#mr hyde

 ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho

¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho así que pensé en compartirlo con ustedes. Espero que les guste

Por cierto ¿alguien ya vio la portada del próximo capítulo? Omg D:

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 ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho ¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho

¡Hola, amigos! Había hecho este sketch para mí, por diversión nada más pero al final me gustó mucho así que pensé en compartirlo con ustedes. Espero que les guste

Por cierto ¿alguien ya vio la portada del próximo capítulo? Omg D:

Post link

Mr Hyde, killing people because they spoke to him :


My dear rat boy…

Rothko is one of the NPCs in a Homebrew RPG campaign I’m running! He only likes people begrudgingly, but loves his rat, Mr. Hyde, very very much.

I’m trying to get back into doing art for myself and I wanted to experiment with some more interesting coloured shading/lighting. I still have a lot to learn but I’m pretty happy with how this turned out!


Ranking gothic lit characters by the things they do instead of sleeping

(Note: This post is a joke, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is important)

11. Dracula: Being the worst

10. Robert Walton: Writing down everything Victor Frankenstein says

9. The Phantom (Erik): Stalking people, causing problems, working on an opera (Unrealistic, people are not actually productive when they stay up)

8. Jack Seward: His work (lame cause he’s bad at it), ignoring his emotions (realistic)

7. Utterson: Tracking down Edward Hyde (exciting)

6. Dorian Gray: Staring at his portrait (relatable, but lame), sinning (cool)

5. Griffin: Experiencing the consequences of his actions (relatable)

4. Johnathan Harker: Worrying about the vampires that are trying to eat him (exciting)

3. Adam Frankenstein: Reading Paradise Lost (cool), setting fires (fun!), starving in the woods (tragic)

2. Dr. Jekyll: Violence (fun!), being Edward Hyde (funner!)

1. Victor Frankenstein: Playing god (cool), angsting (realistic)

The whole idea of Mr. Hyde having hoes in any adaptation just seems funny to me. Like I know old people can still get some action but when you’re a man of science so focused on, well, science, do you really have time (or interest) to get hoes, at 50? Even with a new youthful body? Idk man. I’m sure he looks like a real unsettling casanova but why get hoes when you could literally do anything else?

Rando:*refering to hyde* That bastard likely terrorizes all the brothels in London.

Hyde (actually):*Doesn’t tip when at a restuarant* How terrible of me.

Now imagine you are Dr. Lanyon, you get a letter from your friend who you think has finally lost it, telling you to meet with this strange man over a life or death situation causing you to promptly break into a room with a locksmith after 2 hours for some chemicals and to take them to YOUR YARD, where the strange man proceeds to almost violently shake you, and has the most erratic shift of emotions in the span of 10 seconds.

Homeboy Hyde smiled, then burst into full blown salty tears and promptly returned to having a normal conversation with Lanyon, tears highly likely, still fresh on his face, as if he hadn’t just full on cried 1 second ago.

It’s the little things in this book.

Honourable mention:

Dr. Lanyon: Sir- (I say as if I was completely cool about it but I was actually very far from cool Lord what have I gotten myself into)

Alma Donovan: Edward, voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

Edward Hyde: *confused, because he knows Alma is gay* No, I don’t want to sleep with you.

Alma:Isthatwhat it means?! Oh, man, I had a really gross fencing instructor! O_o

Mr. Hyde: I can’t take it back, I paid in advance.

Dr. Lanyon: Can’t you get a refund?

Hyde: Well, no, I paid with nature’s credit card.

Lanyon: …

Mr. Utterson: … O_o

Lanyon: You never leave home without it.

Dr. Lanyon: Boy, I sure do love not having sex! :)

Mr. Hyde: Can’t relate, but you’re valid.

Dr. Jekyll: *screams*

Mr. Hyde: *screams louder to assert dominance*

Mr. Utterson, who just sees Jekyll screaming at a mirror: Should we stop this?

Lady Summers, who sees the whole thing: No, I want to see who wins.

Mr. Utterson: You know those things will kill you, right?

Dr. Jekyll, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.

Dr. Lanyon, smoking a pipe: We’re trying to speed up the process.

Mr. Hyde: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*

Lucy Harris: I’m having problems with a man.

Edward Hyde: Like “His dead body won’t fit in your trunk” problems, or “you like him” problems?

Lucy: “I like him” problems …

Hyde: Too bad. I would have actually helped you with the other one.
