#korean verbs


넣다 - to put in

서다- to stand; to stop

일어나다 - to get up

발견하다 - to discover

부르다 - to call (out)

내리다 - to come down

짓다- to make something; to build

필요하다 - to need

생기다 - to be formed

밝히다 - to brighten; to disclose

나가다-to leave; to go out

사용하다 - to use

들어오다- to enter; to come in

타다- to ride; to take (a car, bus, etc.)

닦다 - to wipe

다니다 - to attend

느끼다 - to feel

묻다 - to ask

남다 - to remain

떨어지다 - to fall

전하다 - to convey; to deliver

나누다 - to divide

이용하다 - to use

이루다 - to achieve; to form

떠나다- to leave

사라지다 - to disappear

얻다 - to gain

원하다 - to want

조사하다 - to investigate

치다 - to hit

인정하다- to admit; to acknowledge

돌아오다 - to return; to come back

파악하다 - to comprehend

제시하다 - to suggest

지키다 - to protect

발전하다 - to develop

알아보다- to recognize; to look into

오르다- to ascend

안다 - to hug

정확하다 - to be accurate

돌다 - to turn

쉬다 - to rest

바꾸다 - to change

지적하다 - to point out

노력하다 - to put in effort

정하다 - to decide

유지하다 - to maintain; to retain

늘어나다 - to stretch; to increase

피하다- to avoid

확인하다 - to confirm

practice on quizlet

“today’s korean”

hey yall~~

i’m planning on starting kind of a serie of posts with no specific subjects ; i’ll just be discussing random things i discover or learn such as words, expressions, grammar points etc.. when i feel like i have stuff to share with u and that could be useful!hope you’ll like it!^^

korean learning chat

hello everyone! i had some trouble w my kkt account so it removed me from the korean learning chat i created. i created a new one so please join this one instead of the old one ^^ thanks! https://open.kakao.com/o/g2oSB5Y

♥︎︎︎︎ random korean slangs/expressions pt.1

뭐하고 지내요?

“what are you up to?”

it literally says “what are you doing and how are you?”


“i forgot!”

it’s an informal term for “잊어버리다” (to forget)


“to ignore a text”

you may wanna use that verb when someone ignores your texts. “씹새끼” is a slang refering to people who ignore others people texts ; its rude so use that only when joking with your friends!

친하게 지내요

“get along well”

you would use that when meeting someone for the first time and wish you can become friends/more friendly


“to add someone in your friend list”;“to become friends with someone (online)”

친추하자 = let’s add each other

(친구) friend + (추가하다) add

how to : multiple verbs sentences in korean

helloooooo. so in this post i will be explaining you all how to use multiple verbs in the same sentence.

before learning this, make sure you already kinda master how to conjugate verbs in past, present and future tenses and also know how to use basic sentence structure:)

it will look like Verb stem+고+Verb

-고 is added to verbs you want to link together in order to form your sentence

a simple way to say “and” is using the word “그리고” :

“학교에 갔어요. 그리고 친구랑 만났어요.”

i went to school. and i met with friends.

but let’s say you want to say something like :

“i am studying and listening to music”

공부하고 음막을 들어요

  • present tense:

먹다 = 먹-다 = 먹+하고 = 먹고 “eat and…”

말하다 = 말하다-다 = 말하+고 = 말하고 “talk and…”

보다 = 보다-다 = 보+고 = 보고 “see and…”

  • past tense :

읽다 = 읽었다-다 = 읽었+고 = 읽었고 “read and…”

좋아하다 = 좋아했다-다 = 좋아했+고 = 좋아했고 “liked and…”

배우다 = 배웠다-다 = 배웠+고 = 배웠고 “learned and…”

  • future tense :

노래하다 = 노래할 거+고 = 노래할 거고 “i will sing and…”

찍다 = 찍을 거+고 = 찍을 거고 “i will take a picture and…”

보다 = 볼 거+고 = 볼 거고 “i will see and…”

  • more examples :

- “i cooked and ate”

요리했고 먹었어요

- “what are you up to?”

  뭐하고 지내요?

  “i’m doing well and working”

  잘 지내고 일해요

- “i went shopping and watched a movie”

   쇼핑하러 갔고 영화를 봤어요

i feel very bad about how i left this blog without no updates as it probably is helpful to many people. i dont have that much time to focus on it anymore but since im getting some free time this month i am thinking of working on it again. however, i am gonna ask you guys first if you want me to comeback active on this blog cause if ill be doing some work its only for you guys and if i dont get any interactions i dont think i will do it as it should help you guys and not me :) please reply to this post if you want this blog active again and let me know post ideas and what youd want me to help you with. thatd be v nice. tysm for still following this blog

오랜만~.~ long time no see

hello everyone! im finally on summer break~ i know i havent been active these past months and i apologize! i hope my posts i did till now could help u still^^ now that i have some free time, im posting this to ask if u guys would like me to comeback and post more like i did before? pls let me know :) thanks for ur follows and likes btw!! im happy people check my account even when im not active :D

Hey guys, today I have two interesting verbs for you. 새우다 and 피우다. The reason they are interesting i

Hey guys, today I have two interesting verbs for you. 

