#herb correspondence



Use herbs in a pouch, or while cooking, and stir the mix or infusions to empower the spell to protect the home, any possessions, your workplace, and property. Use incense in sticks, cones, or as a powder incense and burn it on heated charcoal blocks and use a lighted incense stick like a smoke pen to write empowerments or symbols.

  1. Allspice- for money,passion,swift-moving,or urgent matters.
  2. Basil- for fidelity,prosperity,protection,and fear of flying.
  3. Chamomile(Roman) and Chamomile(German)- for healing,babies,children, animals,and reversing bad luck. It also helps to attract money and is helpful in family matters.
  4. Cedar/Cedar Wood- for healing,cleansing bad influences,negative thoughts,and harmony.
  5. Cinnamon- for passion,regaining money after loss, urgently needing money and psychic awareness.
  6. Dragon’s Blood- for fierce protection,anti-curse,any major enterprise, and male potency.
  7. Fennel- for travel,house sales,and moves. It helps to banish and  keep harm away from people,animals, and places.
  8. Frankincense- For wealth,courage,joy,career,success,and travel. Also used in formal rituals.
  9. Hyssop- For making a love commitment;healing;spirituality;all forms of protection, especially from psychic attack;and as an infusion to cleanse artifacts.
  10. Juniper- purifies homes; protects against accidents,thieves,and illness;and male potency.
  11. Lemongrass/Lemon- repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel.
  12. Lemon Verbena- For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
  13. Mint and Peppermint drives negativity from objects and places,and brings money, health,love, and success.
  14. Myrtle- For a lasting marriage,mature love, domestic happiness,property, and security.
  15. Myrrh- For healing,peace,purification,overcoming grief, and protection against evil.Can be used in formal rituals and in moon magic.
  16. Pine- Drives away harm from the home and family, especially newborn infants, cleansing negativity and malice, guarding property, and premises.
  17. Rosemary- For learning,love,fidelity,prosperity,and banishing malevolence.
  18. Sage- For longevity,good health,examinations,interviews,tests,protection of home and family,slow-growing prosperity, and wisdom.
  19. Sandalwood- For spiritual awareness and healing,leadership,justice, compensation,and sexuality. Can be used in formal rituals.
  20. Tarragon- The dragon herb,courage,and anti-bullying,and the shedding of old burdens,guilt,fears,and destructive relationships.
  21. Thyme- Psychically cleanses the home,possessions,vehicles and land,health, memory of past worlds,and drives away nightmares and phantoms of the night.
  22. Vertivert- For love, breaks a run of bad luck, protects against theft and negativity.

Hello All! I have compiled a very quick, and I no way all-inclusive, list of herbal and stone correspondences to help you with your New Year’s Resolutions! You can use these in your own spells, make yourself charms and talismans, or create a spell jar. So, without further ado…


Herbs – Allspice, Basil, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clover, Dill, Fennel, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Orange, Thyme

Stones– Citrine, Green Aventurine


Herbs – Apples, Apricots, Basil, Catnip, Chamomile, Coriander, Lavender, Lemon Balm,

Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Jade, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite,

Bee Pollen, Honey, Sugar, and most flowers will also boost love in spell jars!


Herbs– Angelica, Marjoram, Oregano

Stones– Amethyst, Jade, Yellow Jade


Herbs– Avocado, Catnip, Ginseng, Orange

Stones– Opal, Amber

Try adding flowers, too!

Banishing Bad Habits:

Herbs – Catnip, Dragons Blood, Onion

Stone –  Smoky Quartz
