#lucifer avatar of pride


Mc: “I don’t know how you do that.”

Lucifer: “Do what?”

Mc: “Make everything sound like a threat. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively tryto sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.”

Lucifer: “That’s because you look and sound, like the human personification of a warm hug.”

‘Humanity’ Teaser - Writing & Art

If you’re in the mood to explore Diavolo’s character then this art by @lilifire and writing by @leviathans-watching will no doubt help with that!! Both pieces are absolitely stunning, and to check them out, preorder the zine now!!

Lucifer low key looks like a priest. That big white band kinda makes me think of a clerical collar

Mc: the holiday season doesn’t truly begin until those sprite cranberry commercials start playing

Beel: what’s sprite cranberry?


Lucifer: Why have I gotten a bill for 300 cases of sprite cranberry?

Mc and Beel:

Lucifer: I’m sorry but I’ll have to reschedule our plans for today Diavolo called for me

Mc: fine but let me tell you this I ain’t ever seen two pretty best friends


soft focus

or: lucifer, and the frozen moments that hold you close to him.

*sigh* look. when i started writing, this was supposed to just be a cute little something about lucifer being all soft and sweet on you! somehow i’ve ended up with some sort of weird character study about pride instead… oi, what do you mean, “i’m projecting”? gn!reader, angst to fluff, blood mention and the tiniest bit of (tasteful) body horror in the middle. heavily inspired by chet baker’s “my funny valentine”. lucifer seeing the world through a very particular lens in 1800 words or less.


there are no pictures in lucifer’s study.

asmo goes on at him about how “honestly, lucifer, you spend half yourlife in here… you ought to at least make it look nice!”. he’s probably right, but lucifer always dodges the issue and shoos him out before he can suggest something like that ridiculous floral monstrosity that seems to consume most of asmo’s room.

and okay, fine, maybe his office is a bit plain, but it’s not a bad place to be, as long as your name isn’t mammon. tastefully decorated and understated in its richness, those soft, plush furnishings, that lovely dark wood - all lovingly chosen, all part of lucifer’s carefully cultivated image. he’s prince diavolo’s right hand man, first of the seven lords of the devildom, the avatar of pride. it stands to reason that his study should reflect that, right?

Keep reading

@devildomwritersposts@ice-icebaby@amor-immortalem@absolutepokemontrash@raentaro@demonfamilytherapist check this out!

This is one of the most beautiful pieces I’ve read about Lucifer. I was smiling so widely when I read about him framing photos of his brothers and friends up. I can see him hunched over his desk in his grandpa glasses carefully cutting up pictures from magazines in my mind ☺️

Lucifer rarely shows affection, which is why it is so heartwarming for me. More than moments with MC, I look forward to seeing Luci get soft and gooey for his family. ❤️✨


[ cw: heavy angst, mentions of physical and mental abuse, mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts, please seek help if you experience anything like this]


Mammon angst alert. I had this idea that I absolutely had to share. If anyone likes it enough to elaborate it, then do tag me in your wonderful works!

The brothers had been major A-grade assholes to Mammon for centuries before MC showed up, and even then they didn’t tone down on the insults. So what if…he had been contemplating suicide for a long time back then? 

The punishments and humiliation were taking their toll on him. The wound Lilith left on his heart was picked upon everytime like a gaping hole blazing around the edges. It should have been me. She could’ve made them much happier. Was all he could think about for days’ end. None of his brothers could even stand in a single room without tearing into him or each other. As much as it disgusted and repelled him to admit it, he missed the warm peaceful days in Celestial Realm. Michael’s punishments were nothing compared to this hell he had been abruptly thrusted into. Back then his family was complete, still a family. Now they were just strangers under a roof.

So in a last desperate attempt to escape the mind-numbing cycle of his life, he decides to end it. For once and for all.

He even recorded his last message on a cursed record so that Lucifer could hear it; he left it at the back of his collection. He had the time, method and place all prepared so no one would be able to interrupt. In fact, he was going to go for it after school the day Diavolo introduced the exchange students. (That’s why he could have been upset, because Lucifer slapped babysitting duties on him??)

He’s upset, but he has to act normal. He knows no one cares about him, but he still can’t risk arousing suspicion and discovery. He gives the human a tour, drops them off at the House of Lamentation, and scares them off for good. Doesn’t matter if Lucifer’s going to be pissed at him, he’ll be gone for good by then.

When he arrives at his private bungalow, he makes sure to lock all doors and windows with powerful spells before sitting down on the couch. He’s staring at the fistful of poisonous pills in his hand, vaguely recalling that even half of one is fatal for lower demons. Many should do the trick, right? He’s staring and staring, but his arm doesn’t raise upto his mouth.

Just then, something wet drops on top of them. A tear. 

Then another. 

And then they don’t stop streaming down his cheeks.

He can’t do it. And he doesn’t understand why. 

He knows that there is nothing left for him to live for anymore, knows that none of his brothers would give a rat’s ass about him. They wanted this, for all he would know. And if he loved them so much, then why couldn’t he grant them this wish?

He puts the pills back and curls up on the plush sofa, feeling a muddle of emotions as he cries until his throat bleeds raw. Useless. Pathetic. Can’t even do one thing right.

