#hypersexual positivity


Your sexual desires and arousal are not gross! They are not something you need to pack away or be ashamed about or hide! Don’t hide yourself!!! You’re all of you, you don’t need to be ashamed of any of you.

If you’re feeling down, go find something easy to do, to boost your confidence! Something you’re good at, or something you’ve never tried but it’s easy to learn! Remember, you’re awesome, and you’re good at things, and you’re worth a lot. Have a happy day, and if you feel like it, reblog and tell me about something you did today, or you learned, or just a hobby you’re really fond of! I’d love to hear.

If you ever feel broken or defeated, remember, everyone is broken, and defeated. That doesn’t make you any less of a person, any less amazing, and any less important to the world.Your brokenness does not define you.

HeyBDSMcommunity,pleaseusesafewords!!! In fact, anyone who’s sexually active, use them safewords!!!



In other news, no kinkshaming, unless your kink is something that could get you or your partner(s) seriously hurtorkilled!!! Or jailed, try not to go to jail if you can help it.

Have a happy happy day!~

Always remember to set boundaries! Boundaries are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Respect boundaries, both OTHERS’andYOUR OWN.


It makes youfeelbetter, too.

Do not continue a cycle of abuse!

Do not abuse!

Do not let yourself be abused!

You are better than that!!!

Have a happy day

Say it with me everybody!!!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Past!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Problems!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Body!

You! Are! More! Than! You! Think!

Rejection is not the end of the world! Other people will like you. It’s not because of your past, or your now! You may just not be a good fit. Don’t take it personally! I know it’s hard to be rejected, especially by somebody you like, but trust me… There will be someone out there.

One!!! Change!!! At!!! A!!! Time!!! Don’t overwhelm yourself, you can only handle so much self-improvement at once, my friends!
