#meth shot


Shoulder surgery yesterday… I’m not smiling anymore now that the nerve block has worn off…thank God for prescription Percocet.

Throwback slam video from a couple of years ago…I remember being so excited to do this shot that I accidentally pulled out the rig after registering it…rookie move, but I recovered quite nicely for take off.

This definitely wasn’t the smartest choice I’ve made…I broke weak and gave into the urge to use before I was officially off probation…now I have to pray that this doesn’t come back to haunt me…But damn!!! That was one of the MEANEST RUSHES EVER…I hadn’t touched this drug in over 6 months and halfway through that shot I could hardly see straight or keep my hand still…I had to pause for a minute and regain my senses a couple of times before I finally did the whole thing…

Found this in my drafts and figured I’d be breaking a tweaker law or something if I didn’t share with y'all…

And yep, this a TweakerSlut Original that I wrote exactly 7 days after getting out of jail last month…