새우다 and 피우다. The reason they are interesting is that you often don’t see them in their “correct” form while talking. Some of you might have even noticed this or wondered why you don’t see 새우다 and 피우다 often or if there is a difference. 

In textbooks you’ll learn sentences like:

어제 밤을 새워서 공부했어요. I stayed up all night studying yesterday.

But, you don’t hear that sentence too often in real life conversations with friends. Instead, you hear this:

어제 밤을 새서 공부했어요. I stayed up all night studying.


밤을 샜어요. I stayed up all night./I pulled an all-nighter.

In class, newspapers, and in the dictionary, you will (or should) find the verb as 새우다. But, most people (at least in Seoul) use the verb as 새다. 우 completely disappears. 피우다 is the same. In the dictionary and in your books, you’ll see 담배(를) 피우다 and 바람(을) 피우다. But, many people say 담배(를) 피다 and 바람(을) 피다.

밤을 새다 is technically incorrect. But, you’ll hear it more often than the correct version. It’s kind of like “who and whom” in the US. Most people don’t use “whom” at all. They use “who” incorrectly even if they know it’s wrong. That’s because for some weird reason using “who” wrong sounds more natural than using “whom” correctly.

Here are a few examples of the three most common words I’ve come across.

담배를 안 폈으면 좋겠어요. (*안 피웠으면) I wish you didn’t smoke cigarettes. 

밤을 새지 마. 숙제는 내일 해. (*새우지 마) Don’t stay up all night. Do your homework tomorrow.

남자 친구가 바람을 피면 끝이야! (*바람을 피우면) If (my) boyfriend cheats, it’s over/it’s the end. 

It’s strange that language sometimes sounds better when it’s wrong, right? Just one more reason to not stress about speaking “perfect Korean.” You should use the correct form when writing papers and on tests, but when you’re talking or texting, feel free to use it “incorrectly.” 

Anyway, good luck studying guys!

Post link


♡ 시작하다 - to start
(시작해요, 시작했아요, 시작할 거에요…)

♡ 끝나다 - to finish, end
( 끝나요, 끝났어요, 끝날 거에요…)

♡ 살다 - to live
(살아요, 살았어요, 살 거에요…)

♡ 죽다 - to die
(죽어요, 죽었어요, 죽을 거에요…)

♡ 있다 - to have
(있어요, 있었어요, 있을 거에요…)

♡ 없다 - to not have
(없어요, 없었어요, 없을 거에요…)

♡ 먹다 - to eat
(먹어요, 먹었어요, 먹을 거에요…)

♡ 마시다 - to drink
(미셔요, 마셨어요, 마실 거에요…)

♡ 요리하다 - to cook
(요리해요, 요리했어요, 요리할 거에요…)

♡ 만들다 - to make
(만들어요 만들었어요, 만들 거에요…)

♡ 사용하다 - to use
(사용해요, 사용했어요, 사용할 거에요…)

♡ 하다 - to do
(해요, 했어요, 할 거에요…)

♡ 주다 - to give
(줘요, 줬어요, 줄 거에요…)

♡ 가다 - to go
(가요, 갔어요, 갈 거에요…)

♡ 오다 - to come
(와요, 왔어요, 올 거에요…)

♡ 만나다 - to meet
( 만나요, 만났어요, 만날 거에요…)

♡ 배우다 - to learn
(배워요, 배웠어요, 배울 거에요…)

♡ 공부하다 - to study
(공부해요, 공부했어요, 공부할 거에요)

♡ 가르치다 - to teach
(가르쳐요, 가르쳤어요, 가르칠 거에요…)

♡ 읽다 - to read
(읽어요, 읽었어요, 읽을 거에요…)

♡ 보다 - to watch/see
(봐요, 봤어요, 볼 거에요…)

♡ 일하하다 - to work
(일해요, 일했어요, 일할 거에요…)

♡ 운동하다 - to exercise
(운동해요, 운동했어요, 운동할 거에요…)

♡ 쉬다 - to rest
(쉬여요, 쉬였어요, 쉬을 거에요…)

♡ 일어나다 - to get up
(일어나요, 일어났어요, 일어날 거에요…)

♡ 자다 - to sleep
(자요, 잤어요, 잘 거에요…)

♡ 앉다 - to sit
(앉아요, 앉았어요, 앉을 거에요…)

♡ 울다 - to cry
(울어요, 울었어요, 울을 거에요…)

♡ 웃다 - to smile
(웃어요, 웃었어요, 웃을 거에요…)

♡ 노래하다 - to sing
(노래해요, 노래했어요, 노래할 거에요….)

