#horace horsecollar


Star Quacks Cast Part 1:

Here, as I promised you, the detailed list who will explain to you which Disney Characters will play the SW roles!

First all, I decided to named my mashup: Star Quacks, because “Star Ducks” already exists, and “Duck Wars” it’s the title of an existing videogame.

Also I decided to mixed some names (like Goldie+Padmé= Paldie, Drake+Han=Dran, ecc.), and to readapt the others (like Ludwig Von Drake+Obi Wan Kenobi= Obi Von Drake, Flintheart+Palpatine= Sheev Flintheart, ecc.).

I hope you’ll like like ;).

Disney Spooky “Boo!” Parade from Tokyo Disney Land.

Horace and Clarabelle in this event. There is soooooo cute!

(Horace is more timid than this picture)

Horace: Dude, I kissed Clarabelle.

Mickey: Whoa….I owe Ortensia so much money.

Horace: We came to investigate, catch bad guys and eat pie.

Oswald: Not necessarily in that order.

Horace: And it hasn’t been.

Oswald: No.

Horace: We started with the pie.

Oswald: Always.

Horace: What’s upsetting you?

Ortensia: He’s always using common phrases wrong.

Oswald: Oh, cry me a table, Ortensia.

Here is the official promo poster for Bounty Bros.!Bounty Bros is an au centered around the lives of

Here is the official promo poster for Bounty Bros.!

Bounty Bros is an au centered around the lives of Cup and Bendy, who grew up in the lives of trying pasts, Cup being a devil’s advocate and Bendy being a relative of Bounty Hunters. The city they come from has many cases of mysterious missing persons, underground bounty hunters, and the Devil’s Casino with the Devil’s Advocates getting people to sign their souls. Bounty Hunters are gunning for the Advocates. However, Bendy and Cup want to experience life as any normal young adult would but with that comes challenges and ties that have to be severed. Follow them as they take on things as serious as demons but as normal as a math exam!

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