#stay safe and healthy


As I finish up the few requests I have and look into writing other ideas I’ve had scribbled down, do y’all enjoy oneshot type things or would a series be something you’d like to see?

askdeathandchocolate: Five ways you can keep yourself safe and healthy: 1. Wash your hands often for


Five ways you can keep yourself safe and healthy:

1. Wash your hands often for a minimum of 20 seconds! Soap and water is best, but hand sanitizer and isopropyl alcohol work fine in a pinch ;)

2. Try not to touch your face, especially if your hands have recently had contact with an unsanitized or foreign surface

3. If you have to go out, maintain social distancing, keeping at least 6 feet between people, and remember to keep your face covered!

4. Cover your coughs and sneezes

And, most importantly…

5. Monitor your physical and mental health. Mental health is just as important.

These are difficult times, and even if it can feel isolating, we are all in this together. Quarantine can easily take it’s toll on mental health, so please take care of yourselves. Make sure you know what resources are available to you, and if you ever need someone to talk to, we are always here. You are not alone.

Just because times are rough, does not mean it isn’t okay to take joy in things. So please, find something that makes you happy today.

Reblog for health awareness, but above all stay safe and take care of yourselves!!!!

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under the cut!theamazinghana said:i love your art like,,,,, a lot thank you! it makes me happy that

under the cut!

theamazinghana said:
i love your art like,,,,, a lot

thank you! it makes me happy that you do ;w;

amaterasuslovechild said:
i just found your blog and i LOOOOVE IT

aaaa thank you!!!

itsbrookeks said:
i just discovered your blog and i! love! your! art! so! much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *showers you aggressively with love*

thank you! *aggressively drowns in love*

redpixiesticks said:
this isn’t a question but your artwork is hot, like beautiful

hhh thank you sm! ;w;

Anonymous said:
do you like anything else other than bnha? not meaning to offense. excuse my bad english ^^

your english is perfect and no offense taken! i’m currently into haikyuu and obey me. remind me to draw them sometimes lol

Anonymous said:
I just wanna say that you’re art is so pretty and I absolutely adore it

thank you so much!!

Anonymous said:
um? your art???? i kiss that

kisses ur cheek! OR if ur not into that shakes ur hand respectfully

trinnkit said:
you’re art…. is so cute…..

aaa thank you! 

Anonymous said:
You’re art is great, amazing, beautiful, and I love your style in a way I’ve never loved other art. I’m still new to drawing and I hope that one day I’ll be able to make original art as perfect as yours.

oh my art is nowhere near perfect but thank you so much for appreciating my art, nothing makes me happier than knowing that i inspired someone ;w; good luck in your art journey ♡

Anonymous said:
I LOVE how you draw shinsou!! He’s so cute in your style And I live for todoroki in a mullet! The colors you use are amazing Your style overall is super beautiful!!

thank you!! i love drawing them so much esp todoroki in different hairstyles lol i’m glad you like them!

Anonymous said:
Your art is so gorgeous! Every time I see it it makes me !!!!

this ask makes me go !!!!!!

Anonymous said:
I love the energy and texture of your art, it’s so lovey

thank you! i love love love using textures to the point that i’m worried of overusing them. this is reassuring ;w;

Anonymous said:
are u gonna open commission anytime soon?

yes! i’ve just finished my last batch, i’m planning to open monthly commissions this quarantine. thanks for your interest!

Anonymous said:
I would definitely watch your speedpaints if you ever made one! Or if you streamed. I love your art!

oo thank you! maybe i’ll get around to making one c:

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(No longer active on Tumblr, but have always used this account as a mini-diary so might as well post

(No longer active on Tumblr, but have always used this account as a mini-diary so might as well post this on here.)

Dear Alien,

It’s so hard to believe that you’re gone. I’ve had such a hard time processing my emotions and I know I’m not the only one. You were an amazing person and you’ve impacted so many lives. I’m thankful you were such a big part of my childhood. I remember coming home everyday after school to watch you on YLBFB and you were always able to make me laugh and brighten up my day no matter how bad it was. Thank you. We miss you. Rest in peace. 

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