♡ 춤 추다 - to dance
(춤 춰요, 춤 췄어요, 춤 출 거에요…)

♡ 연습하다 - to practice
(연습해요, 연습했어요, 연습할 거에요…)

♡ 놀다 - to play
(놀아요, 놀았어요, 놀을 거에요…)

♡ 사다 - to buy
(사요, 샀어요, 슬 거에요…)

♡ 주문하다 - to order
(주문해요, 주문했어요, 주문할 거에요…)

♡ 팔다 - to sell
(팔아요, 팔았어요, 팔을 거에요…)

♡ 내다 - to pay
(내요, 냈어요, 낼 거에요…)

♡ 기다리다 - to wait
(기다려요, 기다렸어요, 기다릴 거에요…)

♡ 찍다 - to take a picture
(찍어요, 찍었어요, 찍을 거에요…)

♡ 알다: to know
(알아요, 알았어요…)

♡ 모르다: to not know
(몰라요, 몰랐어요…)

♡ 생각하다 - to think
(생각해요, 생각했어요, 생각할 거에요…)

♡ 말하다 - to talk, speak
(말하요, 말핬어요, 말할 거에요…)

♡ 전화하다 - to telephone
(전화해요, 전화했어요, 전화할 거에요…)

♡ 얘기하다 - to talk, chat
(얘가해요, 얘가했어요, 얘기할 거에요…)

♡ 채팅하다 - to chat on the internet
(채팅해요, 채팅했어요, 채팅할 거에요…)

♡ 물어보다 - to ask
(물어봐요, 물어봤어요, 물어볼 거에요…)

♡ 도와주다 - to help
(도와줘요, 도와줬어요, 도와줄 거에요…)

♡ 필요하다 - to need
(필요해요, 필요했어요, 필요할 거에요…)

♡ 타다 - to ride
(타요, 탔어요, 탈 거에요…)

♡ 운정하다 - to drive
(운정해요, 운정했어요, 운정할 거에요…)

♡ 태어나다 - to be born
(태어나요, 태어났어요, 태어날 거에요…)

♡ 사랑하다 - to love
(사랑해요, 사랑했어요, 사랑할 거에요…)

♡ 좋아하다 - to like
(좋아해요, 좋아했어요, 좋아할 거에요…)

♡ 싫어하다 - to hate
(싫어해요, 싫어했어요, 싫어할 거에요…)

♡ 보내다 - to send
(보내요, 보냈어요, 보낼 거에요…)

♡ 받다 - to receive
(받아요, 받았어요, 받을 거에요…)

♡ 공유하다 - to share
(공유해요, 공유했어요, 공유할 거에요…)

So many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets eaSo many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets eaSo many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets eaSo many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets eaSo many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets ea

So many verbs relating to clothes ! Ah haha it seems intimidating but once you study them it gets easier! Good luck!:)

Follow@SallysKoreanNotes on Instagram for daily Korean notes and vocabulary!

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있다 - 있어요: To exist, to have
없다 - 없어요: To not exist, to not have

책이 있어요.
There is a book.
책이 없어요.
There isn’t a book.

This type of sentence can have two subjects:
One naming the possessor of the object.
The other naming the object possessed.
내가 연필 이있어요. 
I have a pencil.

However, it is more usual for the possessor to be expressed as a topic and the nouns possessed as a subject.
우리는 개가 없아요. 
We don’t have a dog.

Info from Elementary Korean Second Edition

Weekly Verb

믿다 - To trust, To believe (in)


믿었어요 - Past

믿어요 - Present

믿고 있어요 - Present progressive

믿을 거예요 - Future


참석하다 - To attend, To participate

실례하다 - To annoy, To trouble

기대하다 - To anticipate, To expect

감사하다 - To appreciate, To thank

가져오다 - To bring, To cause

결정되다- To be decided

나빠지다 - To become worse

데려오다 - To bring, To fetch

쓰이다 - To be used

안되다 - To be unsuccessful

끊어지다 - To be disconnected, To get cut

구성되다 - To be composed, To be formed

취하다 - To be drunk

피다 - To bloom, To blossom

막다 - To block, To stop, To prevent

자랑하다 - To boast, To show off

만족하다 - To be satisfied, To be content

발견되다 - To be discovered, To be found

관련되다 - To be related to

갈아입다 - To change (clothes)

