

I want to begin this with a huge, huge thank you to anyone who participated in, supported, of bought this zine! Without all of you this would have never been possible and I am still in awe of the results.

Total, this zine donated $383 to charity. Everyone was so generous and many of you donated more than the minim of ten which is just amazing!! Two hundred and forty-three dollars went to BLM and one hundred and forty to MEEMR.

Again, thank you all so much! I hope you enjoyed all of the art and writing that came out of the zine!!


Flash Sale!!

for a limited time, Humanity: a SWD: OM zine is available to buy again! to buy, go here!! this flash sale will remain open for the next three days, until march 13! all normal rules apply!!

tha flash sale is now ended, thank you to everyone who bought during it!! later today at some point i’ll reveal what the total donated was & all of that

Flash Sale!!

for a limited time, Humanity: a SWD: OM zine is available to buy again! to buy, go here!! this flash sale will remain open for the next three days, until march 13! all normal rules apply!!

Zine sales are now closed!! I has a blast working on this project and am still in awe over just how much support this project receive! Thank you all, both consumers and collaborator for being so generous and supportive!

Just a reminder that you have until the end of the month (this coming monday) to order a zine! tysm to those who ordered and donated to charity, it’s greatly appreciated!!

get over 60 pages of content for only ten dollars here!!



➳ diavolo x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)

➳ wc: .25k | rated g | m.list|angst

one of my pieces for the humanity zine, a charity zine i put together. you can buy it now @humanityobmz for only ten dollars, and receive a pdf with over sixty-five pages of content! act fast because orders close at the end of february!!

“Careful, my lord.” Diavolo starts, twisting to look at Barbatos even as he hates to tear his eyes away from you. “Don’t go getting too attached, now. You and that human lead very different lives.”

“I know,” Diavolo murmurs, turning to look at you once more. You’re laughing, and his heart pangs.

“But it’s hard,” he continues, “They’ve got this magnetic field that just draws me in.”

“Not only you,” Barbatos says wisely, eyes flickering over the brothers. “Be mindful of that, my lord.”

Diavolo follows his gaze to Lucifer, who’s watching you as well, a small smile curving across his lips.

Lucifer, feeling the eyes on him, tuned to Diavolo and raised his glass, crimson eyes flashing. Diavolo goes the same with his own goblet, swallowing. Lucifer had done so much for him in his time in the Devildom, had sacrificed so much, and Diavolo knew he’d be willing to sacrifice you for him if he even had the slightest idea Diavolo had become attached.

And that just wasn’t fair at all. So he’d suffer in silence, watch Lucifer slowly let down his walls and open up, and do his best to be happy for him.

After all, Diavolo had never been anything but a demon. Lucifer, though, he’d once been an angel, meaning he still had goodness inside of him. Goodness he and you both deserved.

Barbatos’ hand found Diavolo’s arm in a rare show of impropriety, giving him a comfortable squeeze. He’d manage. He always had.

leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own

this awesomely angsty ficlet is available in the zine, along with some awesome diavolo art that’s featured in this teaser:

Get Your Zine While You Still Can!!

Humanity Obey Me Zine sales end on at the end of February meaning you only have a few weeks to place your order! The zine is for charity, meaning 100% of proceeds will go directly to the charities, which areBlack Lives MatterandMission: Ending the Epidemic of Military Rape.

Both of these charities do immense good for the world and you can contribute to this good while also receiving over sixty-five pages of content, mostly never seen before! The zine features seventeen talented artists and writers who worked their buts off to make amazing works for the cause. To support them and the charities now, and receive a digital zine, all you have to do is donate a minimumof ten dollars to either of the charities or split between them.

The zine, which is centered on the theme Humanity, features romance, action, angst, fluff, and humor based around all of the characters, including the dateables! On top of that, every work that features MC is either gender-neutral or a sheep if it’s art.

Get the zine now! Click herefor in-depth buying instructions and here for links to the charities, and click here for the buyer form!


ALL OF ME (Solomon x MC)

It doesn’t matter who or what you are,

No one is safe from love.


Solomon had offered to drop you back to HOL (Asmo would never leave a party before midnight).

Halfway though, it starts raining. Quickening your paces, both of you scanned the area for some form of shelter from the downpour.

