#hastie lanyon


I have been rereading The Strange Case, and man I just want these two to get along…

Dr. Lanyon: Roses are red, violets are blue-

Lanyon: -You lil’ stupid ass bitch, I ain’t fuckin’ with you!

Lady Summers: *is crouched in the darkest corner of her bedroom*

Dr. Lanyon: *worried* Milady, what’s wrong?

Lady Summers: *horrified* I hear and see stupid people! And they’re everywhere!

Mr. Hyde: I can’t take it back, I paid in advance.

Dr. Lanyon: Can’t you get a refund?

Hyde: Well, no, I paid with nature’s credit card.

Lanyon: …

Mr. Utterson: … O_o

Lanyon: You never leave home without it.

Dr. Lanyon: Boy, I sure do love not having sex! :)

Mr. Hyde: Can’t relate, but you’re valid.

Dr. Lanyon: You call yourself a friend, but where were you, when my meme had only four likes?

Dr. Jekyll: Making four accounts, bro.

Lanyon: Bro!

Mr. Utterson: You know those things will kill you, right?

Dr. Jekyll, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.

Dr. Lanyon, smoking a pipe: We’re trying to speed up the process.

Mr. Hyde: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
