



Have you heard of ASMR? Goodnight Moon ASMR does an absolutely flawless job at a herbalist roleplay. I’m in love

June 21, 2021

Happy Litha friends! Spent the day making dream herb pouches for myself and my roommate and then outside to pick flowers for my room {mine}

June 10, 2021

Spent the last 2 days making my own little herb dictionary It’s my dream to live in a little cottage in the woods with a room full of herbs to use for tinctures or teas {mine}

Herbs and their magical uses

Cinnamon: love, happiness, money, prosperity.

Chamomile:throat chackra, money, peace, sleep, love, purification, meditation.

Mint: money, healing, strenght, power, luck, travel.

Rosemary: fidelity, purification, cleansing, memory, dreaming, atraction, love, against nightmares.

Cloves: good luck, prosperity, friendship, stop gossip, money.

Lavander: sleep, peace, long life, wishes, purification, visions.
