#i hate tags


HOLY SHIT - IT’S HERE, the first chapter of my @aftgbigbang story -  

The Story After You 


Andrew Minyard does not understand how Riko Moriyama landed Neil Wesninski.

How the snot-nosed, small dick, rich brat, second son of the Moriyama family who also just so happened to own the largest EXY gear and merchandiser company in the world “RAVEN” - had landed smart mouthed, quick witted, stupidly blue eyed Wesninski, was beyond him. Well, unless Wesninski was a gold digger, but Andrew doubted it.


Or; how Andrew Minyard says he doesn’t get into messy situations, until he meets Neil and suddenly he is in the messiest, possible situation ever imagined - oh and also, he might be becoming a homewrecker.

Please check TW before reading.

There will also be a lovely art piece done by @sleepingnerd (@olivdoodles) as well soon! You’ll have to wait to see it :)

back at it again with oc art that no one will fucking notice

These are essentially just to prompt thinking about how things may work in a society with alpha/beta/omega dynamics.

Notes:very loosely organized by category and continuity, and there will most definitely be quite a bit of overlap  between sections; most definitely not comprehensive

Warnings: references to pregnancy and consent/non-consent

Gender will be separated from “sex” (for lack of a better word). (so there are three separate axises, dynamic, gender, and “sex” if that makes sense)

Poster is not transgender, intersex, non-binary, or asexual, and doesn’t wish to speak for or offend any of these communities.

(from the poster: some delicate topics may be discussed, please let me know if anything is offensive or inaccurate, should be said differently, or needs to be changed in general)

Please read the examples where they’re provided because the questions may not make sense or be clear.

Originally posted on a Discord server.


How would dynamics work?

How common would each dynamic be?

    Would alphas and/or omegas be more common than betas? Or would betas be more common?

Would omegas/alphas only bear/sire children during heats/ruts?

How much control would an omega/alpha have during their heats/ruts? (for example: an omega has to stay home and can’t control themselves vs. an omega can continue to go about their business without much change)

Will betas, as a dynamic, exist?

Would there be more dynamics than just the traditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics? (for example: omegas have heats and bear children, alphas have ruts and sire children, betas don’t have heats or ruts, and a fourth dynamic have both heats and ruts)

Would inter-dynamic individuals exist?


How would “sex” work?

What would differences in “sex” be? (so how would they differentiate between different “sexes”)

Would you change the female/male system at all? (for example: only omegas have a uterus/eggs and only alphas have testicles/sperm, so this system doesn’t apply)

Would females/males bear/sire children at any time (regardless of dynamic)?

How would intersex individuals work?

Dynamic and “Sex” Intersection

How would dynamics and “sex” interact?

Would dynamic or “sex” be more important?

Would only one “sex” have dynamics? (for example: all females are betas and all males are alphas/omegas)

How would children be conceived?

    Would fertility be affected by differences in dynamic or “sex”? (for example: omega females/alpha males get extra fertile during heats/ruts)

        Omega males vs omega females? Alpha males vs alpha females? Omega males vs alpha males? Omega females vs alpha females?

        How would betas fit into this?


Notes: If someone can only bear children during a heat, there’s no reason for a cycle outside of that. If they can get pregnant outside of heat, they would continue to have a normal one.

How would menstruation work?

    Would all omegas menstruate?

    Would omegas menstruate right after heats?

Notes: it will be assumed someone who can bear children will have ovaries/a uterus/eggs and someone who can sire children will have testicles/sperm

How would anatomy work?

    Would an omega male/alpha female be intersex?

Are different senses enhanced? (for example: pheromone scenting is common)

    If scents are important, does each person have a unique scent?

If betas exist, how would they work biologically?

    Would they be fertile? Or when would they be fertile?


How would gender norms work? (for example: women aren’t stereotyped as peaceful homemakers)

Would gender norms matter?

How would clothing be traditionally coded? (for example: skirts aren’t coded for women and it’s normal to see men wearing them in everyday life)

How would transgender and non-binary individuals work?


How would relationships work?

    How would relationships work dynamic wise? (for example: it’s more common to have cross-dynamic relationships)

    How would relationships work gender wise? (for example: homosexual relationships are accepted at the same level as heterosexual relationships)

    Would dynamics or gender be more important when it comes to acceptance by society?

Would sexual or romantic orientation exist? (for example: someone can be attracted to only alphas sexually or someone can be attracted to only women romantically)

How would asexual or aromantic people work?

How common are polyamorous relationships?

    If so, how would it work? (for example: triads are more common than couples)

    How does society view polyamorous relationships?


Would mating bites be possible?

    Would all dynamics be able to give and/or receive mating bites?

If pheromones can be sensed, will they change when mated? (so people can tell someone’s mated and/or who they’re mated to)

Is it possible to form bonds?

    Do bites have to be consensual to form bonds?

    Would a bond favor one dynamic? (for example: one dynamic is able to control/influence the other through the bite)

    Would there be a mental bond? (for example: mates can sense things about each other’s physical/emotional states)

    Can bonds be broken or allowed to fade, or are they for life?

        If bonds can be lost, can someone bond again?

    Do bonds fade after someone dies?

How would bonds work in practice?

    Can more than one mating bite be given and/or received?

Are mating bites/bonds always sexual?

Are there soulmates?

    How can soulmates recognize each other?

    How obvious would soulmates be?


Notes: for all of the questions (even the ones that don’t apply) consider what kind of effect they will have on society and how they’ll be perceived.

What would stereotypes be/how would society work?

Are some dynamics more restricted in where they can work?

Would one dynamic be more dominant or aggressive?

Would there be black markets for suppressants/contraceptives/etc.?

How would asexual and aromantic individuals work?

Would some dynamic and “sex” intersections be viewed differently? (for example: omega males and alpha females can be, in general, looked down on by society)

How would different cultures view different dynamics differently?

Are packs part of society?

Remember to consider how these answers would interact with each other and human nature because all of these will mean different things for your world depending on what they value. (for example: society will value different things if alphas and/or omegas are more common than betas)

This is incomplete, more questions, comments, and ideas are welcome

Poster has many ideas that wouldn’t make sense here. Feel free to message me to talk!! (or if you find anything I said confusing lol ❤️️)
