#i miss them



Let’s talk about the fact that the first time Tessa met Will, she saw him as a fictional hero of the books she read and had come to imagine in her mind what these heroes would be like, and he was the living image of those thoughts.

Art: @smoustart

i’ve been feeling very uninspired lately art-wise my focus has mainly been on bass and avoiding responsibilities

Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85Sunmi packsSuggested matching colors1st pack: #786D7E2nd pack: #7A3B2A3rd pack: #DB8F064th pack: #85

Sunmi packs

Suggested matching colors
1st pack: #786D7E
2nd pack: #7A3B2A
3rd pack: #DB8F06
4th pack: #85717D
5th pack: #9A281E

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His face here .. I can’t ❤️

#Norman #Melissa #Daryl #Carol #Caryl #love #socute #lovethem #soulmates #endgame #always


This is the story of my senpai and I. Tomorrow, that story will continue.


Missed me, jerk?



Personal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8. The rescue mission aboard the Dirac provedPersonal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8. The rescue mission aboard the Dirac proved

Personal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8.

The rescue mission aboard the Dirac proved more challenging than expected even after Michael’s successful (and death-defying) Hail Mary. Because of the significant damage sustained by the outer hull, we may have to tow the ship home with most of her crew aboard the Shenzhou.

Saru is not ecstatic about the idea. The crew is accomodating but already cramped.

On the bright side, Michael discovered naps.

[Image 1 description: a digital drawing of Michael Burnham and Philippa Georgiou from the chest up against a plain orange background. They are sitting side by side, wearing their uniform. Michael is resting her head against Philippa’s shoulder, while Philippa is leaning on the top of Michael’s head. Their eyes are closed and their faces relaxed. End description]

[Image 2 description: a close-up of the first image, focusing on Michael and Philippa’s faces in rest. They are relaxed, bathed in soft orange light. End description]

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quickie of som cuties

quickie of som cuties

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rosedosed: Cant think of a witty caption I just love them


Cant think of a witty caption I just love them

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Sometimes it’s hard to express me and come out of my shell, but I want you to know that I have feelings for you. Oh, darling, I love you; but I don’t know how to tell you. Maybe I haven’t experienced such tenderness before. Maybe I’m scared. Maybe I can’t… But… I’ll try
