#house of feanor



Headcanons for the Feanorian Height Drama:

  • Maedhros is the tallest by a good margin. He never gets involved in any of the height fights, buthe’s secretly very glad of the ability to completely insult Curufin by pretending not to know how to talk to short people
  • Speaking of which, Curufin’s the shortest by a good margin. He’s, like, a mm less than Feanor, too, but he never agrees to this indisputable fact, not even when his dad got involved with a tape measure
  • Maglor’s not VERY Tall, but he carries himself with the poise of a performer so everyone thinks he’s taller than he actually is
  • Caranthir’s actually the second-tallest brother, except it doesn’t seem like it because Maglor walks Like That and Celegorm is alsoLike That
  • Everyone keeps forgetting it except for Caranthir, who hooks his chin over Maglor’s head when he wants to irritate him
  • Celegorm’sbroadbut not tall
  • Still taller than Curufin, though. And Celegorm does the same thing to Curufin as Caranthir does to Maglor, only Curufin got so pissed off once he rammed his head up and knocked out three of Celegorm’s teeth. 
  • The Ambarussa are almost equal to Celegorm’s height, but maybe like a hair thinner?
    • Literally a hair thinner. As in Celegorm puffs his hair up like birds do with feathers, and the twins don’t.
  • Nerdanel is actually only an inch or so taller than Caranthir, and is the perfect height for him to smother with a hug while in Aman. Yes, he’s the mother’s pet of the Feanorians
  • So the overall order from shortest to tallest is: Curufin -> Feanor -> Ambarussa -> Celegorm -> Maglor -> Caranthir -> Nerdanel -> Maedhros

Feel free to add!
