#house magick


here is a little ritual you can do to bring warmth, joy and harmony to a home to make it feel cozier and more welcoming. best done during a full moon, but you can do it any time. you will need:

☾ a small bowl of ceramic, wood or glass

☾ a clove of garlic(bringing warmth + togetherness to a home)

☾ a sprinkle of lavender flowers (tranquility and calm)

☾ a sprig of pine(home blessing, cleansing, grounding)

☾ a brown candle (home and hearth magick)

sit in the main area of your home. light your brown candle; sit comfortably on the floor or couch and meditate on the candle for a while. warm your hands with its flame.

set the offering bowl in front of the candle. take the garlic clove in your hands and visualize the way you want your home to feel: warm, lived-in and welcoming. warm the clove over the candle-flame briefly and set it in the bowl.

take your lavender flowers in your hands. close your eyes, take a deep breath and inhale the scent of them. let it calm you, as it will calm the energy of your home. place the flowers atop the garlic.

lastly, take the sprig of pine. use it like a wand; point it toward all four corners of the room you’re in. place it against your heart, and set it in the bowl.

whisper to the bowl: “may your magick bless this home with kindness and warmth.” blow out the candle; place the bowl on a windowsill, mantle, or coffee table for three nights. on the third night, sprinkle its contents outside your front door.


a stovetop potpourri is a wonderful way to fill your house with whatever energy you choose. water naturally has cleansing properties, and its vapor can carry the scent (and magick!) and fill a space entirely. this is a recipe for a potpourri with warm spices and herbs to cleanse your space and cultivate positive energy within it. best done during a new or waning moon. you will need:

☾ a medium-sized metal pot

☾ three cups of water

☾ three cups of apple cider (good spirits, home magick, blessings)

☾ bay leaf (purification, blessing the home)

☾ elderflower (house blessing and clearing negativity)

☾ orange peel (blessing and sunlight energy)

☾ pine needles (new beginnings, purification)

☾ anise (instilling calm, happy energy in a space)

☾ ginger (good health, protection, optimism)

fill your pot with the water and apple cider. put all your ingredients in; other than the one bay leaf, add each item in proportion to how much you like the smell + how much of its particular magick you want in your potpourri. 

set it on the stove on medium heat, and let it simmer for as long as you like, or until the water gets too low to simmer any longer. strain out the ingredients and bury them in the front or back yard, letting their magick rest on the foundation of your home. if you don’t have a yard, bury them in the soil of a houseplant.