거두다 - To collect, To achieve

건너다 - To cross over

걸어오다 - To come on foot

계속되다 - To continue, To be continued

고려하다 - To consider

고르다 - To choose, To select

내려오다 - To come down

알아보다 - To check, To investigate, To realize

확인하다 - To confirm, To check

개발하다 - To develop, To create

결정하다 - To decide

그리다 - To draw, To paint

그러다 - To do that, To do this

꿈꾸다 - To dream of

나누다 - To divide, To split, To share

줄어들다 - To decrease, To shrink

졸다 - To doze off

강조하다 - To emphasize

겪다 - To experience, To undergo

견디다 - To endure, To bear, To stand

달아나다 - To escape, To runaway

즐기다 - To enjoy, To have fun

터지다 - To explode, To break out

경험하다 - To experience

끝나다 - To end, To be over

노력하다 - To endeavor, To strive

따라가다 - To follow, To go after

날다 - To fly

쳐다보다- To gaze, To stare

어울리다 - To get along, To match, To suit

걸어가다 - To go on foot, To walk

낳다 - To give birth to

늙다 - To get old

다녀오다 - To go and get back

가지다 - To have, To possess

고생하다 - To have a hard time, To suffer

감추다 - To hide, To disguise

늘다 - To increase, To improve

무시하다 - To ignore, To neglect

구경하다 - To look around, To see the sights

남기다 - To leave behind

돌아보다 - To look back

둘러보다 - To look around

잃어버리다- To lose something

실수하다 - To make a mistake

벌다 - To make money, To earn money

뜻하다 - To mean, To indicate

끄덕이다 - To nod, To give a nod

관찰하다 - To observe, To watch

넘치다 - To overflow, To brim over

쌓다 - To pack, To stack, To accumulate

데리다 - To pick somebody up

갖추다 - To prepare, To be equipped with

진행되다 - To progress, To proceed

질문하다 - To question, To ask

기르다 - To raise, To grow, To develop

깨닫다 - To realize, To become aware

기록하다 - To record, To write

기뻐하다 - To rejoice, To be happy

기억하다 - To remember, To recall

닮다 - To resemble, To look like

요구하다 - To request, To demand

달려가다 - To run, To dash

그만두다 - To stop, To drop, To quit

그치다 - To stop, To cease

노래하다 - To sing a song

외치다 - To shout, To yell

해결하다  - To settle, To solve

나타내다 - To show, To express

아끼다 - To save, To cherish

내밀다 - To stick out, To stretch out

흔들다 - To shake, To swing

비추다 - To shine, To reflect

몰다 - To steer, To drive

돌보다 - To take care, To look after

가져가다 - To take, To carry

던지다- To throw

갈아타다 - To transfer, To change (car, train, etc…)

걸리다 - To take time

돌다 - To turn, To rotate

Let’s add them to the list


울다 - To cry


울었어요 - Past

울어요 - Present

울고 있어요 - Present progressive

울 거예요 - Future

how to say i’m crying on the inside? someone, pls.

고 있다  is added to a verb to indicate that the action is still going on, kinda like adding “ing” to a verb . just remove the 다 from the end of the basic form of the verb and add 고 있다  For  Example :

가다 = 가고 있어요

공부하다 = 공부하고 있어요

Example sentences             

방용국이 웃고 있어요= Yongguk is smiling


문종업이 춤을 추고 있어요 = Jongup is dancing


정대현이 노래하고 있어요 Daehyun is singing


You can also use it in Past tense form too : ~고 있었어요 its like saying “I was doing____ in the past”

For example: = 나는 내 사업에 신경을 쓰고 있었어요. 그럼 내가 k-pop 을 찾았 어.

(I was minding my own business and then I found k-pop)


is very simple its added to the end of a verb/adjective to show surprise.Just remove the last part of the verb/adjective and add 네요 For example =  

하다 = 하네요

있다 = 있네요

Example sentences

와우 김남준가 한국인 있지만 영어를 정말 잘하네요! (Wow Namjoon is Korean but he speaks English really well!)

Woozi 가  짧지 만 인기 있네요! (Woozi is short but popular!)

대박! Got7은 곧 다시 돌아오고 있네요! (Aawesome! Got7 are coming back soon!)

(sorry for not posting in a long time, i’m super busy with school, i probably wont have another post till the summer, i may post some random Korean class stories or something but nothing big. if you guys want me to post anything specific just message me)
