#hot rails


So after 2&½ years , today marks day 50 . 50 days without using a needle to get high . Only smoking , and a hot rail here and there . It’s very different but I can say one thing that surprised me is that I don’t even crave it , not at all . Not to mention that I live in a house with 3 adults , and all of them use a needle to get high daily . & I’m perfectly fine when they use in front of me , it doesn’t make me want it , or crave it like I’ve heard other recovering addicts talk about . Anything is possible , and if you want it you just have to go out and get it/do it . I’m not saying that anyone is wrong for using or they way they use . Although sometimes things go a little too far & you look back and it’s been 2&1/2years of daily needle use and most of the time it was multiple times a day , of which the size of the shot was AT LEAST a half gram .

So anyways , 50 days clean of the needle my fellow tweakers , and damn proud . So cheers to that , bout to light up my torch and break in my new baby a bit more .

figured tumblers are already dead as fuck but I might as well post it here anyway, I’m tryna put myself out there and what not

send me some $$$ let’s have some fun
