’s been way too long since my last lesson, right? I’m so sorry. We’re back with a new lesson!

Just like in English, we can shorten words like dis. Or dat. In Korean, we can do that as well! The only difference is that some of these abbreviated words are actually used while speaking! Let’s take a look at some examples below! 

난 (나는) = I (informal)

전 (저는) = I (formal)

날 ( 나를 ) = I (informal)

널 (너를) = You (informal)

암튼 (아무튼)  = anyway 

담 (다음) = next*

샘 (선생님) = teacher

넘 ( 너무 ) = very

낼 ( 내일) = tomorrow

-죠 (-지요) =  ___,right?**

그치/ 그쵸 ( 그렇지/ 그렇 죠) = similar to  -죠, right?

여친 (여자친구) = girlfriend

남친 (남자친구) = boyfriend

걸 (거를) = this/that/something***

건 (거는) = this/that/something****

템 (아이템) = (makeup) item    

*As in next time

**asking for confirmation, agreement. 여친이 너무 예뻐요 = My girlfriend is pretty. 여친이 너무 예쁘죠? = My girlfriend is pretty, right?

*** Example sentence: 저는 맛있는 걸 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat something delicious

****Example sentence:  이건 얼마예요? = How much is this?

Hope u all enjoyed~ C u l8ter!
