#beauty spell


Hello my dears. With the Snow Moon on its way (and the long winter taking its’ toll on us) I figured it was time for a self-love bath. I am not the biggest fan of bath magick, but every so often a hot bath is needed…nothing feels better than hot water, the scent of lavender, and a glass of red wine. This can also be used in smaller proportions in a foot bath (fill a large salad bowl with hot water, just as nice!)

What you need:

Lavender Essential Oil (9 drops)

Epsom Salts (2 Cups)

Rose Petals (pink roses preferred)

Lavender Buds (optional)

Pink Candles (pink is for self-love..white is a good substitution)

What to do:

Mix the lavender oil and Epsom salts, making sure to mix/shake it thoroughly to spread the oil evenly. Fill your bath with your preferred water temperature. Mix in your Epsom salts evenly throughout the water. Add the rose petals or lavender buds, if you choose to. Light your pink candles and get into your bath. I suggest staying in for about 30 minutes!

While you are in your bath, smell the lavender and let yourself relax. Consciously pay attention to your muscles, allow yourself to melt…completely relax. Close your eyes, and visualize a warm, pink light surrounding you. If meditation is your cup of tea, repeat a mantra to yourself such as “I am beautiful” or “I choose to love myself”.

This small act of self-care will promote those feeling of self-love!

Please be safe, enjoy, and remember to love yourself!

(photo Credit:bath,lavender)

Hello my dears. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I have been working on creating a simple jar spell to help gather intent and help you reach the goal of your New Years Resolution. Now, I know New Years is not a Wiccan Holiday (Wiccans and other witches choose to celebrate New Years at varying times depending on tradition), but for those of you who choose to celebrate according to the calendar year, please enjoy this little spell!


**I find it easier to have the jar already completed before opening the circle. Just as when you make a wreathe or something that is time consuming, doing it all squatting in the dark by candlelight may be difficult. This, again, is up to you.

What You Will Need:

★ A Jar

★ Whole Bay Leaf (to write your wish/goal. Paper is a fine alternative)

★ A fireproof container to burn your leaf

★ Red Ink (red is to symbolize motivation)

★ An orange or red candle to burn to seal the jar (orange for attraction, or red for motivation)

★ Varying herbs or crystals to fill your jar. I have compiled a short list, which you can find here.

★ A Realistic New Years Resolution (read below).

** When you write your resolution, please keep in mind a few things. First being, always write it as a positive, just as you do when writing a sigil. For example, I will quit smoking as opposed to I won’t smoke. Also, please make your goal realistic. Your goal must be obtainable, something you know in your heart of hearts you will be able to make happen. If you are in need of money your goal may be I will get a job I love…not I will have 1 million dollars in the bank. Maybe someday, but not by the time 2018 rolls around. Many times, people give up on their goals because they set the bar too high.

What You Will Do:

★ 1 – Prepare your jar. Find a nice clean jar that you connect with. I like using mason jars, because I have about 5 billion from all the preserved goods we make. Keep in mind that the bigger it is the more you will need to fill it, though! Once you find your jar, fill it with all of the herbs and stones and other witchy things. You can use flowers, throw in honey to sweeten it up, or even glitter (I know you all love glitter). Make it speak to you.

★ 2 - When your jar is prepared, write your resolution on the bay leaf with your red ink. Remember to make it positive and realistic! When you have it written out, hold it in your hand and meditate. Your resolution is your mantra. Feel it filling you, visualize yourself reaching your goal. You know you can do it! When you feel that time is right, light your bay leaf on fire. Watch it burn, the smoke carrying your wishes to the cosmos, it will become a reality.


★ 3 – When your leaf is finished burning, collect the ashes and sprinkle them in your jar. Tighten your lid and pick your candle. Again, this can be red to motivate, or orange to attract. You could also use a candle that corresponds with your goal. Example: Green for money goals. Pink for love goals. Place your candle on the jar, and light it up. Meditate on your goal some more, try to think about the steps you will take to make it all possible.


★ 4 – When your candle is burned out, you have two options. Burry your jar somewhere on your property, so that you will attract those positive energies into your home. Or, if you are like me and need visual motivation, leave it on your altar or somewhere safe. You can look at it to remind your of your goal and keep you motivated. You can light a new candle on top of it every month to refresh your motivation and commitment.  You can give it a shake whenever you feel defeated. Whatever you choose, make sure it works for you.

❤ Happy New Year’s, my loves! I hope yours is happy, healthy, and magickal! ❤

Hello All! I have compiled a very quick, and I no way all-inclusive, list of herbal and stone correspondences to help you with your New Year’s Resolutions! You can use these in your own spells, make yourself charms and talismans, or create a spell jar. So, without further ado…


Herbs – Allspice, Basil, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clover, Dill, Fennel, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Orange, Thyme

Stones– Citrine, Green Aventurine


Herbs – Apples, Apricots, Basil, Catnip, Chamomile, Coriander, Lavender, Lemon Balm,

Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Jade, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite,

Bee Pollen, Honey, Sugar, and most flowers will also boost love in spell jars!


Herbs– Angelica, Marjoram, Oregano

Stones– Amethyst, Jade, Yellow Jade


Herbs– Avocado, Catnip, Ginseng, Orange

Stones– Opal, Amber

Try adding flowers, too!

Banishing Bad Habits:

Herbs – Catnip, Dragons Blood, Onion

Stone –  Smoky Quartz

hello wonderful witches,

i’ve made one post before about the financial complications i’m facing as a result of a large, grapefruit sized ovarian cyst that needs to be removed. my surgery is scheduled for april 16th, after which i will need to take 2 weeks off of work for recovery. neither one of my jobs offers paid sick time due to a legal loophole, so i am left with no supplemental income during my recovery.

i recently updated my shop with new items i’ve been working on, including grimoires, herbal booklets, and herbal ritual blends for as little as $3. every single item in my shop is under $10. if you are able to help in any way, i would appreciate it so much.

here is the link to my etsy shop!

support a chronically ill witch who sells her art to compensate for time off needed to recover from surgery!!

in an effort to make green witchcraft and herbal magick more accessible, i have created small illustrated booklets explaining the basics of the folklore, magick, and rituals associated with a few essential witchcraft herbs: mugwort, yarrow, and st. john’s wort!

each book lists a summary of the historical use of the herb, as well as its legends and folktales. a recipe, spell and charm how-to are all included in the book, as well as a packet of the herb itself.

these book + herb sets are $5 each in my etsy shop. click here to order!

A lot has been said about the value of inner beauty over outer beauty in our society, but let’s all be honest: it’s hard to go through life when you can’t look your reflection in the eye. Some of us, myself included, can’t just be content to have a good personality if the body housing it feels irreconcilable with said personality. So, here’s a spell for us!

On or behind your altar, set up a round mirror so you can see your reflection. Then, on your altar, arrange an opal and two green candles. Light the candles so that they warm and charge the opal, and by candlelight, stare deep into your reflection. In your mind’s eye, picture the transformation taking place, seeing every aspect becoming your ideal self.

Then, let the candles burn down and collect your opal. Carry it or wear it every day as you strive for beauty.


   ↳ Emoji spell: Having natural beauty.

Likes charge, reblogs cast!
