#harace vents


here I am, twenty minutes into human biology with a bad stomach, trying to either endure the pain or get excused and draw attention to myself because apparently i’d rather fucking die than have people look at me for nine seconds -

My anxiety:

Waking up from a terrifying nightmare and realizing your brain came up with all of it:

“It is a setback,” she says.

You know what, it is a setback. Now real female victims who deserve to be heard when they say they’ve been assaulted or abused would have less platform to be believed in because of her bullshit. While I’m incredibly joyful for male victims being able to come forward and hold abusers of any gender accountable, Amber Heard created more damage to women’s rights than she ever helped it improve.



Amber Heard pledging to donate $7 million to charity:

I feel like out of all the lies and misinformation meant to smear Amber Heard, the 7 million dollar thing is probably the easiest to debunk.

Amber testified in court that the only thing that stopped her from following this payment plan was being sued by Johnny Depp to the tune of 50 million.

I have no idea how you could interpret that as nefarious in any way unless you’re determined to see everything Amber Heard says or does in the most uncharitable light possible, which is completely unhinged.

AH: “I haven’t been able to fulfill those pledges because I’d been sued.”

CV: “You had all of $7 million dollars for thirteen months before Mr. Depp sued you, and you chose not to pay it to the charities you pledged it to.”

AH: “I disagree with your characterization of that.”

Murray Bauman being my favorite character speaks volumes on what a cranky bald eagle I am.

Amber Heard:*Lies on the stand under oath*

Camille Vasquez on cross examination:


I miss Johnny Depp and #justiceforjohnnydeppalways but Mads Mikkelsen has redefined my daddy issues many times before and I don’t know how to reconcile these two facts.

update: boycotting a film is easier when you’re under a pile of school assignments
