#happy house


Happy House Cleansing Spray

  • White quartz
  • Black Salt (ground to a powder)
  • Oils (cleanse): Clary Sage, Frankincense, Rosemary
  • Oils (happy): Benzoin, Lavender, Sweet Orange
  • Water (moon water for extra boost)
  • Sigil
  • Squirty bottle
  • Sage incense for cleansing ingredients

Light the incense, cast a circle and meditate on your intention for 5 minutes.

Draw the sigil on the squirty bottle.

Start adding the ingredients one by one, cleansing them and focusing on their purpose as you do.

Once everything is added, give the whole thing one last big cleanse in the incense and meditate again.

Use the spray throughout the house whenever the energy needs a refresh!

Enjoy my pagan, witchy babes!
