#dr jekyll


I have been rereading The Strange Case, and man I just want these two to get along…

 ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho

¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho así que pensé en compartirlo con ustedes. Espero que les guste

Por cierto ¿alguien ya vio la portada del próximo capítulo? Omg D:

Post link

Dr Jekyll, losing control :

A rough Jekyll and Hyde/Fate comic I drew

There’s some artstyle dissonance between Utterson and Henry here, so I may address that in a redraw if I do one.

This was an idea I came up with while talking with @gerrysherry about Utterson summoning Jekyll, and I wanted to draw it. (Well more that I had the idea for the drawing first). Also I referenced the scene where Shirou summons Artoria because.

I somewhat referenced MazM’s version of Utterson (especially for the hair) and got a smidge of inspiration from @kurakuradonn for Utterson’s design, and man did I have a hard time figuring out the eyes. Which I might end up fixing anyways to make him look more anime-ish.

I’m sorry for the sloppy writing!


Ranking gothic lit characters by the things they do instead of sleeping

(Note: This post is a joke, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is important)

11. Dracula: Being the worst

10. Robert Walton: Writing down everything Victor Frankenstein says

9. The Phantom (Erik): Stalking people, causing problems, working on an opera (Unrealistic, people are not actually productive when they stay up)

8. Jack Seward: His work (lame cause he’s bad at it), ignoring his emotions (realistic)

7. Utterson: Tracking down Edward Hyde (exciting)

6. Dorian Gray: Staring at his portrait (relatable, but lame), sinning (cool)

5. Griffin: Experiencing the consequences of his actions (relatable)

4. Johnathan Harker: Worrying about the vampires that are trying to eat him (exciting)

3. Adam Frankenstein: Reading Paradise Lost (cool), setting fires (fun!), starving in the woods (tragic)

2. Dr. Jekyll: Violence (fun!), being Edward Hyde (funner!)

1. Victor Frankenstein: Playing god (cool), angsting (realistic)

The whole idea of Mr. Hyde having hoes in any adaptation just seems funny to me. Like I know old people can still get some action but when you’re a man of science so focused on, well, science, do you really have time (or interest) to get hoes, at 50? Even with a new youthful body? Idk man. I’m sure he looks like a real unsettling casanova but why get hoes when you could literally do anything else?

Rando:*refering to hyde* That bastard likely terrorizes all the brothels in London.

Hyde (actually):*Doesn’t tip when at a restuarant* How terrible of me.

Gothic literature characters and how they’d watch Morbius (2022)

Dorian: Got gaslighted and watches it in theatres but starts regretting it by the 10 minute mark; starts gaslighting other people so he alone won’t be cursed with the experience.

Victor: Would buy a ticket to watch it in theatres because he got gaslighted by Dorian and got excited.

Dr. Jekyll: Says he’s not going to watch it but later secretly torrents it.

Dr. Griffin: Wouldn’t watch it but he’d publicly broadcast the movie as a stream to get donations.

Dr. Lanyon: You call yourself a friend, but where were you, when my meme had only four likes?

Dr. Jekyll: Making four accounts, bro.

Lanyon: Bro!

Dr. Faust: *is bitching with Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon in a highly complicated scientific manner*

Victor Frankenstein, who understands every word: Gentlemen, if you have to talk trash, why ca’t you do it normally?

Dr. Faust: Hush, kid. The doctors are talking.

Victor: …

Victor: Okay, first of all-

Dr. Jekyll: *screams*

Mr. Hyde: *screams louder to assert dominance*

Mr. Utterson, who just sees Jekyll screaming at a mirror: Should we stop this?

Lady Summers, who sees the whole thing: No, I want to see who wins.

Mr. Utterson: You know those things will kill you, right?

Dr. Jekyll, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.

Dr. Lanyon, smoking a pipe: We’re trying to speed up the process.

Mr. Hyde: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*

*Dr. Jekyll, having a musical conversation with a masked Lady Summers inside a drug trip*

Lady Summers: *playing organ* Whyyyy, Doctor, whyyyy, have you held your true feelings inside?

Dr. Jekyll: I am scared of rejectiooon~
