#source golden girls


Polnareff: Thank you for not saying “I told you so”.

Kakyoin: When you’re as right as I am, you don’t have to say it.

Rohan: You might not know this, Josuke, but I am a flawed person.

Josuke: I do know that.

Jim: I treat my body like a temple.

Sherlock: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.

Baby Jennifer Walters: “I’m going to astronaut camp!”

Susan Banner: “Astronaut camp! There’s a camp for astronauts?! Is it close by?!”

Elaine Walters: “Isn’t that something?! My baby wants to be an astronaut!”

Baby Jennifer Walters: “Not really! I want to meet boys who want to be astronauts.”

Susan Banner: “ME TOO!”

Susan Banner: “What’ll you give me for it?!”

Rebecca Banner: “Oh! I couldn’t buy your car. It’s just not my type. I want a car that says ‘practical.’ Your car says … ‘available’.”

Susan Banner: “Well then just take off my personalized plates.”

Midna: Even going to the bank can be exciting, if you wear a ski mask.

Mr. Hyde: I can’t take it back, I paid in advance.

Dr. Lanyon: Can’t you get a refund?

Hyde: Well, no, I paid with nature’s credit card.

Lanyon: …

Mr. Utterson: … O_o

Lanyon: You never leave home without it.

Dr. Jekyll, hopelessly sleep-deprived: Oh, but I’m so tired, I must sleep! And I cannot sleep! I’m too tired to sleep! I will never sleep again. I may die from this … what am I gonna do?

Jekyll: *picks up a bag with egg yolks with starry eyes* My god, I’m hallucinating! I see little balls of sunshine in a bag! Does this mean something?

Mr. Utterson: *concerned* Those are egg yolks, Henry.

Jekyll: *giggles deliriously* My brain’s gone!