“MC, look there. That tree will save us, let’s hurry!” with that; he tugged you by the wrist, towards a huge twisted hellflower tree. You shoved your feet forward while your heart pulled itself along an invisible string. Eyes still glued to the spot where his hand held yours, you thanked the devil lords for the weather.

Keep reading

This just keeps getting better! Read the full piece in the zine!

Hi everybody! I wanted to give a huge, huge thank you to everybody who’s boughten the zine thus far! We’ve reached the hundred dollar threshold that my anonymous donor will match, but please don’t let that dscourage you for donating more than the minumum, which is ten dollars.

I’ve decided to put an end date on sales. They will end at the end of this month, Febuary 28th, so make sure to order your zine as soon as you can!

The zine features twenty-six different peices of art and writing with over sixty-five pages of content! It’s a total of seventy-two pages, and the zine PDF comes in full color, with amazing, mostly never seen before content!

All content is gnder-neutral reader as well, so if that was something you were concerned about, don’t worry!!

Some of the content has been posted:

All of Me|Musuem|Human Again|Love The, Hate Them|Liminal Humanity|Devilpoly and Arcade Night

And there are more teasers as well:

To buy the zine, you’ll need these links:

Ordering How-To|Buyer Form | Donation Links: BLM&MEEMR

And I should be all caught up on orders so if you haven’t recived your zine, please reach out to me and let me know!!


All of me (Solomon x mc)

It doesnt matter who or what you are…

No one is safe from love.

Genre: Fluff / Angst

A/N: This is my entry for humanity zine- an obey me zine. You can check it out here @humanityobmz
There are lot more fics as well as brilliant artworks in the zine too!

Chapter 1-

Another year, another human. He chuckled, as he saw yet
another new exchange student in RAD. He could see them
slowly settle in. The initial confusion, the thrill, the adrenaline ride, the curiosity, the idea of finding a purpose in a short fragile life, making reckless decisions and rushing to strike away at their bucket lists (‘things to do before I die’,
was it?) The fear of his friend Grimm reaper’s visit, the high
paced drumming of heart against its cage; their brain trying
to comprehend being in the one place we humans visit in
the afterlife?! Yes… He will be lying if he said he didn’t miss
being an average mortal again…

As a human he had done everything, a human could possibly want to do. Ruled the best cities, held the grandest feasts, amassed great wisdom and riches, killed and survived, saw everyone grow old and die.

And for what? All a moment from being taken away forever? Baring all of himself, bled
and bled; but he never held back all the swirling whirlwind
of love he had for his wives. And this, had irked many.

In cluding his god.

His sin?

Listening to his heart more than his god. ‘What a selfish God must he be. Maybe the big guy up there was almost a human too?’

Check out this awesome work!! It’s part of the Humanity zine, which you can by now for only ten dollars! Get it here!!


All of me (Solomon x mc)

It doesnt matter who or what you are,

No one is safe from love.

Genre: fluff/angst

A/N: This is my entry for obey me zine @humanityobmz by the brilliant @leviathans-watching. Check out the zine– it has many more stories and stunning art from your favourite writers and artists in the fandom!


Another year, another human. He chuckled, as he saw yet another new exchange student in RAD. He could see them slowly settle in. The initial confusion, the thrill, the adrenaline ride, the curiosity, the idea of finding a purpose in a short fragile life, making reckless decisions and rushing to strike away at their bucket lists (‘things to do before I die’, was it?) The fear of his friend Grimm reaper’s visit, the high paced drumming of heart against its cage; their brain trying to comprehend being in the one place we humans visit in the afterlife?! Yes… He will be lying if he said he didn’t miss being an average mortal again…

As a human he had done everything, a human could possibly want to do. Ruled the best cities, held the grandest feasts, amassed great wisdom and riches, killed and survived, saw everyone grow old and die.

Keep reading

This amazing work is part of the zine!! To buy now, for only ten dollars, go here!!

rubird–playsotome: This was my piece for @humanityobmz! This project was super fun for me and


This was my piece for @humanityobmz! This project was super fun for me and I’m super grateful to have had a chance to work with so many other talented creators on it! There’s many other amazing pieces in the zine so check it out!!

This absolutely amazing art piece is the cover for the zine, so if that’s not incentive to buy (for only $10!!) then I don’t know what will be! Buy the zine now!!

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