#helena howard

The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so The Wilds lockscreensI tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so

The Wilds lockscreens

I tried my best to remove the logos while not messing up the images too bad so there might be slighty distorted parts in some of them

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I was thinking…Gretchen may possibly know things about some of the girls that could be used to blackmail them, they have done things that if caught could ruin their lives.

-Leah had a “releationship” with an adult

-Martha lied on the stand about her physiotherapist

-The cameras on the island caught Shelby and Tonis romance. Gretchen could show this footage to Shelbys dad

-The footage could also be used against Toni as a threat to hurt Shelby

-Dot mercy killing her father, that information getting out would most definitely ruin her life.

-Noras involvement in the experiment which seems like is unknown to everyone but Leah and Shelby could be exposed to her sister.

As for Fatin and Rachel I’m not entirely sure what could be used against them maybe we will find out in season 2.

‘The Wilds’ Season 2 Will Be Aired On Amazon Prime On 6th Of May 2022.

2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline(2018 - Josephine Decker) **2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline(2018 - Josephine Decker) **2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline(2018 - Josephine Decker) **2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline(2018 - Josephine Decker) **2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline(2018 - Josephine Decker) **

2019:20 — Madeline’s Madeline

(2018 - Josephine Decker) **

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