He passes out like that, dreaming of the bright fields in Celestial Realm where he used to frolic with Lilith. Dreaming of her wide bright smile and her dazzling emerald eyes when she told him that he was the best brother she could ask for. At temporary ease that at least someone still loved him, even if it was just in his memories.

  • Okay we’re switching to bullets now
  • Time skip to the game’s events
  • He saw his family slowly become whole again in front of his eyes, and after what felt like an eternity the warmth of hope bloomed inside his chest
  • MC was a huge blessing in his life as well, their love and constant support helping him get better by himself
  • Slowly and steadily he reached to a point where even though he felt hurt by their words, he no longer wanted to give up on his life
  • Once he garnered enough courage, he trashed the pills
  • But he wasn’t sharp enough, because the cursed record completely escaped his memory
  • And one fateful night Lucifer accidentally came across it
  • He was getting bored of doing monotonous paperwork so he decided to put on some music
  • His fingers found his usual taste but then his eyes landed on something out of place
  • A new record, in a transparent plastic cover labelled ‘For Lucifer, From Mammon’ 
  • Chuckling mentally and thinking it was his little brother’s way of apologizing for breaking the record that was previously there, Lucifer pulled out the cover and put it on

[ Reblog with what you think will be the message on the record and I’ll upload the next part! ]


The Older Brothers and MC after an argument


  • You both would be ignoring each other for the next days, depending how intense the fight was.
  • Usually, after a week or so, you guys would quietly seek each other’s company,
  • silently sitting in the same room, or “accidently” bumping into each other in the hallways.
  • Lucifer however, he would never admit that he wants to be around you. He’s way too filled with pride.
  • You on the other hand, you couldnt care less.
  • If you want to be near Lucifer you just go to him, even when you guys dont talk with each other.
  • And thats how you end up sitting on his desk, glaring daggers at him.
  • The demon infront of you tries to ignore you the best he can, but you are literally sitting on his paperwork.
  • He didnt tried to move you either, Lucifer just pulled the papers away from under your butt.
  • “So you’re going to ignore me all week huh?,” you finally spoke up, glaring at him even harder, if thats even possible.
  • Lucifer just kept a blank expression and glimpsed at the paper in his right hand, not making any attempt to talk to you.
  • “Listen here you little-”
  • In the end he finally gives in and apologizes to you, admitting he missed you.
  • He will definetly make up for the lack of physical contact.


  • It doesn’t matter who started the argument, Mammon will always be the first to come to you.
  • He is far too attached to you.
  • If you made him angry, he ignores you for a day at most, but he quickly realizes how much he misses you.
  • He is quickly irritated when his brothers call him out on it and he can’t help but feel very jealous when he sees you with them.
  • So, he eventually barges into your room and finally crushes pulls you in his arms.
  • “Dumb human, keeping me waitin’ for ya”.
  • But if you should be the one angry with him, it is a bit different.
  • He roamed through your room once again and thought it would be a good idea to sell your jewelry.
  • It wasn’t the first time you’ve caught him at it, and your patience was running thin.
  • For a whole week he followed you around begging for forgiveness, but you ignored him.
  • Even at breakfast he wouldn’t leave you alone, and because you were sitting next to him you were out of luck.
  • Be ready to get poked in the sides-
  • When you finally entered your room without Mammon sticking to you, you noticed a jewelry box on your table.
  • Next to the box was a note that said “Forgive me”, and then realization hit you.
  • He had bought you everything new, even a few more things than you had missed.
  • “Please don’t ignore me anymore, I can’t stand it,” spoke a voice behind you, and when you turned around you saw Mammon looking at you sadly.
  • A blush spread over his cheeks as he closed his eyes. “I miss ya”.
  • Well now you’re the one running into his arms-
  • Lots of cuddling afterwards :).


  • As strange as it may sound, you guys almost never fight.
  • Leviathan and you always perfectly enjoyed each others presence, and your interests also seemed to mach. So no problems here, right?
  • Well, that changes when Levi’s envy comes in.
  • You always told him, he shouldnt summon Lotan when his emotions are going wild, but he wont listen.
  • And now you stand here, fully soaked in water and the whole staircase is ruined.
  • Leviathan sobbed and apologized to you, goddamn it was the third time it happened this month.
  • “I just got so angry seeing Mammon receiving that figurine I’ve always wanted without even caring about it! He just selled it off somewhere- Do you know how badly I wanted it?!”.
  • He hid his face behind the back of his hand and glared at the ground “And on top of that he never gave me back my-”
  • “Leviathan”you spoke lowly “By the time I count to three, you will be gone from my sight”.
  • And in that Moment he realised how he fucked up.
  • You locked yourself inside your room and calmed down a little, not wanting to hurt him with any mean insults.
  • Leviathan was in his room aswell, really sad about how angry he made you and down talking himself (the usual stuff).
  • In the end, you somehow ended up inside his room and apologized for being so harsh on him
  • He apologized as well and you guys ended up playing video games or watching anime,
  • as always.
  • If you’re lucky, you get to cuddle with Leviathan without him almost passing out.

MC: *phone rings*

Levi: *looks at who’s ringing*

Levi: “daddy?” you still call your dad that?



MC: *answers phone*

MC: What’s up Lucifer?

Levi: *chokes*
